Sabotage operations - the most efficient ways to cripple the current Western European multiculturalist regimes
Primary military objectives of the PCCTS, Knights Templar:
1. Shock attacks (assassinations included)
2. Sabotage attacks
Before we start discussing strategies for sabotage we have to agree on the foundational premise for the valuation of sabotage over shock attacks.
A regime, in our case all the cultural Marxist regimes of Western Europe, cannot be defeated without devastating/paralyzing the fundament of the regime. The primary fundament of a regime is its economy. Of course, a shock attack will contribute to weaken a regimes economy but specific and advanced sabotage missions aimed at weakening a regime economically is an essential requirement in order to eventually defeat it. No regime in history has ever been overthrown before it has first been considerably weakened through multiple shock/sabotage attacks. The reason is that the people will not rise and fight for their ideals as long as we live in economical prosperity. The various Western European armed resistance groups basis for existence is to keep recruiting. As long as a society has a thriving economy this will be literally impossible due to the fact that the regime would be able to keep the unemployment rate at a minimum. We will struggle with recruitment in the first decades of the civil war, phase 1 – 2010-2030, but as the national economies are gradually crippled (primarily through decreasing national cohesion, allowing China to join the WTO/globalisation, radicalisation of Muslims and other factors) we will experience an increasing recruitment rate due to increased EU unemployment rate. The people of Europe will be willing to stand up and fight for their principles when they are already suffering. As such, it must be a priority to contribute to cripple the cultural Marxist regimes economies further through our emphasis on sabotage operations, using any and all means available.
We have covered the importance of shock attacks in other chapters. The most efficient shock attacks are successful operations launched against the cultural Marxist category A and B traitors themselves targeting government buildings, media HQs and other concentrations of cultural Marxist/multiculturalist elites. Alternatives include assassinations. The primary purpose of shock attacks is not necessarily to cause as much infrastructure/personnel damage as possible (with the exception of harming as many category A and B traitors as possible) but to rather sow terror in the hearts of our enemies and everyone supporting them, thus inflicting massive ideological damage.
An equally important task will be sabotage missions. The primary purpose of sabotage missions is to cause system disruptions or contribute to gradual but devastating economic losses to the cultural Marxist regime. The most potent and efficient way of doing this is to select targets and use means that will trigger secondary reactions and effects. These secondary reactions/effects can be f example pollution/oil spills (requiring extremely expensive cleanup operations), damage on the electricity or communications net.
The common factor for both types of operations (shock or sabotage) is that we must keep civilian casualties at an absolute minimum.
Before you start your research in potential sabotage targets you must study historical cases (accidents/attacks):