HINTS FOR COMPOSING GOOD PARAGRAPSTo develop a good paragraph a writer should pay special attention not only to the structure of the paragraph. The paragraph can profit from a focused topic sentence. In addition, the paragraph should have adequate development, unity, and coherence.
4.1. The Topic Sentence
The topic sentence both introduces the main idea of the paragraph and causes the reader to unconsciously ask a question. Wanting the answer to this question then causes the reader to want to read the paragraph.
The topic sentence has such important functions:
1. It announces what the paragraph will be about.
2. It clearly states the main points of the discussion.
3. It focuses readers’ attention on the main points.
Remember that not all sentences are good as topic sentences.
Here are some important rules that you should follow while developing a topic sentence:
1. It should be a complete statement. Incomplete sentences like London – the capital of England are good for a heading, but not for a topic sentence.
2. It should not be a simple statement. Simple sentences like My brother was a good football player may cause the reader to ask questions, but can’t make the reader interested.
3. It should not be a question. Questions are good for developing the body of the paragraph, but not as a topic sentence.
4. It should not contain your opinion only. Words like love, hate, like, dislike, enjoy may be used in sentences like “I enjoy skiing” or “I hate having to write essays”. But these are opinions and others may disagree. If you are going to write about opinions, it is better to have topic sentences like “There are three reasons why I like fishing” or “I don't like having to write reports for several reasons”.
Task 2
The following topic sentences are not good. Using the rules from above explain why these sentences are bad.
1. I like fishing.
2. Reasons for living in Kyiv.
3. Japan – the USA: a history of tourism.
4. What are the advantages of living in the country?
5. My neighbor has a cat.
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 919