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What does the term "RCC" signify? Rescue Coast Centre Rescue Co-ordination Centre Routine Call Collective Rescue Call Centre Rescue Co-ordination Centre
The correct format for a RT urgency/safety calls are: PAN PAN/SECURITE (3 times), all stations or CS (3 times), this is, name (3 times), CS, MMSI PAN PAN/SECURITE, all stations (3 times), this is, name (3 times), CS, MMSI PAN PAN/SECURITE (3 times), CS (3 times), this is, name, CS, MMSI PAN PAN/SECURITE (3 times), all stations or CS (3 times), this is, name (3 times), CS (3 times), MMSI (3 times) PAN PAN/SECURITE (3 times), all stations or CS (3 times), this is, name (3 times), CS, MMSI
What does the term "Seelonce Feenee" signify? Distress in force, but restricted working may be resumed Normal working may be resumed The Controlling station imposes silence on interfering stations Any other stations impose silence Normal working may be resumed
What does the term "Seelonce Mayday" signify? Distress in force, but restricted working may be resumed Normal working may be resumed The Controlling station imposes silence on interfering stations Any other stations impose silence The Controlling station imposes silence on interfering stations
The correct format for a RT distress call is: Mayday, this is, name (3 times), CS, MMSI Mayday (3 times), this is, name, CS, MMSI Mayday (3 times), this is, name (3 times) Mayday (3 times), this is, name (3 times), CS, MMSI Mayday (3 times), this is, name (3 times), CS, MMSI
What is a distress alert? This is a digital selective call (DSC) using a distress call format in the bands used for terrestrial communication This is urgency message A manual of Vessel Rescue System Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System This is a digital selective call (DSC) using a distress call format in the bands used for terrestrial communication
Which signal indicates that an important meteorological îr navigational warning is about to follow? SECURITE MAYDAY PAN PAN ALL STATIONS SECURITE
What does SES abbreviation means? Ship Earth Service Save Our Souls Switch to Earth Station Ship Earth Station Ship Earth Station
What does SafetyNET abbreviation means? The service which is used to broadcast business information to ships The service which is used to broadcast Maritime Safety Information to ships Network Safety Station Network Safety Centre The service which is used to broadcast Maritime Safety Information to ships
Which of these numbers is the Inmarsat-C number? Nine digits, beginning with 3 Nine digits, beginning with 6 Seven digits, beginning with 1 Nine digits, beginning with 4 Nine digits, beginning with 4
What information is available from SafetyNET transmissions? Commercial information Maritime Safety Information Radio telex letter Maripress news service Maritime Safety Information
What information is considered to be unscheduled in SafetyNET broadcast? Routine messages Urgent navigational warnings, severe weather warnings and distress alert relays The position of the ship The acknowledgment of the distress message Urgent navigational warnings, severe weather warnings and distress alert relays
How many NAVAREAs we have now?
What system are Enhanced Group Calls transmitted over? Inmarsat-A satellite communications system Inmarsat-B satellite communications system Inmarsat-C satellite communications system Inmarsat-M satellite communications system Inmarsat-C satellite communications system
What is the AIS-SART identification at Electronic Navigation System? Black cross Square Green triangle Red cross in red circle Red cross in red circle
All NAVTEX messages are prefixed by a: 3-character group 4-character group 5-character group 6-character group 4-character group
What does the EPIRB signal indicate? That all persons are out of danger That SAR operations are finished That one or more persons are in distress that they may no longer be on board a ship or aircraft and that receiving facilities may no longer be available That you are in a dangerous area That one or more persons are in distress that they may no longer be on board a ship or aircraft and that receiving facilities may no longer be available
Who is responsible for ensuring that your EPIRB is registered? Mission Control Center Local User Terminal The relevant authority in the flag State Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue System The relevant authority in the flag State
On vessels being sold to new owners, the EPIRB: Must not be re-registered Must be re-registered Can be re-registered Must be changed Must be re-registered
How often is it recommended to fulfill EPIRB test procedure? Weekly Monthly Twice a week Twice a month Monthly
What is the purpose of a SART? To acknowledge a distress alert To relay a distress alert To determine the position of the nearest station To home SAR units to the distress position To home SAR units to the distress position
What test should be carried out daily? DSC: live call to any other station DSC: without radiation, using built-in test facility EPIRB: using built-in test facility without radiation SARTs: using built-in test facility DSC: without radiation, using built-in test facility
What test should be carried out weekly? DSC: live call to any other station DSC: without radiation, using built-in test facility EPIRB: using built-in test facility without radiation SARTs: using built-in test facility DSC: live call to any other station
What test should be carried out monthly? Printers: paper, cartridges, voltage supplies Survival craft VHF: not on channel 16, SARTs, EPIRBs DSC: live call to another station DSC: without radiation, using built-in test facility Survival craft VHF: not on channel 16, SARTs, EPIRBs
State the areas covered by the Inmarsat satellite system: Sea areas A1+A2+A3+A4 Sea areas A1+A2+A3 Sea area A2 Areas between parallels 70 N and 70 S Areas between parallels 70 N and 70 S
State the meaning of the abbreviation NCS within the Inmarsat system: Not Connected Station Network Co-ordination Service Network Co-ordination Station Network Control Station Network Co-ordination Station
How would you define Sea area A1? An area extended to about 50 nautical miles within the radiotelephone coverage of at least two VHF coast stations An area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available An area within the radio telex coverage of at least one coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available An area extended to about 25…30 nautical miles within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station An area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available
How would you define Sea area A2? An area, excluding sea area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available An area which extends over to 20 nautical miles, within the radiotelephony coverage of at least two MF coast stations in which continuous DSC alerting is available An area, including sea area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available An area which extends to up to 150 nautical miles within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available An area, excluding sea area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available
How would you define Sea area A3? An area, excluding sea area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available An area, including sea area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available An area which extends to up to 150 nautical miles within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available An area excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an Inmarsat satellite system in which continuous alerting is available An area excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an Inmarsat satellite system in which continuous alerting is available
How would you define Sea area A4? An area within 70 deg N-70 deg S An area which consists of sea areas A1, A2, A3 An area outside sea areas A1, A2, A3 An area inside sea areas A1, A2, A3, 70 deg N-70 deg S An area outside sea areas A1, A2, A3
The AIS-SART identity from these numbers is:
Which channel is used for DSC distress alerting and routine calling in VHF band? VHF channel 16 VHF channel 70 VHF channel 13 VHF channel 6 VHF channel 70
Which international frequency is used in NAVTEX system? 518 kHz 121.5 MHz 1.5 GHz 4210 kHz 518 kHz
What is a craft associated with a parent ship identifier?
What does the abbreviation F3E signify? Unmodulated Morse Code SSB Full-carrier telephony Frequency-modulated telephony SSB Suppressed-carrier telephony Frequency-modulated telephony
The Call Sign of a ship's survival craft is: UYZL UYZL 272310000 UYZL 35 UYZL A UYZL 35
What is the AIS-SART identification on the AIS equipment? SART TEST or SART ACTIVE MMSI NAME and CS 12 dots SART TEST or SART ACTIVE
What do 002321000 signify? Ship's station MMSI MMSI of group of ships MMSI of coast station, or group of coast stations Inmarsat Mobile Number MMSI of coast station, or group of coast stations
What do 232100000 signify? Ship's station MMSI MMSI of group of ships MMSI of coast station MMSI of group of coast stations Ship's station MMSI
What do 023210000 signify? Ship's station MMSI MMSI of group of ships MMSI of coast station MMSI of group of coast stations MMSI of group of ships
What is the purpose of the VHF channel 70? It is used intentionally for ship/shore calls It is used intentionally for ship/ship calls and for shore/ship calls It is used for distress /safety It is used for distress/safety and routine calls It is used for distress/safety and routine calls
How often is a live DSC test required to be made? Weekly Daily Monthly Twice a day Weekly
How often is an internal DSC test required to be made? Weekly Daily Monthly Twice a day Daily
A DSC distress alert, unless acknowledged or reset, will automatically repeat after: Every 3 minutes Every 5 to 6 minutes at random Every 3,5 to 4,5 minutes at random Every 10 seconds Every 3,5 to 4,5 minutes at random
What does the distress signal MAYDAY mean? That the crew should abandon a vessel That the vessel and crew are threatened by immediate destruction That the crew can not remove malfunctions on a vessel That the crew of a vessel asks other ships for help That the vessel and crew are threatened by immediate destruction
State the urgency signal: MAYDAY PAN PAN Securite Seelonce PAN PAN
What does the safety signal indicate? That an important meteorological or navigational warning is not to follow That a routine message is to follow That a routine meteorological or navigational warning is about to follow That an important meteorological or navigational warning is about to follow That an important meteorological or navigational warning is about to follow
State the safety signal: Warning Securite Mayday Pan Pan Securite
Where can times of coast station traffic lists transmissions be found? ITU List of Ship Stations or MARS ITU List of Call Signs and Numerical Identities ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations or MARS ITU List of Radiodetermination and Special Service Stations ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations or MARS
Where can charges for coast stations services be found? ITU List of Ship Stations ITU List of Call Signs and Numerical Identities or MARS ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations or MARS ITU List of Radiodetermination and Special Service Stations ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations or MARS
Where can times of weather bulletins transmissions be found? ITU List of Ship Stations ITU List of Call Signs and Numerical Identities ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations or MARS ITU List of Special Service Stations ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations or MARS
Where can Ship's AAIC be found? ITU List of Coast Stations ITU List of Call Signs and Numerical Identities or MARS ITU List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignment or MARS ITU List of Radiodetermination and Special Service Stations ITU List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignment or MARS
Where can details about Inmarsat LESs be found? ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations or MARS ITU List of Call Signs and Numerical Identities ITU Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services or MARS ITU List of Radiodetermination and Special Service Stations ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations or MARS
How can MSI be received in the GMDSS? By Morse code on MF and HF By NAVTEX, EGC, HF NBDP By weather fax From the nearest broadcast station By NAVTEX, EGC, HF NBDP
In which frequency band do radar transponders operate? In the MF band In the S-band for radar In the 3 GHz band In the 9 GHz band In the 9 GHz band
What does the urgency signal consist of? The word PAN The group of the words PAN PAN The word URGENCY The word URGENT The group of the words PAN PAN
If a drifting container was observed, what kind of message is to be broadcasted? A distress message An urgency message A routine message A safety message A safety message
By what means can a safety message be announced in the sea area A1? By radiotelephony in VHF band By radiotelephony in MF and HF bands By using DSC in VHF band By using radiotelephony in MF or VHF bands By using DSC in VHF band
For making routine DSC VHF calls of a coast station must be used: Coast stations are not called by DSC Channel 16 Channel 70 Coast stations are called for safety purposes only Channel 70
How can a satellite EPIRB be activated? Manually (in case of distress) or automatically (if the vessel is sinking) By the geostationary satellite (in case of distress ) Manually only Automatically only Manually (in case of distress) or automatically (if the vessel is sinking)
Who must be informed immediately of the receipt of a distress alert and its contents? The master of the ship only The ships owner The master or person responsible for the ship The master of the ship and ships owner The master or person responsible for the ship
What the identity can belongs to the AIS Aids-to-Navigation (AtoN) station?
What is the main factor which determines the range of transmission in VHF band? Power output Direction diagram of antennas Suspension heights of antennas Propagation conditions of radio waves Suspension heights of antennas
Which identity can belongs to the SAR aircraft?
What is the maximum power output that should be used for routine calls addressed to "All Ships" at VHF channel 70? The power should not exceed 25 W 5 W From 6 to 25 W The power should not exceed 1 W The power should not exceed 1 W
What does a distress alert consist? MMSI, self identification and MID Format specifier, self identification, nature of distress, position, time, type of subsequent communication Self identification, position and time Format specifier, nature of distress, position and type of subsequent communication Format specifier, self identification, nature of distress, position, time, type of subsequent communication
What is the urgency/safety announcement? The Local Coast Station voice call in MF/HF bands The Local Coast Station voice call in VHF band A digital selective call (DSC) using the urgency/safety format in VHF, MF or HF bands An urgency/safety voice message in VHF band A digital selective call (DSC) using the urgency/safety format in VHF, MF or HF bands
What is a Traffic List? A list of vessels currently steaming in a Traffic Separation Lane A list of frequencies sent by Coast Stations on which communication can be exchanged A list of ships names/call signs for whom a Coast Station has telegrams, telephone calls or telex messages A list of Coast Stations who will accept commercial traffic from ships A list of ships names/call signs for whom a Coast Station has telegrams, telephone calls or telex messages
Which channel is used for ship-to-ship alerting in the VHF band?
What is an urgency/safety call? This is DSC urgency/safety call This is the initial voice or text procedure This is urgency/safety RT message This is Inmarsat urgency/safety call This is the initial voice or text procedure
What does mean the MEOSAR abbreviation? Medium-altitude Earth Orbit SAR Main Effective Observer of SAR Maritime Equipment Operating for SAR Mobile Earth Operator SAR Medium-altitude Earth Orbit SAR
Which IMN belongs to a Inmarsat-C Ship Earth Station (SES)?
Are VHF radio waves reflected by the ionosphere? Yes, by D-layer and E-layer Yes, by all layers No Yes, only by F-layer No
The functions of an AIS-SART are to: To make a distress alert by satellite systems To show ship-in-distress ID and position in AIS and other electronic navigation systems To provide two way communications for survival craft To make a distress alert by terrestrial systems To show ship-in-distress ID and position in AIS and other electronic navigation systems
What is the minimum operation time of reserve source of energy on ships without an emergency energy source? 1 hour 6 hours 24 hours 48 hours 6 hours
What is the minimum operation time of reserve source of energy on ships with an emergency energy source? 1 hour 6 hours 24 hours 48 hours 1 hour
If a crewmember is badly injured and you want him to be taken ashore, the procedure will be: Distress Urgency Safety Warning Urgency
Which calling system can be used for ship-to-ship calls? EGC NAVTEX AMVER DSC DSC
What does the urgency signal indicate? That a distress message of a ship, aircraft or other vehicle, or a person is to follow That a routine message is to follow That a very important message concerning the safety of a ship, aircraft or other vehicle, or safety of a person is to follow That a traffic list message concerning the business of a ship, aircraft or other vehicle is to follow That a very important message concerning the safety of a ship, aircraft or other vehicle, or safety of a person is to follow
What does the abbreviation "TR" signify? Traffic List Transmit Report Transit Report Traffic Routine Transit Report
For on-board communications in VHF band an operator should use: Ch. 08 or 10 Ch. 15 or 17 Any simplex channels Ch. 72 Ch. 15 or 17
What does the term "Pru-donce" signify? Distress in force, but restricted working may be resumed Normal working may be resumed The Controlling station imposes silence on interfering stations Any other station impose silence on interfering stations Distress in force, but restricted working may be resumed
What does the term "Seelonce Distress" signify? Normal working may be resumed The Controlling station imposes silence on interfering stations Distress in force, but restricted working may be resumed Any other station impose silence on interfering stations Any other station impose silence on interfering stations
What does the abbreviation "AMVER" signify? Always Make Very Effective Request American Vessel Rescue System A manual of Vessel Rescue System Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System
What does the abbreviation LES in the Inmarsat system mean? Land Earth Service Land Emergency Station Land Earth Station Little Earth Station Land Earth Station
What does the number "00" denote in NAVTEX messages? Medical advice Navigational warnings Messages of singular importance, such as distress messages Meteorological warnings Messages of singular importance, such as distress messages
What categories of messages cannot be rejected using the NAVTEX receiver controls? Pilot services information Navigation warnings Weather forecasts Ice reports Navigation warnings
What does the abbreviation MES in the Inmarsat system means? Message Saved Medical Station Mobile Earth Services Mobile Earth Station Mobile Earth Station
State COSPAS-SARSAT EPIRB frequencies: 406 MHz, 1.3 GHz, VHF Ch. 06 406 MHz, 121.5 MHz 406 MHz, VHF Ch.70 2187.5 kHz, 406.1 MHz, VHF Ch. 70 406 MHz, 121.5 MHz
What is the relationship between frequency F, wavelength L and the radio waves propagation speed C? L = F * C L = F / C L = C * F L = C / F L = C / F
Which mode of emission should be used at the VHF Channel 16? H3E J3E G3E/F3E F1B/J2B G3E/F3E
Which of the following numbers is a Ukrainian flag ship MMSI?
What is the number of Inmarsat-C SES?
What type of radio wave is propagated in VHF band? Sky wave Ground wave Line-of-sight wave Sea wave Line-of-sight wave
The time entered in the GMDSS Radio Log book should be: Zone time Ship's time UTC Local time UTC
When a vessel is at anchor within port limits, an operator may use the radiotelephone to communicate with: A GMDSS Coast Station The Local Coast Station Another vessels passing at sight limits Another vessels at anchor The Local Coast Station
For a public correspondence RT service should, if possible, be used: A simplex basis A duplex basis The A3E mode The H3E mode A duplex basis
Which currencies must be used in international charging for radio communications? SDR only Gold Franc and USD SDR and Gold Franc Gold Franc only SDR and Gold Franc
Should lead batteries and Ni-Cd batteries be located in the same battery room? Yes No Yes if the battery room is large enough Yes if the battery room has compulsory ventilation No
What does the Transit Report consist of? Tariff Report The names and call signs of the ships for which a coast station have messages The name and the call sign of the ship, its position, course and speed, if possible, its destination Traffic Routine The name and the call sign of the ship, its position, course and speed, if possible, its destination




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