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Fill in the Future Simple, the Present Simple or the Present Perfect.

Future time

1. Complete the conversation using will/won’t, shall/shan’t, going to/not going to and the verbs given at the end of the lines. The first is given as an example.

Rosa Hi, what are you doing this evening? do

................. I............ (1) round? come

Maria Not this evening. I ............. (2) busy till late be

Rosa When do you think it............ (3) convenient for me to pop round? be

Maria Well,............ we ................. (4) the date? check

Have you got your diary handy? Now, let’s see. Today is

Tuesday the 20th so tomorrow ................... (5) Wednesday 21st. be

I .......... (6) so busy tomorrow – what about you? Do you think be

you ............. (7) free? be

Rosa I ...................... (8) my dentist tomorrow. Is Thursday OK? see

Maria Yeah. I think that ................(9) fine. be

Rosa OK. What time ............. I ........................ (10) round? come

Maria I ............... (11) the house at all on Thursday so I don’t think leave

it ............ (12) a problem, whatever time you come. be

Rosa That’s fine.

Maria And ........... you .................. (13) the manuscript with you? bring

Rosa Don’t worry. I ............. (14) it. forget

Maria OK. I ................... (15) you Thursday then. Cheers. see

2. Complete the sentences using be going to, will, the Present Continuous or the Present Simple. Use the verbs in brackets.

1) Look, that car over there ................... (crash)!

2) I can’t come tonight because I ................ (stay in) to watch TV.

3) The Prime Minister ..................... (travel) to Brussels tomorrow.

4) The match ..............(start) at 3 pm as always.

5) Don’t worry about the car; I ............ (phone) for a taxi.

6) Nina often .............. (visit) her parents.

7) I ................. (be) reach one day!

8) According to my diary, we .................. (meet) at 3 pm tomorrow.

9) We ................. (win) the European Cup next year.

10) The National Theatre ................. ( celebrate) its thirtieth anniversary.


Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable form of the future.

1) “What ................. you ............... this evening?” (do) “Nothing.”

“Well, ..............we .................. to that new pizzeria?” (go)

2) In 2004 the Olympic Games ................... in Athens. (take place)

3) Which showing do you want to go to? The film ............ at nine and eleven. (start)

4) I .............. work at five – so shall we meet at a quarter past? (finish)

5) Seven o’clock isn’t possible as I ................. something else then. (do)

6) This lesson is boring. When ..................... it ......... to ...............? (finish)


Complete the pairs of sentences using the Future Simple, the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect. Use the verbs given in brackets.

a. .................... part in your play? You’re a really a good actor, we need you! (take)

b. I know you’re a keen member of the drama group. I suppose you .............. part in the play this year. (take)


a. I .................. in London next year, still doing the same old job. (be)

b. I ..................... in London for ten years by next June. (be)


a. By Friday, I .................. this new book by Marquez. (finish)

b. If I don’t have too much work this year, I think I .................. all of Marquez’s novels. (finish)


a. This time tomorrow Maria ................. on a bench in Majorca. (sunbathe)

b. I expect she ................ until she gets badly burnt – that’s what she did last year. (sunbathe)


a. Don’t make too much noise after midnight – I ................. soundly, I hope. (sleep)

b. Wake me up by nine o’clock – I ................... long enough by then. (sleep)


a. We ................... Australia later this summer. It’s a long flight. (fly)

b. It’s strange that when we get to Sydney, we .................. half way round the world. (fly)


a. Look I can give you a lift to the station – I .................... that way anyway. (drive)

b. You’ll be late for your train – I .................. you to the station if you like. (drive)


Fill in the Future Simple, the Present Simple or the Present Perfect.

§ My car is being repaired and I don’t know when it 1) will be (be) ready. I doubt whether I 2).................. (be able to) collect it before the weekend. I wonder if John 3) ..................... (give) me a lift to the party on Sunday. I’ll ask him when he 4) ..................... (come) home.

§ I was calling to ask if you’d like to go out after we 1)......................... (finish) work tomorrow or if you 2) .................... (want) to watch a video instead. Call me back as soon as you 3) ....................... (get) from in. I’ll wait until I 4) .................. (hear) from you.

§ I will leave the hotel early in case there 1) ...................... (be) a lot of traffic. I don’t know how long the journey 2) ................. (take) or what time the plane 3) ................. (land), but I 4) ...................... (call) you as soon as I 5) .................... (arrive) at the airport. Then, I will wait until you 6) .................... (come) to collect me.

§ Paula is drinking tea as she was waiting for Charles. She wonders if he 1) ................... (be) late as usual. She will wait until the clock 2).......................... (strike) five and then she will call him in case he 3) ..................... (forget).


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 5730

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Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example. | Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.
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