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Subject and Predicate Clauses

There are two types of sub-clauses that function as one of the essential elements of a two-member sentence: subject clausesand predicate clauses.

A subject clause may contain either a statement or a question. In the former case it is preceded by that: in the latter it is introduced by the same words as interrogative object clauses.

(a) That he will help us leaves no doubt.

That he had not received your letter was true.

(b) What you say is true.

Whether he will stay here is another question.

Commoner that the patterns with the initial that are sentences introduced by it, with the that-clause in end-position. This type also occurs in interrogative composite sentences.

It seemed utterly grotesque to him that he should be standing there facing a charge of murder in a courtwhere the register, the shorthand writer and other officials were all known personally to him. (Gordon)

It was true that he had assisted Dr. Munro at the operation.(Gordon)

And it suddenly sprang into James' mind that he ought to go andsee for himself.(Galsworthy)

It is manifest to me that in his letter of May20 he assented to a very clear proposition. (Galsworthy)

Subject sub-clauses at the given type are, in fact, used as delayed appositives to the initial it. Sentence patterning of this kind permits postponement of the subordinate clause while it represents them in the positions which would otherwise be normal for them.

Some grammarians prefer another angle of view, according to which the pronoun it at the beginning of the main clause is referred to as a "formal subject" (sometimes called a "sham subject"), and the sub-clause following the main clause — the real subject.

The choice of either alternative remains, in fact, a matter of subjective angle of view.

Note. Itis to be noted, in passing, that it can represent not only this type of sub-clauses, but is similarly used with great frequency in other types of composite sentences.

Familiar examples are:

I'll leave it to you which route we take.

In main interrogatives this it is sometimes inserted directly in front of clausal appositives, as in Why is it that we can't get together?

Sometimes even in declaratives it precedes declarative-clause appositives directly, and acts as a kind of buffer for them — after predicators and prepositions that do not accept them as completers.

I resent it that such a thing is done.

I'll see to it that a good typewriter is available.

You can rely on it that he will do this work without delay.

It often represents subordinate clauses, or nucleuses of subordinate clauses, which are hardly in apposition with it.

He says he's been mistreated, but he shouldn't take it out on you.

It might help if we did it.

He can't help it if he likes company.

It makes him unhappy when people think he's unfriendly.

It is to be noted that the grammatical organisation of subject-clauses sometimes offers certain difficulties of analysis.

If, for instance, the order of the two members of a composite sentence is inverted they do not only change places but functions as well. Compare the following:

(a) That he did not come to speak with you was what surprised me most. (a subject sub-clause)

(b) What surprised me most was that he did not come to speakwith you. (a predicate sub-clause)

In other cases subject sub-clauses will hardly offer any difficulties of syntactic analysis, e. g.:

Not her fault that she had loved this boy, that she couldn't gethim out of her head no more her fault that it had been hisown for loving that boy's mother. (Galsworthy)

No satisfaction to Fleur now, that the young man and his wife,too, very likely, were suffering as well.(Galsworthy)

Predicate sub-clauses function as the nominal predicate of a composite sentence. They are introduced by the same words as subject

clauses; they may also be introduced by as. Variation in their grammatical organisation may be illustrated by the following examples:

This was what had happened to himself!(Galsworthy)

The chief hope was that the defence would not find it necessaryto subpoena Jean. That would be too much. (Galsworthy).

The question for me to decide is whether or not the defendant is liable to refund to the plaintiff this sum.(Galsworthy).

„The principle of this house", said the architect, „was that youshould have room to breathe like a gentleman". (Galsworthy)

Some grammarians are inclined to include here patterns with it is... that of the following type:

It's because that he's busy that he can't help you.

There are such patterns of complex sentences as consist of a subject clause and a predicative, the only element outside these clauses being the link verb, e. g.:

What I prefer now isthat you should not leave at all.

Predicative sub-clauses have sometimes a mixed or overlapping meaning. In some cases there is a clear suggestion of temporal relations, in others the meaning of comparison.

Relations of time, for instance, are generally observed in clauses introduced by when. This is often the case when the subject of the principal clause is expressed by nouns denoting time, e. g.:

Time had been when he had seen her wearing nothing.(Galsworthy)

Predicative sub-clauses introduced by as if and as are suggestive of , the secondary meaning of comparison, e. g.:

My horses are young, and when they get on the grass they are as if theywere mad. (Thackeray)

Object Clauses

Object clauses present a great variety of patterns but less difficulty on the point of their grammatical analysis.

The simplest case of such clauses are patterns in which a sub-clause can be replaced by a noun which could be then an object in a simple sentence. Familiar examples are:

We could buy what she liked.

You may do whatever you choose.

Did the accused mention who this girl friend of his was...(Gordon)

He suggested that Bosnian seemed unduly zealous in calling forpaper for the statement to be taken down. (Gordon)

He was anxious that they should realise he was an Englishman. (Gordon)

Antony wondered whether they would ever meetagain. (Gordon)

He remembered that the waltz was in three-time,remembered the waltz of olden days too well That dance at Rodger's, and Irene, his own wife, waltzing in the arms of young Bosinney. (Galsworthy)

And later, on a sleepless pillow, she puzzled, as she had puzzled of late, as to how itwas that she loved so strange a man, and loved him despite the disapproval of her people. (London)

Synonymic alternatives of object clauses are:

a) Gerundive nominals:

They all approved of his not being beaten by that cousin ofhis, (Galsworthy)

Soames had ever resented having had to sell the house at Robin Hill; never forgiven his uncle for having bought it,or his cousinfor living in it. (Galsworthy)

He's going to begin farming, you know, he' ll make an excuse. Men hatebeing painted. (Galsworthy)

...he could not see Irene shivering,as though some garment had been torn from her, nor her eyes, black and mournful like the eyes of a beaten child. He could not hear Bosinney entreating, entreating, always entreating;could not hear her sudden, soft weeping, nor see that poor, hungry looking devil, awed and trembling, humbly touching her hand. (Galsworthy)

I looked in the door of the big room and saw the major sitting at thedesk, and the window open and the sunlight coming into the room. (Hemingway)

b) Infinitival nominals:

He saw the squirrel's eyes, small and bright and watched his tailjerk in excitement. (Hemingway)

The Darties saw Bosinney spring out, and Irene follow, andhasten up the steps with bent head. (Galsworthy)

Instances are not few when infinitival and gerundive nominals go in one sentence in close proximity, e. g.:

Only vaguely did he see the judge shake his head in disagreement and hear Turner mumbling something. (Gordon)

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