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The ethno genesis of the Kazakhs

Kazakhstan has been inhabited since the Stone Age, generally by nomads practising pastoralism, for which the region's climate and terrain are best suited. Historians believe the vast steppes of Kazakhstan were where humans first domesticated the horse. Following the Mongolian invasion in the early thirteenth century CE, administrative districts were established under the Mongol Empire, which eventually became the territories of the Kazakh Khanate (Ak Orda). The major medieval cities of Aulie-Ata and Turkestan were founded along the northern route of the Great Silk Road.

Traditional nomadic life on the vast steppe and semi-desert lands was characterized by a constant search for new pasture to support the livestock-based economy. The Kazakhs emerged from a mixture of tribes living in the region in about the fifteenth century and by the middle of the sixteenth century had developed a common language, culture, and economy. The area was a bone of contention between the Kazakh emirs and the Persian Kings for many centuries. In the early 1600s, the Kazakh Khanate separated into the Great, Middle and Little (or Small) Hordes (juz) — confederations based on extended family networks. Political disunion, competition among the hordes, and a lack of an internal market weakened the Kazakh Khanate.


The formation and strengthening of the Kazakh Khanate

1. The rise of the Kazakh hanstva.Kasym Khan.
The formation of the Kazakh Khanate Shibanidov led to the loss of the supreme power in East Dasht-i Kipchak, but have not given up on the political borby.Vozglavil a group of energetic Shibanidov Muhammad Shaybani, grandson Abulkhair.
In the east of Central Asia Mughal rulers did not live in Mogolistane and in Transoxiana and Turkistan governorate. Between the result of the invasion and Mughal struggle was waged, resulting in Shaybani conquered much of the Timurid possessions.
In the Kazakh Khanate in this period to govern the country fell to the Chipmunk Khan and Kasim Khan.
Chipmunk was the eldest son Gireya.On courageously vstretitl conditions of that time and has not changed the legacy of his father and his faithful companion Zhanibek Khan: to preserve and strengthen the state founded by them. He was more than 30 let.No Khan to retain power in the hands of the end failed. According to the 1509-Dulati 1510g.g. ascendency acquired son Zhanibek - Kasym.Hotya Khan was Chipmunk, the actual board Khanate and fullness of power in the hands of Kasim-ended exile sultana.Sopernichestvo Chipmunk
Kasim was the third son Zhanibeka.V socio-political life of the Kazakh Khanate last third of the 15-16c start Kasim belongs to one of the central places. Lucky warlords, the influential Sultan, the ruler of the reformist his appointment as the emperor he had seen before only in strengthening the Khan's authority, respect the customs and laws, etc. It creates a set of uzakoneniy.Svoimi good works, strong will and political wisdom, he made sure that the Kazakh government has been strong, it reigned welfare and other countries with respect to it looked.
Lecture number 15.Kazahskoe Khanate in the second half of the 16-18 centuries
In the 30-50-16c egody. after the death of Kasim Khan from internal strife and struggle against foreign enemies killed thousands and thousands of nomads who disappeared several Sultan familiy.Etot period in the history of Kazakhstan is called the "time of troubles." The negative consequences of civil wars particularly sharp impact on the situation in the Khanate of unfavorable foreign obstanovki.Protiv Kazakh rulers of the alliance between the Uzbek khans and Maurya rulers Yarkend Khanate - rulers mogolov.Kazahskie khans who ruled after Kasim Khan (Tahir Khan Buydash Khan) suffered serious military defeat, due to which the Kazakhs have lost some of the territories in the south and in the north-west.
Kazakhs powerful neighbor in the second half of the 16th century. remained Shibanidy Maurya, especially with the advent of Abdallah-hana.Pri his rule Kazakh sultans actually got into a vassal relationship to Bukhara Khan. With the Kazakh sultans Abdallah managed to combine separate fiefdoms Shibanidov and strengthen the country's central authority.
Only son Shiga Tauekel Khan, who took the throne after the 1583g. and the right to 1598g., was able not only to do away with the "Bukhara protectorate", but also to revive the former because of the Kazakh Khanate.
Tauekel entered the Khanate in difficult times., But showed that he is not only an expert on the war, but also a skilled politik.Emu managed not only to consolidate his power in the Barrens, but also to extend the limits of Kazakh lands and raise the value of the Khanate in international affairs. All this Tauekel reached successful military campaigns and skillful diplomacy. In a short time, he mastered Sairam, Tashkent, Yassoy, Samarkandom.Goroda Tashkent, Sairam Turkestan remained in their hands for two hundred years.
In the 17th century, the international situation in Kazakhstan is much izmenilos.Na eastern borders of the Kazakh lands in the basin of the upper Irtysh, formed Dzhungar Khanate (1635-1758) - the last in the history of Central Asia, a strong nomadic population gosudarstvo.Osnovnoe new Khanate were western Mongolia, which was self-Oirat , Muslim sources - Kalmaki .. Supreme Ruler Oirat huntayshi.Kazaham held the title had to fight hard for possession with dzhtsngarami nomadic camps in the Seven Rivers.
In the north-west of Kazakhstan on the right bank of the Volga were about a quarter of a million people, who wandered from the ethnic core of the western Mongols Oirat.
Major changes have occurred in the south-west of the country. By the end of the 16th century. a change of dynasty and ended the domination Shibanidov in Transoxiana. In Bukhara, to power a new dynasty - or Dzhanidov Ashtarkhanids (descendants Tukai-Timur, son of Jochi, son of Genghis Khan), who ruled Astrahani.Dinastiya Ashtarkhanids rules Maurya 86g.g to 1785.
Another important development was the fact that in the 17th century. Kazakh state was divided into three hordes, called Kazakhs zhkzami: Senior, Intermediate, Junior.
This new international and domestic situation is determined by the political history of the Kazakh Khanate in the 17th and early 18th century.
After the death of Khan Khan Tauekel Kazakhs was his brother Yesim-Sultan - a brave soldier, a veteran politician, accustomed to military commander. Esym Khan had to fight a war with Ashtarkhanids and Kalmaki.
The subject of repeated and prolonged dispute between Kazakh rulers and became Ashtarkhanids Tashkent, Turkestan, Sauran and other cities, which in the late 16th century. passed into the hands kazhaov. In this struggle the most victories Kazakhs. The fact that the tribes were not uzbeksmkie Ashtarkhanids support, their power was not strong, also weakened by the bitter struggle between the representatives of the dynasty itself. Kazakh khans and sultans, the decline of the political power of the benefit of Bukhara, missed no opportunity to take advantage of it for themselves.
Despite some successes in foreign wars, Yesim Khan failed to unite the Kazakh lands into a centralized state for many reasons. One of them is that in the first decades of the Khanate in the 17th century there were several vying gruppirovok.Esim Khan resisted Tursun-Sultan, Sultan Abylai etc.
In 1613g. Tursun-Muhammad Sultan, son of Sultan Jala, supported Khan Ashtarkhanids Imam Kuli Khan became senior Khan kazahov.Glavnoy rate Tursun Khan was Tashkent, where he refused to recognize the authority of Imam Kuli Khan, began to mint its own coins and charge population badge (duty) and kharaj (land tax).
Yesim Khan along with his followers moved to Chagataidam.V For several years he was actively involved in internecine strife Moghul rulers and for a time was a khan of the Kyrgyz people.
When Tursun Khan Kazakh authorities in settled areas of Turkestan extended to Tashkent, Sygnak, Suzak and other cities, because of which there were constant wars between the Khan of Bukhara and Kazakh sultans. According to Russian sources, the Tursun Khan "merchants" khanate were successful trade with Kazan and Siberian cities.
Tursun Khan was a powerful ruler, according to Mahmoud ibn Wali "Bahr al-Asrar" Tursun Khan if necessary could field an army of a hundred thousand people.
Around 1623-24 Yesim Khan returned to Kazakh hanstvo.Tursun Khan identified the seat of Yessim Turkestan. Relations between them were neprostye.Pravitel usurper Tursun Khan was a man of arrogant, ambitious, cunning and kovarnym.Opytny schemer did not expect that it eventually betrayed and executed their own nukers.
Yesim Khan for the second time he came to the short lived tron.No Tursun Khan, Yesim Khan died in 1628.
After the death of Esym Khan began again usobitsy.V eventually gained the upper hand eldest son Esim Janibek-Sultan and became a senior Hanoi in the early 30's many 17veka.On fought Oirats and probably died in a battle in the early 40s 17veka.
He was succeeded by Jahangir (Jahangir)-Sultan, another son Yesim Khan. He has fought with Oirats and died in one of the wars with them.
Fighting Oirats continued under his successor Jahangir, his son Tauke hane.Nesmotrya heavy and persistent struggle against Oirats, the Kazakh Khanate under the rule Tauke Khan not only retained its independence, but also made significant internal consolidation.
Tauke was Emperor surrounded himself with smart and clever lyudmi.On was sober politician, acting decisively, but navernyaka.Usloviya demanded reforms - and it collects in the hole Kultobe his wise biys (Tole bi, Kazbek-bi-bi Aiteke). They joined the "old customs and Yessim Kasim Khans." Together they create a piece of legislation, which is known as the "Zhety zhargy", and in the literature also as the "Laws Tauke Khan."
They were the main principles and rules of the patriarchal and feudal law medieval Kazakh society. The sources have no information about who was the author of "Zhety Zhargy."
Creating a "Jeti Zhargy" was intended to adapt the existing rules of customary law to the new needs of the Kazakh feudal society. Thus, in "Jeti Zhargy" were the main principles and rules of law of the medieval Kazakh society. The law contains norms of administrative, criminal and civil law, and the provisions on taxes, and religious views. The main attention was paid to these laws protect feudal ownership and management of property disputes. Infringer feudal rights are threatened by violent repression. "Zhety Zhargy" Kazakhs have made to some elements of the law, thus weakening the severity of continuous strife, strengthened rule of law.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1075

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