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SOHO is a Network Training open for all 33 National Agencies of the Youth in Action Programme

and targets at two of the three main partners of a long-term European Voluntary Service

project: Sending Organisation and Hosting Organisation.

By bringing together representatives of Sending and Hosting Organisations from different

European countries the SOHO TC aims at improving the international co-operation and

consequently increasing the quality of EVS projects.

The international dimension of the SOHO TC is given by the different nationalities of participants

and trainers team. This is an asset for the intercultural dimension of the course!

The course methodology is based on the concept of experiential learning, in an atmosphere

where participants can learn a lot from each other and have a lot of fun!



The training course is designed for those who are directly involvedin the support system

around the EVS volunteer (mentors and task-related support persons) on the hosting, sending

and coordinating side.

The participants from Sending and Hosting organisations should already have some experience

in EVS (minimum of being in the process of sending or hosting a volunteer, better having been

already sending or receiving the first volunteer).

The participants come from 4 – 6 European countries, equally from Sending and Hosting

Organisations, and they are max. 26 people.

The participants should be able to work and communicate in English (working language!).



The overall aimof the SOHO TC is:

􀂃 To increase the quality of EVS activities through development of competencies (knowledge,

skills and attitudes) of key actors involved in the support system around EVS volunteer.

The specific objectivesof the course are:

􀂃 To get a better understanding of the concept of EVS as “learning service” and related

quality aspects in EVS

􀂃 To improve the ability for co-operation and working in international partnership

SOHO Info Pack for Participants 5 Version January, 2011

􀂃 To reflect on the roles, responsibilities and challenges within the EVS volunteer support


􀂃 To raise awareness of the learning dimension in EVS and provide tools for learning support

􀂃 To support the recognition of non formal learning in EVS through the implementation of the


An additional benefit of the training course is the valorisation of EVS through the exchange of

best practices and experiences among participants.

In the training course participants have the opportunity to meet and to get to know other

organisations, but contact making is notdirectly a priority of the training course.



The programme of the SOHO TC is built around four quality aspects relevant to the support

system implemented in an EVS project. During the course participants and trainers will analyse

the identified quality aspects (concept of EVS – international partnership – learning dimension of

EVS – support system) thanks to simulation exercises, case studies, and working groups.

Besides, the trainers’ team will provide activities to improve the group dynamics and a final




Understanding the concept of quality in EVS:we will favour a common ground among

participants to understand the concept of quality in EVS. We will reflect on its values, reasons,

interests and needs of all actors involved. We will support the process of understanding EVS as

“learning service”, linked with the concept of European citizenship.

The learning dimension of EVS service:EVS is very much about learning – non-formal and

informal. It is about acquiring new life experiences, but also gaining new competences

getting new knowledge, improving skills and developing attitudes. Young people can really learn

a lot in EVS! But in order to learn effectively and efficiently, young people need to be properly

supported by – YOU! During the course you will go through the different stages of the learning

process and you will get acquainted with the concept of Key Competences and Youthpass.

Implementing a competent support system in an EVS project:whether you are a

mentor or a task-related support person in a sending or in a hosting project, it is important to

know your role and responsibilities, and to develop competences. We will explore the different

dimensions of supporting an EVS volunteer. After this training course you can define your role in

the context of your organisation and use the practical experience to develop this role.

Partnerships in EVS: issues as the importance of building up a partnership with the partner

organisation and the volunteer, keeping the contact, communication and co-operation, and the

intercultural dimension of international partnerships will be dealt with. A good partnership is of

great value for the success of an EVS project. Please note though, that this is not a partnership

seminar, even if there will be opportunities to meet and discuss in an informal way among the



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