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B) Complete the sentences with phrases from 1a.

1. I don’t want to work at the same time every day. I’d like a job with … flexible working hours….

2. I like going to different towns and countries so I’d like a job with ……………….. .

3. If I am ill, do I get …………………. .

4. Teachers work very hard, but they often get ……………….. in the summer.

5. I’ve got a lot of ………………… . I like working with them.

6. Money is important to me so I’d like ……………….. .


13. Fill in the gaps with the positive or negative form of have to. Use the present simple or past simple.

1. Phil and Miriam get a good salary. They don’t have to worry about money.

2. Matt works for himself. He ……………….. get up early.

3. Leah and I can’t come this weekend. We ……………….. visit Leah’s parents.

4. I don’t have my own office. I ………………. share it with a colleague.

5. The company were very good to her when she was ill. They ……………….. give her sick pay, but they did.

6. I have three small children so I ……………… have flexible working hours.

7. In the UK students ……………….do at least six years’ training to become a doctor.

8. She ………………. Come to work today. Why is she here?


14. Read the article and put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or present continuous.

Top tips for finding a new job

1) …Are you looking … (look) for a new job?

Well, you 2) ………………. (read) this article so the answer is probably yes!

· Your CV 3) ……………….. (be) an adverb for you! I always 4) ………………… (ask) a friend to read my application forms or CV. 5) ……….. you ……….. (learn) anything new at the moment? I 6) ……………….. (study) Spanish. I 7) ……………… (not need) Spanish for my job, but it’s a useful language. And it looks good on my CV!

· Before interviews, I 8) ……………….. (try) to find out something about the company. Most large companies 9) ……………….. (have) websites. My daughter 10) ………………… (want) to work for Microsoft in the future and at the moment she 11) ………………… (read) a book about the company.

· I always 12) ………………. (arrive) five or ten minutes early for an interview. While I 13) ………………. (wait), I 14) ………………. (read) my notes carefully.

· In an interview, you 15) ……………….. (need) to listen very carefully and answer the questions honestly. And smile! It 16) ……………….. (help) you relax!


Read and explain the meaning of following words.

Job interview, apply to, available, busy, candidate, to contact, customer, experience, preference, shift, standards, tips (money), tourist, waiter.


16. .Read the following texts about important characteristic of a good teacher.

A good teacher

1. Friendly and nice.

One of the most important characteristic a good teacher can have is to be friendly and nice with his students. It is a plus point for a teacher, if his students can share their problems with him, without being afraid or hesitant. Students have always thoughts their teachers are their enemies. With this mentality, they can never be close to each other, and besides that how many teachers did you like who were NOT friendly, and were rather arrogant and rude?

2. Personality.

A good teacher should have a very good personality. Students always get attracted to teachers with good personality and characteristics which leads to better communication, understanding and ultimately good results. Everyone can have a good, decent, likable and presentable personality. Just dress sensibly good, smell good, and be a little gentle and kind. That's all.

3. Knowledge and Teacher’s education.

Another important characteristic of a good teacher is his knowledge and own education. As there is a saying that “a teacher is only as good as his knowledge is”. If he himself lacks in the knowledge of a certain subject that he teaches, he is never going to make a name for himself as a good teacher.

The teacher should take pride in her work and strive for excellence. She/he knows what to teach and how to teach it.

4. A good Communicator.

One of the very important characteristics of a good teacher is his communicating skills. He should be a very good speaker. This characteristic will benefit a teacher in several ways. For Example:

- If his communicating skills are good, he can convey his lectures with better skills and results.

- If a teacher is a good speaker, his class strength increases automatically. People love to hear a person who can speak well enough.

- He motivates his students to learn and to take on projects independently.

5. A good Listener.

Apart from being a good communicator, a good teacher should also have the characteristic of being an even better listener. As there is Turkish proverb: "If speaking is silver; then listening is gold."

Remember, a good listener will always have many friends and fans. A teacher is tuned in when a student is having difficulty understanding subject material or when a student is having personal issues. She/he knows when to step in and when to back off.

6. Good sense of Humor.

A good teacher should also have the quality and characteristic of having a good sense of humor. It is a logical fact, that a person generally teaches the next generation and as they are younger than the teacher, they are expected to have more fun in the class too. So, a good teacher is the one who can cope up with his sense of humor, and with his strong communication skills and personality, can also maintain the discipline of the class. Wit and humor can form an important part of a successful teaching program.

7. Kind and fair.

A good teacher should be a gentle, kind and friendly person. Students should 1ove him. Then ultimately, they will respect him, will do his homework and eventually will bring greater outputs, and results. A teacher should be fair to his profession and asses students on their performance, instead of personal reports and likings.


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 2653

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Culture Studies ROOM 507 | Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example.
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