First of all... Secondly... I personally think... I'm convinced that... I’d say...
First of all... Secondly... I personally think... I'm convinced that... I’d say...
One of the most difficult things in everyone’s life is deciding on the sort of job you want to do. It demands careful consideration. Some people choose their future profession under the influence of ... (their parents, friends, teachers), or because the profession is ... (useful, interesting, creative, fashionable, well-paid).
In the past few years I am interested in ... (teaching, physical training, music, pre-school education ...)
My ambition is ... (to have a highly paid job; to get a quick promotion; to be highly qualified; to be a good specialist..).
It’s necessary to consider all advantages and disadvantages of your future job so as not to regret your decision later. Taking a job one must think over if it is suitable for him.
I think there are two types of people. The first type is people who work for money; another type is people who work for self-realization. I think I won’t earn very much money at first. But I’ll take more training courses. Very soon, I’ll gain experience. If I work hard, I’ll be given several pay rises. Anyway if you have chosen a profession, you must work really hard and systematically.
I believe I will be motivated by work satisfaction and a good salary. I’ll try to find work that involves a lot of foreign travel, because I want to see other countries and meet people.
I’m definitely sure that I want to be a useful person for the society and I want my family to be proud of me. I hope my future profession will be interesting and well-paid.
Discussion on the topic.
1. Do you think your life will change when you leave college? In what way? What will it depend on?
2. Who should the final choice of your future career depend on in your opinion?
3. What is most important for you in your future job?
4. What is important in your opinion for making a good career in future?
5. Is a good job in the centre of your expectations?
6. What kind of people become professionals in any jobs? (hard-working, ambitious or lucky)
7. Are there many unemployed young people in your country? What are the major reasons for that? No jobs or no desire to do unskilled work?
8. Are you going to enter the university? What field of activity are you going to specialize in?
9. What are advantages and disadvantages of the profession you have chosen?
10. What are the main personal and professional qualities / skills of a good specialist in this profession?
11. How do you see the importance of speaking foreign languages today?
First of all... Secondly... I personally think... I'm convinced that... I’d say...
One of the most difficult things in everyone’s life is deciding on the sort of job you want to do. It demands careful consideration. Some people choose their future profession under the influence of ... (their parents, friends, teachers), or because the profession is ... (useful, interesting, creative, fashionable, well-paid).
In the past few years I am interested in ... (teaching, physical training, music, pre-school education ...)
My ambition is ... (to have a highly paid job; to get a quick promotion; to be highly qualified; to be a good specialist..).
It’s necessary to consider all advantages and disadvantages of your future job so as not to regret your decision later. Taking a job one must think over if it is suitable for him.
I think there are two types of people. The first type is people who work for money; another type is people who work for self-realization. I think I won’t earn very much money at first. But I’ll take more training courses. Very soon, I’ll gain experience. If I work hard, I’ll be given several pay rises. Anyway if you have chosen a profession, you must work really hard and systematically.
I believe I will be motivated by work satisfaction and a good salary. I’ll try to find work that involves a lot of foreign travel, because I want to see other countries and meet people.
I’m definitely sure that I want to be a useful person for the society and I want my family to be proud of me. I hope my future profession will be interesting and well-paid.