Article 289. Violation of Rules for the Protection of Fauna
Mass destruction or perishing of fauna as a consequence of violation of the rules for its protection, in carrying out production processes or operation of transport vehicles, application of means of plants protection, mineral fertilizers, or other preparations, as well as the procedure for the use and protection of hunting areas and water bodies for fish-farming, which caused great damage, -
shall be punished by a fine in an amount from two hundred up to five hundred monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period from two to five months, or by correctional labour for a period up to two years, or by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or to engage in certain types of activity for a period up to three years.
Article 290. Illegal Handling of Rare or Endangered by Extinction Flora and Fauna Species
Illegal procurement, purchase, sale, as well as destruction of rare or endangered by extinction flora and fauna species which are entered in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, or their habitat, -
shall be punished by restriction of freedom for a period up to three years, or imprisonment for the same period with confiscation of property of the convict, as well as property being an object of criminal actions, a tool or a means of commission of the crime, an item withheld from circulation.
Article 291. Illegal Felling of Trees or Brushwood
1. Illegal felling, as well as damaging to the degree of termination of growth of trees and brushwood in forests of all types, as well as trees or brushwood which are not entered into the forestry fund or prohibited for felling, if these acts caused considerable damage, -
shall be punished by a fine in an amount from one hundred up to two hundred monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period up to two months, or by correctional labour for a period from six months up to one year.
2. Illegal felling, as well as damaging to the degree of termination of growth of trees and brushwood of all groups, as well as of trees and brushwood which are not entered into the forestry stock or prohibited for felling, if these acts are committed as follows:
a) repeatedly;
b) by a person with the use of his official position;
c) in a large amount, -
shall be punished by a fine in an amount from two hundred up to five hundred monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period from two to five months, or by correctional labour for a period from one year to two years, or by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or to engage in certain types of activity for a period up to three years.
Date: 2014-12-21; view: 1085