Complete these statements with a term from A opposite.
1 Afontconsists of three elements: typeface, type style and type size; for example Arial
bold at 9 points.
2 Notice that when you get to the end of each line, Word starts a new line automatically. It moves the word you are typing to a new line when it enters an invisible margin running down the right-hand side of the screen. This feature is called word wrap
3 Find and replace lets you find a word and change it into another word
throughout the text.
4 A good spell checker program can be used not only to rectify accidental spelling
mistakes and typing errors, but also to speed typing input.
5 Many word processors include a thesaurus, so you can look for words with similar meanings.
6 The toolbar contains a row of icons that perform particular actions when clicked.
7 Layout a paragraph involves moving your writing in from the margins of the page. For
example, a left indent is the distance between the left margin and the text.
You and computers
Type the letter or copy it from the
website to your word processor. Then
edit it by making these changes.
Use Times New Roman at 10 points.
Insert these phrases in the correct places:
a Yours sincerely
b if you require any further information
ñ Please find enclosed d Dear Mr Vazquez
f We would be pleased to
Align the sender's address to the right.
Insert this email address below the fax number:
Change Cobra Ì2 to italic style and Mercury Warranty to bold style.
Insert a company logo and a picture of a robot; you can download them from the Web.
Check the spelling.
Mercury Robots 49 Charles Place London SW10 6BA
Phone 020 7385 1541 Mr Vazquez Fax 020 7385 1390 Alonso Cano, 52 Madrid
(1) Dear Mr. Vazquez,
Thank you for your interest in Mercury industrial robots.
(2)Please find enclosedsome descriptive leaflets with the technical details of six robots — Cobra and Hercules models. I would like to draw your attention to the Cobra Ì2 which is designed for arc welding.
The prices shown in our leaflets are net, but we offer discounts by negotiation. Mercury Warranty provides 2-year coverage.
(3) We would be pleased todeliver one of our robot systems on approval, for your inspection.
Please do not hesitate to contact us (4) if you require any further information.
I look forward to hearing from you again soon. (5)Yours sincerely