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Annex 2. Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM)

Being the oldest environmental research institute in the Netherlands, the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) has built up considerable experience in dealing with the complexity of environmental issues. Its purpose is to contribute to the sustainability of societies and the rehabilitation and preservation of the environment through academic and applied research. IVM addresses challenging environmental problems and offers both pragmatic and innovative solutions.

Research at IVM

IVM focuses on global environmental issues, such as climate change and international trade; spatial management, specially coastal zones, river basins, and urban areas; and the quality of environmental information, which deals primarily with measurement and data analysis; and industrial transformation, which focuses on possibillities for delinking economic growth and environmental pressure, and environmental management in companies. Many techniques and tools are used by IVM to approach these issues, including chemical analysis, remote-sensing, geographical information systems, substance flow analysis, interlaboratory studies, indicators for sustainability, decision analysis, valuation of environmental goods, cost-benefit analysis and integrated economic and environmental modeling

Multidisciplinary approach

Complex environmental problems require a multidisciplinary approach, and so IVM researchers have a wide diversity of backgrounds varying from chemistry and ecology to economics and social sciences. The researchers at the Institute have two unifying features: their concern for the environment and their desire to undertake path-breaking, high quality research. At the same time, they are used to operating within time and budgetary constraints.

The Institute

IVM was founded at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in 1971. Since IVM is based at the VU, it has direct access to its infrastructure (libraries), specific knowledge and experts. IVM employs 80 people of which 60 are directly involved in research. IVM researchers co-operate with partners from other Dutch institutes, and also with institutes in other countries. A large part of its bud­get is obtained by contract research. IVM's clients include national and international research funding organisations, business, governmental and non-governmental organisations, and international (UN) organisations. Projects from these sources account for approximately three quarters of its budget. About one quarter of the research is funded by the VU.


Annex 3. CV of Project Leader, Joyeeta Gupta

Name: Gupta
First name: .Joyeeta
Date of birth: 12 June 1964
Telephone: 020-4449548
E-mail: joyeeta.gupta@ivm.vu.nl

Academic training

Ph.D. in (International) Law, Vrije Universiteit (VU), The Netherlands
Master of Laws (LL.M.) in (International) Law, Harvard Law School, USA
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in Indian Law, Gujarat University, India
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Economics Honours, Delhi University, India


Scholarships and prizes:

Year Name
’03 – ’08 VIDI Innovational Research Laureat, Netherlands’ Scientific Organisation (NWO)
’00 -’02 Post-doctorate fellowship from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
’97 - ’99 Person oriented post-doctorate fellowship from NWO
’87 - ’88 Studies and living expenses at Harvard, The Inlaks Foundation, U.K.
’87 Fellowship for work at Multinational Monitor, Ralph Nader, USA
’86 Scholarship for excellence in law, Indian Federation of Women Lawyers, India
’85 - ’86 Merit Award for work at Consumer Education and Research Centre, India
’84 Best All Round Student, LSR College, New Delhi, India
’81 - ’84 National Talent Search Examination Scholarship, India
’77 - ’79 Junior Science Talent Search Scholarship, India


Professional Employment History:

Year Function
’02 Interim Head of Department of Environmental Policy Analysis, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), VUA (March till September).
’01 - Associate Professor, Programme Manager, Research Programme on International Environmental Governance, IVM), VUA
’93 – ’01 Senior Researcher, IVM, VUA
’89 - ’93 Consultant, Resource Analysis (RA), Delft.
’88 - ’89 Consultant, International Organisation of Consumers’ Unions (IOCU), Den Haag.
’87 & ’88 (summer) Researcher, Centre for the Study of Responsive Law, Office of Ralph Nader, USA
’84 - ’87 Editor, "Consumer Confrontation" (monthly magazine), Consumer Education and Research Centre, Ahmedabad, India (part time).


Dr. Gupta’s areas of expertise are in the multidisciplinary (legal, political and policy) analysis of international environmental agreements and multi-level environmental governance. In particular her focus has been on the climate change regime, which she has examined from the North-South perspective and the perspective of Europe. She has also looked at domestic implementation issues especially in relation to energy in countries like Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and Kenya. She teaches international and national water law. She is a member of the Scientific Steering Committee of Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training (START) of IGBP, IHDP and WCRP; Member of the Netherlands Human Dimensions Programme Commission; Member of the International Law Commission of World Conservation Union (IUCN) and was lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Technology Transfer. She has been a member of the Board of Trustees of four Dutch Foundations.


Editorships and Reporting for Scientific and Policy Journals:

Year Journal
’01 – 04 Member, Editorial board, Environmental Science and Policy, Elsevier.
’99 - Associate Editor, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, Kluwer Academic Publishers
’98 - Member, Editorial board, International Journal of Sustainable Development, Inderscience Enterprise Limited
’90 - ’91 Member , Editorial Board, Change, Ministry of Environment, The Netherlands (for two issues)
’88 - ’89 Legal reporter, International Banking Law Journal, Kluwer/Longman, U.K.
’84- -’87 Editor, Consumer Confrontation, CERC, India


Gupta, J. (2001). Our Simmering Planet: What to do About Global Warming, Zed Publishers, London, p. 178.

Gupta, J. (2000). On Behalf of My Delegation: A Guide for Developing Country Climate Negotiators, Center for Sustainable Development of the Americas, Washington D.C., p 100. (translated into French and Spanish)

Gupta, J. and M. Grubb (eds.) (2000). Climate Change and European Leadership: A Sustainable Role for Europe, Environment and Policy Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 344.

Vellinga, P., F. Berkhout and J. Gupta (eds.) (1998). Managing a Material World: Reflections on Industrial Ecology, Environment and Policy Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 348.

Gupta, J. (1997). The Climate Change Convention and Developing Countries - From Conflict to Consensus?, Environment and Policy Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 256.

Maya, S. and J. Gupta (eds.) (1996). Joint Implementation: Weighing the Odds in an Information Vacuum, Southern Centre on Energy and Environment, Zimbabwe, pp. 164.

Book Chapters (selection)

Gupta, J. (2002). The Climate Convention: Can A Divided World Unite? In Briden, J. and Thomas, E. Downing (eds.) Managing the Earth: The Eleventh Linacre Lectures, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 129-156.

Gupta, J. (2001). Legitimacy in the Real World: A Case Study of the Developing Countries, Non-Governmental Organisations and Climate Change, in Jean-Marc Coicaud and Veijo Heiskanen (eds.) The Legitimacy of International Organizations, United Nations University Press, pp. 482-518.

Mansley M., E. Martinot, T. Onchan, D. Ahuja, W. Chantanakome, S. DeCanio, M. Grubb, J. Gupta, L.Junfeng, M.Hedger, B. Natarajan, J. Turkson, D. Wallace (2000). Enabling Environments for Technology Transfer, Special Report on Technology Transfer, Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 105-141.

Mansley, M, Eric Martinot, Tongroj Onchan, Dilip Ahuja, Weerawat Chantanakome, Michael Grubb, Joyeeta Gupta,Tom Heller, Li Junfeng, Charles Mehl, Bhaskhar Natarajan, Theodore Panayotou, John Turkson, David Wallace (2000). Financing and Partnerships for Technology Transfer, Special Report on Technology Transfer, Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 143-174.

Articles (selected)

Gupta, J. (2001). India and Climate Change Policy: Between Diplomatic Defensiveness and Industrial Transformation, Energy and Environment, Vol. 12, No. 2&3, pp. 217-236.

Gupta, J. (2001). Effectiveness of Air Pollution Treaties: The Role of Knowledge, Power and Participation in William Dunn, Jerome Ravetz, Rob Hoppe and Matthijs Hisschemöller (eds.) Knowledge, Power and Participation, Policy Studies Annual, Transaction Publishers, pp. 145-174.

Gupta, J. and L. Ringius (2001). The EU’s Climate Leadership: Between Ambition and Reality, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, Vol. 1(2), pp. 281-299.

Gupta, J. (2000). North-South Aspects of the Climate Change Issue: Towards a Negotiating Theory and Strategy for Developing Countries, International Journal of Sustainable Development, Volume 3, No. 2, 115-135.

Gupta, J. (1999). Evaluation of the Climate Change Regime and Related Developments, Yearbook on International Cooperation on Environment and Development 1999/2000, Earthscan, 19-30.

Gupta, J. and N. v.d. Grijp (1999). Leadership in the Climate Change Regime: The European Union in the Looking Glass, International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol.2, No. 2, pp. 303-322.

Matthijs Hisschemöller and Joyeeta Gupta (1999). Problem-solving through International Environmental Agreements: The Issue of Regime Effectiveness, International Political Science Review, Vol. 20, No. 2 153-176.

Gupta, J. (1999). North-South Aspects of the Climate Change Issue: Towards a Constructive Negotiating Package for Developing Countries, Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 198-208.

Gupta J. (1998). Leadership in the Climate Regime: Inspiring the commitment of developing countries in the post-Kyoto phase, Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp 178-188.

Gupta, J., C.J. Jepma and K.Blok (1998). International Climate Change Policy: Coping With Differentiation, Milieu, Volume 13, No. 5, 264-274.

Gupta, J and Hisschemöller, M. (1997). Issue-linkages: a Global Strategy Towards Sustainable Development, International Environmental Affairs, Volume 9. No. 4, Fall 1997, 289-308.

Gupta, J. (1995).The Global Environment Facility in its North-South Context, Environmental Politics, Volume 4, no.1, 19-43.


Research Memorandum and Reports (selected)

Gupta, J., J. Vlasblom and C. Kroeze with contributions from K. Blok., M. Hisschemoller, C. Boudri and K. Dorland (2002). An Asian Dilemma: Modernising the Electricity Sector in China and India in the context of Rapid Economic Growth and the Concern for Climate Change, NOP, RIVM, Bilthoven, NOP report no. 410200097.

Gupta, J., Peter van der Werff and Frederic Gagnon-Lebrun (2001). Bridging Interest, Classification and Technology Gaps in the Climate Change Regime, Institute for Environmental Studies, Amsterdam, E-01/06.





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Projectvoorstelnr.: P-02/73 Project code: Project nr.: Afdeling: Programma-eenheid:    
Titel (Ned.):    
Title (Engels): Helping Operationalise article Two (HOT): A science-based policy dialogue on fair and effective ways to avoid dangerous interference with the climate system and implications for Post-Kyoto policies – Phase 1  
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[1] The distribution of the allotted days across work categories is finalized at the IVM, but is only a suggested guideline for the other partners.

Calculated by assigning approximately 22K EUR for the workshop and the rest is to cover about 20 days of personnel * 0.5k EUR/day.

Calculated by assigning approximately 22K EUR for the workshop and the rest is to cover about 15 days of personnel * 0.5k EUR/day

Calculated by assigning approximately 22K EUR for the workshop and the rest is to cover about 10 days of personnel * 0.4k EUR/day

[5] In addition to Type I errors (that is, rejecting the null-hypothesis when it is true) and Type II errors (that is, accepting the null hypothesis when it is false) Raiffa and Dunn use the term Type III errors. A Type III error refers to a situation in which an analyst keeps a wrong (limited) perception of a problem (by leaving out important elements of the problem) and subsequently employs the wrong method to solve the problem (which is referred to by Dunn as ‘methodological incongruence’). This eventually leads to solving the ‘wrong’ problem.

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