| Developed industrial, scientific and export potentialToday, about one third of GDP is produced in the industrial complex. Belaruskaly (potash fertilizer plant), Minsk Tractor Plant (MT2), Minsk Automobile Plant (MA2), Belarusian Automobile Plant (BeIAZ), Belarusian Metallurgical Works (BMZ), Gomel Agricultural Machinery Works (Gomselmach) and other large enterprises are the symbols of the national industrial progress. Their production is well known in many countries of the world.
Economics of the Republic is export-oriented by its structure and scale of production. Today Belarus produces 30% of the world output of heavy haulers, 15% of mineral fertilizers, 6 % of tractors.
The country associates its economic prospects with the innovation development and mobilization of informational resources. Creation of the High Technology Depot is in progress in Belarus, which purpose is to develop software, information-communication and any other technologies aimed at increase in competitive ability, attraction of national and foreign investments to this sector. Depot residents will be granted a number of preferences, including exemption from profit tax, VAT tax, etc.
Highly skilled manpower which has accumulated experience of work at modern enterprises
450 workers in every 1000 employed in the workable sector of economy have got higher and secondary special education. Such a high qualification of workers could be ensured due to the personnel training system established in this country, in particular, in such branches and motor-car construction, construction of tractors and agricultural machines, optics, radio electronics, precise instrument-making, etc.
Belarus is an attractive, safe, and - which is the most important - promising and profitable country for any foreign investments, to which preference is given by the investors from many countries of the world, including Russia, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, etc. Now this is for you to choose.
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 812