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Science and governance in Europe: lessons from the case of agricultural biotechnolog



Yatskevich Yulia


Date of submission : 16.01.2013

Word count : 413



Amid a wider debate over the European Union's democratic deficit, ‘science and governance’ has attracted particular attention. While every innovation has its own “journey” (Van de Ven et al. 1999), these journeys depend also on the nature of the techno-economic and institutional “landscape” in which they take place. One element of such a landscape are the intellectual property right rules and practices, which shape actions and assessments of the profitability of an envisaged innovation. These rules and practices can change, partly in response to new technological options as happened for biotechnology. Science and technology have become a special problem. Now that innovation is recognized as a challenge by itself, and has become institutionalized in various practices, one can speak of regimes of innovation. This is now common usage in the economics and sociology of innovation and technological change, even if there is some variation in actual definitions and terminology (Pavitt 1984, Nelson 1994, Dosi 1982, Rip & Kemp 1998, Malerba 2006).

Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems Intended to strengthen the scientific and technological capacities needed for Europe to be able to implement sustainable development, and integrating its environmental, economic and social objectives with particular regard to renewable energy, transport, and sustainable management of Europe's land feared undue influence of individuals in secret politics,mercy of scientific salesmen”.

Snow (1961, pages 57,)Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society Intended to mobilise in a coherent effort, in all their wealth and diversity, European research capacities in economic, political, social sciences and humanities necessary to develop an understanding of the emergence of the knowledge-based society and new forms of relationships between its citizens, on the one hand and between its citizens and institutions, on the other. In consequence a more secure knowledge base to frame policy and practice concerning wider social participation in the governance of science and technology.“All countries are not unlikely to be at themercy of scientific salesmen”. Snow (1961, pages 57,)



My own statment :

To draw the conclusion , one can say that. Since technologies, allowing a wide range of applications, a separate effort is necessary to identify and pursue goals linked to social needs and priorities. They indicate the need for policy experimentation: Since enabling technologies are not dedicated to a specific goal or limited to a particular set of applications, they tend to be judged by the visions that go into them rather than the results they produce. Since these visions reach far beyond disciplinary perspectives, scientists and engineers, policy makers and governance in Europe.

Bibliograhy :

1) Science and governance in Europe: lessons from the case of agricultural biotechnologyLes Levidow and Claire Marris

2) Scientific expertise and political accountability: paradoxes of science in politics Peter Weingart

3) E. Aho, J. Cornu, L. Georghiou, A. Subira, Creating an Innovative Europe, European Commission 2006; Report of the Independent Expert Group on R&D and Innovation

4) Brian Arthur (1989), Competing technologies, increasing returns, and lock-in by historical events, The Economic Journal, 99, pp. 116-131.

5) A. Avadikyan. P. Cohendet, J.-A. Heraud (eds.), The Economic Dynamics of Fuel Cell Technologies (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2003)

6) Bijker, Wiebe E. (1995), Of Bicycles, Bakelites and Bulbs: Towards a Theory of Sociotechnical Change, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press



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