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the 1st International conference for students, postgraduates and young scientists

This style sheet




Ivan Ivanov

VSU named after P.M. Masherov, Vitebsk, Belarus


Text………..……………….. [3, π. 11]. Text…………………………………………..


Reference list:

1. Minkova, D. English Words. History and Structure / D. Minkova, R. Stockwell. – 2nd ed. – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. – 234 p.

2. The Oxford dictionary of new words / ed. by E. Knowles, J. Elliott. – Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. – 357 p.


Application form for the participants


1. Surname, Name, Patronynic Name of the author (authors)…......................................

2. Educational Establishment………….

3. Information about the participant:

· student (year)………………….

· graduate student (year)………..

· post graduate student (year) ..…

· staff teacher (academic status, academic degree, if having any)…………………………….

4. Title of the article ….……………….

5. Number and title of issue submitted…….………………………………

6. Address, fax of the vice-chancellor of the Scientific sector (for sending the invitation)…...……..…....................................

7. Author’s (authors’) direct phone,

8. Accommodation necessity (yes / no)…………………………………………....


Head of the Department _______ Name, Surname signature



Educational establishment

“Vitebsk State University
named after P.M. Masherov”




the 1st International conference for students, postgraduates and young scientists



Vitebsk, December 4th, 2014
Information for submission


Educational establishment “Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov” is pleased to invite you to take part in the 1st International research and practice conference for students, undergraduates and young scientists “The Youth of the 21st Century: Education, Science, Innovations”. The conference will be held on December 4th, 2014.

The aim of the Conference is to increase the collaboration among higher educational establishments, to improve the existing research culture among young scientists. The Conference will enable young scientists, graduates, postgraduates and PhD students to present their scientific research and results received in the English language.


The issues to be discussed at the conference:

1. Development of the theory of mathematical modeling and its application in education and industry.

2. Computer modeling of physical processes, devices, systems in industry and education.

3. New technologies and equipment for industry and agriculture.

4. Problems of modern medical science and pharmacy.

5. Ecological, biological and geographical study of the rational use of the resource potential and environmental protection.

6. Actual problems of veterinary medicine and zoology.

7. Historical dynamics and spiritual culture of the society: regional and global contexts.

8. Linguistics and Literature. Journalism.

9. Psychological and pedagogical determinants of the establishment and functioning of the educational sphere.

10. Development of the scientific and methodological support of professional training in the social conditions of higher educational system.

11. Design and modeling of subject-spatial environment by means of design, fine and decorative arts.

12. Theoretical and methodological problems of creating of legal culture for young people at the present stage.

13. Preschool and primary education. Special Education. Music education.

14. Physical training, sports and tourism.


Style sheet


Abstracts are accepted of up to 3 pages in a format .doc (print materials in 12-point Times New Roman type, single line spacing, margin around - 2.5 cm., Indent – 1 cm). Don’t number the pages.

The title of the article should be with center alignment in capital letters, the name and surname of the author (not more than 2) - at an interval with center alignment. The next line, with center alignment and bolded type is for the student’s name, the year of studies (a graduate / postgraduate PhD student), the name of the university, city and country. The title is placed next line with center alignment. The text of the report should be shown in an interval. Type all notes as text following the body of your article directly before the list of references.

The materials should include the following structural parts that should be shown in bold: introduction(urgency, aim of the research), materials and methods, results being discussed, conclusion. The reference list follows the text. It should be styled according to the requirements of the Higher Certifying Commission of the Republic of Belarus. If the phrase is quoted you the hooks. The authors should follow British spelling rules when writing the report.

You should send the electronic files to e-mail: nauka@vsu.by and papers to the organizing committee at: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moscovsky Avenue, 33, room 202.


We do not receive more than one report from one participant. Materials reviewed at the outgoing Department (the application form should be signed and vised at the outgoing educational establishment) will be published. Articles submitted after the deadline as well as articles which do not meet these requirements or do not correspond with the design and theme of the conference will not be accepted.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 930

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