Socioeconomic status (10) The majority of those arrested are also from lower socioeconomic groups in the community. Without money, it is harder to keep out of trouble. You are more likely to do your gambling, for example, in a public place rather than in the safety of a suburban living room, and you cannot afford a private attorney to represent you if you do get caught. The poor are far more likely than the well-off to be arrested. If they are arrested, they are more likely to be charged. If they are charged, they are more likely to be convicted, and if they are convicted, they are more likely to be sentenced to prison (Reiman 1979).
After you read
The SQR3 system continues after reading a text. The fourth step is to recite, or say aloud from memory, and the last step is to review.
Look again at the subheadings in the text. Choose one. Re-read that section, and then give an oral summary of the main ideas to a partner.
· Go back and skim the text, placing a check (v) next to the parts of the text that you are sure that you understand and a question mark (?) next to those parts that are still unclear to you and that you need to study further.
· Return to the sections of the text where you placed a question mark. Underline any difficult words in those sections. Try to figure out the meaning of the words from the surrounding context. Then check the dictionary.
· Discuss with a small group any parts that you still do not understand.
Language focus
A. Find the following verb patterns in the text and complete the table.
Verb patterns
| Examples from the text
| verb + infinitive (with to)
verb + sb + infinitive (with to)
adjective + infinitive
preposition + -ing
b. Building vocabulary: Dealing with unknown words
It is important to develop strategies for dealing with difficult or unfamiliar vocabulary in the texts you read. Strategies you might use are:
- finding the definition within the text
- looking at the context (that is, the words and sentences that come before and after the unknown word) for clues to the word’s meaning
- using knowledge of a related word
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1054