| Stylistic Function.Arnold: Stylistic function is a stylistic potential of interaction of language means in the text providing the expression not only the bare content of the text but also emotive, evaluative, expressive and esthetic information it contains. Function is a role that some word groups play in structures of a higher level. Stylistic function is the interdependence between the second-type information and the text structural components. Style is a reflection of the perception of the world which is always subjective. Emotive, expressive and evaluative connotations of language units play the major part in the realization of a stylistic function. There are no complete classifications of stylistic functions nowadays. Most scientists single out characterological (õàðàêòåðîëîãè÷åñêóþ), descriptive, emotive and evaluative functions. Considering stylistic function of language means in pragmatic aspect we take into account emotions and attitudes which the author expresses. Feelings can be different: scorn, respect, admiration, irritation, etc. The situation of the communication can be seen as solemn, intimate, official, etc. There may be no direct connection between the SDs and the stulistic function as SDs can perform different functions. Inversion, for example can create either a high-flown or ironic effect depending on the context. Hyperbole may be tragic and comic, pathetic and grotesque. Peculiarities of a stylistic function: 1) accumulation – the same mood or feeling is expressed by different means. Such abundance intensifies and directs the reader’s attention. (a foregrounding according to the type of convergence). 2) as SF can be guided by connotations, associations and implications of words and forms, it can act in the implication. (ïîäòåêñò) 3) irradiation – a long statement can include one or two high-flown words and the whole statement will sound high-flown and vise versa. When analyzing a text attention should be drawn to stylistic colouring of vocabulary. Stylistic coloring is characteristic of the words that have their typical sphere of use – sphere that is associated with them. Stylistic colouring depends on the language division into certain subsystems that are called functional styles of language. Stylistic colouring shouldn’t be confused with stylistic function. The first belongs to the language, the second – to the text. Stylistic function has a contextual nature. The SDs that it comprises help the reader to single out the most important things and moreover they prevent the text perception from distortion. Stylistic function prevents the reader from misunderstanding the text. Stylistic function should be also distinguished from a SD. A SD functions at one level : tropes are characteristic of the vocabulary, figures – of syntax, etc. Stylistic function refers to higher levels, for instance, the imagery level, but is composed by different levels. There is no scientific theory of the stylistic function yet. Galperin: -.
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 5623