Finally took off the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. And the he greeted Deathas an old friend, and went with him gladly, and, equals, they departed this life.'"
Hermione closed the book. It was a moment or two before Xenophilius seemed to
Realize that she had stopped reading; then he withdrew his gaze from the window and
said: "Well, there you are."
"Sorry?" said Hermione, sounding confused.
"Those are the Deathly Hallows," said Xenophilius.
He picked up a quill from a packed table at his elbow, and pulled a torn piece of
Parchment from between more books.
"The Elder Wand," he said, and drew a straight vertical line upon the parchment.
"The Resurrection Stone," he said, and added a circle on top of the line. "The Cloak of
Invisibility," he finished, enclosing both line and circle in a triangle, to make the symbols
that so intrigued Hermione. "Together," he said, "the Deathly Hallows."
"But there's no mention of the words 'Deathly Hallows' in the story," said
"Well, of course not," said Xenophilius, maddeningly smug. "That is a children's
Tale, told to amuse rather than to instruct. Those of us who understand these matters,
However, recognize that the ancient story refers to three objects, or Hallows, which, if
united, will make the possessor master of Death."
There was a short silence in which Xenophilius glanced out of the window.
Already the sun was low in the sky.
"Luna ought to have enough Plimpies soon," he said quietly.
"When you say 'master of Death' –"said Ron.
"Master," said Xenophilius, waving an airy hand. "Conqueror. Vanquisher.
Whichever term you prefer."
"But then . . . do you mean . . ." said Hermione slowly, and Harry could tell that
she was trying to keep any trace of skepticism out of her voice, "that you believe these
objects – these Hallows – really exist?"
Xenophilius raised his eyebrows again.
"Well, of course."
"But," said Hermione, and Harry could hear her restraint starting to crack, "Mr.
Lovegood, how can you possibly believe – ?"
"Luna has told me all about you, young lady," said Xenophilius. "You are, I
gather, not unintelligent, but painfully limited. Narrow. Close-minded."
"Perhaps you ought to try on the hat, Hermione," said Ron, nodding toward the
Ludicrous headdress. His voice shook with the strain of not laughing.
"Mr. Lovegood," Hermione began again, "We all know that there are such things
as Invisibility Cloaks. They are rare, but they exist. But –"
"Ah, but the Third Hallow is a true Cloak of Invisibility, Miss Granger! I mean to
Say, it is not a traveling cloak imbued with a Disillusionment Charm, or carrying a
Bedazzling Hex, or else woven from Demiguise hair, which will hide one initially but
Fade with the years until it turns opaque. We are talking about a cloak that really and truly
Renders the wearer completely invisible, and endures eternally, giving constant and
Impenetrable concealment, no matter what spells are cast at it. How many cloaks have
you ever seen like that, Miss Granger?"
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 708