Most familiar voice was issuing.“…apologize for our temporary absence from the airwaves, which was due to a
number of house calls in our area by those charming Death Eaters.”
“But that’s Lee Jordan!” said Hermione.
“I know!” beamed Ron. “Cool, eh?”
“…now found ourselves another secure location,” Lee was saying, and I’m
Pleased to tell you that two of our regular contributors have joined me here this evening.
Evening, boys!”
“Evening, River.”
“’River’” that’s Lee,” Ron explained. “They’ve all got code names, but you can
usually tell ---“
“Shh!” said Hermione.
“But before we hear from Royal and Romulus,” Lee went on, “let’s take a
Moment to report those deaths that the Wizarding Wireless Network News and Daily
Prophet don’t think important enough to mention. It is with great regret that we inform
our listeners of the murders of Ted Tonks and Dirk Cresswell.”
Harry felt a sick, swooping in his belly. He, Ron, and Hermione gazed at one
Another in horror.
“A goblin by the name of Gornuk was also killed. It is believed that Muggle-born
Dean Thomas and a second goblin, both believed to have been traveling with Tonks,
Cresswell, and Gornuk, may have escaped. If Dean is listening, or if anyone has any
Knowledge of his whereabouts, his parents and sisters are desperate for news.
“Meanwhile, in Gaddley, a Muggle family of five has been found dead in their
Home. Muggle authorities are attributing their deaths to a gas leak, but members of the
Order of the Phoenix inform me that it was the Killing Curse --- more evidence, as if it
Were needed, of the fact that Muggle slaughter is becoming little more than a recreational
Sport under the new regime.
“Finally, we regret to inform our listeners that the remains of Bathilda Bagshot
have been discovered in Godric’s Hollow. The evidence is that she died several months
Ago. The Order of the Phoenix informs us that her body showed unmistakable signs of
Injuries inflicted by Dark Magic.
“Listeners, I’d like to invite you now to join us in a minute’s silence in memory of
Ted Tonks, Dirk Cresswell, Bathilda Bagshot, Gornuk, and the unnamed, but no less
regretted, Muggles murdered by the Death Eaters.”
Silence fell, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione did not speak. Half of Harry yearned
To hear more, half of him was afraid of what might come next. It was the first time he had
Felt fully connected to the outside world for a long time.
“Thank you,” said Lee’s voice. “And now we can return to regular contributor
Royal, for an update on how the new Wizarding order is affecting the Muggle world.”
“Thanks, River,” said an unmistakable voice, deep, measured, reassuring.
“Kingsley!” burst out Ron.
“We know!” said Hermione, hushing him.
“Muggles remain ignorant of the source of their suffering as they continue to
sustain heavy casualties,” said Kingsley. “However, we continue to hear truly
Inspirational stories of wizards and witches risking their own safety to protect Muggle
friends and neighbors, often without the Muggles’ knowledge. I’d like to appeal to all our
Listeners to emulate their example, perhaps by casting a protective charm over any
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 715