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beer milk bread cement air

blood oil butter chalk fog

coffee shampoo cheese copper hytrogen

cream soup ice cotton oxygen

gasoline tea ice cream glass pollution

honey water lettuce gold smog

juice wine margarine iron smoke

meat paper steam

bacon rubber

beef silver

chicken soap

fish tin

ham toothpaste

pork wood


NATURAL PHENOMENA (things that occur in nature)


weather lightning darkness electricity

dew rain light fire

fog sleet daylight gravity

hail snow moonlight

heat thunder sunlight

humidity wind sunshine


Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the correct form, singular or plural, of the given nouns.

1. snow It’s winter. There (is, are) a lot of _____ on the ground.

2. knowledge Professor Nash has a lot of _______ about that subject.

3. weather There (is, are) a lot of cold ____ in Alaska.

4. sunlight _______ (is, are) a source of vitamin D.

5. fun We had a lot of ______ on the picnic.

6. luck I want to wish you ______ .

7. idea Bob has a lot of good ______ .

8. intelligence I admire Barbara for her __________ .

9. entertainment What do you do for _______ on weekends.

10. generosity Thank you for your ___________ .

11. help Could you give me some _____ with this?

12. patience Teaching students to read requires ______ .

13. confidence I’m sure you can do it. I have ______ in you.

14. progress Irene’s English is improving. She’s making a lot of ____ .

15. courage Be brave. You must have _______.

16. pollution Automobiles are a source of ___________ .

17. time It took me a lot of ____ to get here by bus.

18. time I really liked that movie. I saw it three _______ .

19. hospitality Thank you for your ________ .

20. beef The ______ we had for dinner last night (was, were) very good.


Exercise 5: Study the examples.


I had some coffee When a speaker wants to mention a I had two cups of coffee specific quantity, he/she often uses I bought some butter expressions such as two cups of, I bought a pound of butter a slice of with noncount nouns. I ate some toast I ate a slice of pizza


Use the words in the list to complete the sentences. Use the plural form if necessary. Some sentences have more than one possible completion.


bar loaf

bottle piece

bowl pound

cup quart

gallon tube



1. I drank a _____ of coffee before I left for school this morning.

2. I bought two _______ of cheese when I went shopping last night.

3. I bought a ______ of milk at the supermarket.

4. I drank a _______ of orange juice.

5. I had a _______ of toast and an egg for breakfast.

6. I put ten ________ of gas in my car.

7. I had a ______ of soup for lunch.

8. I need a _____ of chalk.

9. I drank a ____ of beer.

10. I bought a ________ of margarine.

11.There is a _______ fruit on the table.

12. I used two ______ of bread to make a sandwich.

13. I bought one _______ of bread at the store.

14. I need to buy a new _______ of toothpaste.

15. There is one _______ of soap in the bathroom.

16.Let me give you a ________ of advice.


Exercise 6: Study the examples.




Complete the sentences by using many or much . Use the plural form of the noun if necessary. Choose the correct word in brackets as necessary.


1. mail How _______ did you get yesterday?

2. English Anna’s husband doesn’t know ___________ .

3. slang Sometimes I can’t understand my roommate because he uses too ____ .

4. word How _____ (is, are) there in your dictionary?

5. coffee Louise drinks too _______ .

6. sandwich Tommy has a stomach ache. He ate to __________ .

7. sugar You shouldn’t eat too ________ .

8. course How _______ are you taking this semester?

9. homework How much _______ do you have to do tonight?

10. news There (isn’t, aren’t) in the paper today.

11. article How ______ (is, are) there on the front page of today’s paper?

12. fun I didn’t have ____ at the party. It was boring.

13. star How ______ (is, are) there in the universe?

14. kind There (is, are) _______ of flowers.

15. violence I think there (is, are) too _______ on TV.

16. makeup I think that Mary wears too _______ .


Exercise 7: Study the examples.


I bought a few apples. I bought a little fruit. A few is used with count nouns. A little is used with noncount nouns.


Complete the sentences by using little or a few . Use the plural form of the noun if necessary.


1. music I feel like listening to a little music tonight.

2. song We sang a few songs at the party.

3. desk We need a few more desks in the office.

4. time I’m not finished with my work. I need ___ more ______ .

5. help Do you need ________ with that?

6. advice I need __________ .

7. chicken I’m still hungry. I think I’ll have ________ .

8. money If I accept that job, I’ll make _________ .

9. information Could you give me ______?

10. clothes Sally bought __________ yesterday.

11. clothing Ted bought ___________ and some books.




A dog makes a good pet. A banana is yellow. A pencil contains lead. A speaker uses a with a singular count noun when s/he is making a generalization. I saw a dog in my yard. Mary ate a banana. I need a pencil.
Dogs make good pets. Bananas are yellow. Pencils contain lead. A speaker uses no article with a plural count noun when s/he is making generalization. I saw some dogs in my yard. Mary bought some bananas. Bob has some pencils his poc.ket
Fruit is good for you. Coffee contains caffeine. I like music. A speaker uses no article with a noncount noun when s/he is making generalization. I bought some fruit. Bob drank some coffee. Would you like to listen to some music?




Did you feed the dog? I had a banana and an apple. I gave the banana to Mary. The pencil on that desk is Jim’s. The sun is shining. Please close the door. The is used in front of : singular count nouns: the dog Plural count nouns : the dogs Noncount nouns: the fruit. A speaker uses the when he and the listener are thinking about the same specific things.


Exercise 8: Here are some conversations. Try to decide whether the speakers would probably use the or a/an. Are the speakers thinking about the same objects or persons?


1. A: Do you have ___ car?

B: No. But I have ______ bicycle.

2. A: Do you need _____ car tonight, honey?

B: Yes. I have a lot of errands to do. Why don’t I drive you to work today?

A: Okay. But be sure to fill ___ car with gas sometime today.

3. A: Did you have a good time at ____ party last night?

B: Yes.

A: So I did. I’m glad that you decided to go with me.

4. A: What did you do last night?

B: I went to _______ party.

A: Oh? Where was it?

5. A: I bought _____ yesterday.

B: Oh? I didn’t know you went shopping for furniture.

6. A: Have you seen my keys?

B: Yes. They’re on _____ table next to _____ front door.

7. A: Is Mr. Jones _____ graduate student?

B: No. He’s ____ professor.

8. A: Where’s _____ professor?

B: He’s absent today.

9. A: Where do you live?

B: We live on _________ quiet street in the suburbs.

10. A: I’m hungry and I’m tired of walking. How much farther is it to ___ restaurant?

B: Just a couple of blocks. Let’s cross ___ street here.

A: Are you sure where you’re going?

11. A: Did you feed _____ cat?

B: Yes. I fed him a couple of hours ago.

12. A: Do you like your new apartment?

B: Yes. It has ____ big kitchen.


Exercise 9: Add the if necessary.

1. Please pass me ___ butter.

2. _____ butter is a dairy product.

3. John, where’s ____ milk? Is it in _______ refrigerator or on ___ table?

4. ______ milk comes from cows and goats.

5. Tom usually has ______ wine with dinner.

6. Dinner’s ready. Shall I pour _____ wine?

7.I’m studying _____ English. I’m studying ______ grammar.

8. _______ grammar in this chapter isn’t easy.

9. ________ physics is my favorite subject.

10. Do you like _____ weather in this city?

11. _____ copper is used in electrical wiring.

12. ______ is free.

13. _____ is humid today.

14. _____ windows are closed. Please open them.

15. ______ windows are made of ____ glass.

16. We usually have _____ meat for dinner.

17. _____ meat we had for dinner last night was tough.

18. People used to use ____ candles for _____ light, but now they use ___ electricity.


Exercise 10: Use a/an/some or the in the following.

1. Yesterday I saw ___ dog and ___ cat . _____ dog was chasing ___ cat. ___ cat was chasing _____ a mouse. ___ mouse ran into ___ hole, but ____ hole was very small. ___ cat couldn’t get into _____ hole, so it ran up _____ tree. _____ dog tried to climb ___ tree too, but it couldn’t.

2. Yesterday I bought ______ clothes. I bought _____ suit, ___ shirt, and ___ tie. ___ suit is gray and comes with the west. ____ shirt is pale blue, and ___ tie has black and gray stripes.

3. Yesterday I saw _____ man and ____ woman. They were having ____ argument. ___ man was yelling at ___ woman, and ____ woman was shouting ____ man. I don’t know what _____ argument was about.

4. I had ___ soup and _____ sandwich for lunch. ___ soup was too salty, but ____ sandwich was pretty good.

5. A: I saw _____ accident yesterday.

B: Oh? Where?

A: On Grand Avenue. ____ man in _____ Volkswagen drove through a stop line

and hit __ bus.

B: Was anyone hurt in _____ accident?

A: I don’t think so. ____ man who was driving ____ Volkswagen got out of his

car and seemed to be okay. His car was only slightly damaged. No one in ____

bus was hurt.

6. A: What did you do last weekend?

B: I went on ____ picnic Saturday and saw _____ movie tonight.

A: Did you have fun?

B: ______ picnic was fun, but ____ movie was boring.


Exercise 11: Complete the sentences with a, an, some, the or no article.

1: A: Do you like ______ fruit?

B: Very much.

2. A: I’m hungry.

B: Would you like _____ fruit? How about ____ apple?

3. A: ______ fruit we bought at the market was fresh.

B: That’s the best place to buy _____ fruit.

4. ______ gas is expensive nowadays.

5. ______ gas at Mack’s Service Station is cheaper than ___ gas at the Shell Station.

6. I need _____ gas. Let’s stop at the next service station.

7. Kathy bought ____ radio. She likes to listen to _____ music when she studies.

8. A: Would you please turn _____ radio down? ____ music is too loud.

B: No problem.

9. A: Do you see _____ man who is standing next to Janet?

B: Yes, Who is he?

A: He’s ______ president of this university.

10. A one-dollar bill has the picture of ______ president of the US.

11. A: What did you buy when you went shopping?

B: I bought ____blouse and _____ jewelry.

A: What color is the blouse?

B: Red.

12. A: Where’s my bookbag?

B: It’s on ____ floor. Over there. In ____ corner next to ____ sofa.

13. We need to buy _______ furniture. I’d like to get ___ sofa and ___ easy chair.

14. _____ furniture is expensive these days.

15. ____ vegetarian doesn’t eat _____ meat.

16. Last week I read ____ book about ______ life of Gorbachev.

17. I enjoy _____ life.

18. A: Let’s go swimming in ______ lake today.

B: That sounds like ______ good idea.

19. ______ lake is a body of _______ water that is smaller than _____ sea but larger

than ______ pond. _______ ocean is larger than ______ sea.

20. During our vacation in Florida we walked along ______ beach in front of our

hotel and looked at ______ ocean.


Exercise 12: All of the following sentences contain mistakes. Can you find the mistakes and correct them?

1.There are a lot of information in this book.

2. The oil is a natural resource.

3. Lions are wild animals.

4. I was late because there were too many traffic.

5. I caught two fishes.

6. Our teacher gives us too many homework.

7. Ann knows a lot of vocabularies.

8. I have an egg for breakfast.

9. There is many kind of trees in the world.

10. I’m studying the English.

11. I’m living in United States.

12. Only twelve student were in class yesterday.

13. I need some advices.

14.We all have a few problem in the life.




Cross out draw a line through

Do over do again

Fill in complete a sentence by writing in blank

Fill out write information in a form

Fill up fill completely with gas, water, tea, etc

Find out discover information

Give up quit (stop) doing something

Leave out omit

Start over start again

Tear down destroy a building

Tear off tear along a dotted or perforated line

Tear out of remove a piece of paper from a book

Tear up tear into a small pieces


Exercise 13: Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. Emily Winslow’s name is supposed to be on the list, but it isn’t. Someone

probably left it ______ by mistake.

2. I can’t solve this math problem. I give ________ .

3. I’m not satisfied with my composition. I think I’ll do ________ .

4. Dick has trouble figuring out what to say in his letter to his girlfriend. He

started the letter _____ three times.

5. A: Good news! I’ve accepted at the University of Virginia.

B: Great. When did you find _________ ?

A: I got a letter in the mail today.

6. A: My roommate moved last week. He went to the post office before he left

and filled out a change-of address card, but I’m still getting some of his mail.

B: Cross _____ the old address on a letter and write in his new one. Also write

“please forward” on the letter. You don’t have to use another stamp.

7. How much does it cost to fill ______ your gas tank?

8. We’re doing an exercise. We’re filling _____ blanks with prepositions.

9. When I went to Dr. Green’s office for the first time, I had to fill _____ a long

form about my health history.

10. I made a mistake on the check I was writing, so I tore it _____ and wrote

another check.

11. An old building is in the way of the new highway through the city, so they

tore the old building _______ .

12. John tore a piece of paper ________ ________ his spiral notebook.

13. When I pay my Master Card bill I have to tear _____ the top portion of the bill

along the perforated line and send it back with my check.




Drop in (on) visit without calling first or without an invitation

Drop out (of) stop attending (school)

Fool around (with) have fun while wasting time

Get along (with) have a good relationship with

Get back (from) return from (a trip)

Get through (with) finish

Grow up (in) become an adult

Look out (for), watch out (for) be careful

Run out (for) finish the supply of something


Exercise 14: Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. Look _____ ! There’s car coming.

2. Look ____ . For that car!

3. Where did you grow ______ ?

4. I grew ______ _____ Springfield.

5. I couldn’t finish the examination. I ran _______ _______ time.

6. A: What did you do yesterday?

B: Nothing much. I just fooled ________ .

7. A: Hi, Chris! What’s up? I haven’t seen you in a long time. Where have you been?

B: I went to California last week to visit my brother.

A: Oh? When did you get ________ ______ California?

B: Just yesterday.

8. A: Where’s Jack? He hasn’t been in class for at least two weeks.

B: He dropped __________ school.

9. A: Watch ______ _______ that truck!

B: What truck?

10. A: What time do you expect to get ______ _____ your homework ?

B: In about an hour, as soon as I finish reading this chapter.

11. A: I haven’t seen the Grants for a long time. Let’s drop ____ _____ them

this evening.

B: We’d better call first. They may not like unexpected company.

12. A: I want to change my room in the dorm.

B: Why?

A: I don’t get ______ _______ with my roommate.


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