Families, but as Kendra knew none of them, she would be spared the curiosity abouther husband’s crime she had faced in her former village. By repeatedly rebuffing the
Friendly advances of her new Wizarding neighbors, she soon ensured that her family
Was left well alone.
“Slammed the door in my face when I went around to welcome her with a batch
of homemade Cauldron Cakes,” says Bathilda Bagshot. “The first year they were
there I only ever saw the two boys. Wouldn’t have known there was a daughter if I
hadn’t been picking Plangentines by moonlight the winter after they moved in, and
Saw Kendra leading Ariana out into the back garden. Walked her round the lawn once,
keeping a firm grip on her, then took her back inside. Didn’t know what to make of
It seems that Kendra thought the move to Godric’s Hollow was the perfect
Opportunity to hide Ariana once and for all, something she had probably been
Planning for years. The timing was significant. Ariana was barely seven years old
When she vanished from sight, and seven is the age by which most experts agree that
Magic will have revealed itself, if present. Nobody now alive remembers Ariana ever
Demonstrating even the slightest sign of magical ability. It seems clear, therefore, that
Kendra made a decision to hide her daughter’s existence rather than suffer the shame
Of admitting that she had produced a Squib. Moving away from the friends and
Neighbors who knew Ariana would, of course, make imprisoning her all the easier.
The tiny number of people who henceforth knew of Ariana’s existence could be
Counted upon to keep the secret, including her two brothers, who had deflected
awkward questions with the answer their mother had taught them. “My sister is too
frail for school.”
Next week: Albus Dumbledore at Hogwarts – the Prizes and the Pretense.
Harry had been wrong: What he had read had indeed made him feel worse. He
looked back at the photograph of the apparently happy family. Was it true? How could he
find out? He wanted to go to Godric’s Hollow, even if Bathilda was in no fit state to talk
to him: he wanted to visit the place where he and Dumbledore had both lost loved ones.
He was in the process of lowering the newspaper, to ask Ron’s and Hermione’s opinions,
When a deafening crack echoed around the kitchen.
For the first time in three days Harry had forgotten all about Kreacher. His
Immediate thought was that Lupin had burst back into the room, and for a split second, he
Did not take in the mass of struggling limbs that had appeared out of thin air right beside
His chair. He hurried to his feet as Kreacher disentangled himself and, bowing low to
Harry, croaked, “Kreacher has returned with the thief Mundungus Fletcher, Master.”
Mundungus scrambled up and pulled out his wand; Hermione, however, was too
Quick for him.
Mundungus’s wand soared into the air, and Hermione caught it. Wild-eyed,
Mundungus dived for the stairs. Ron rugby-tackled him and Mundungus hit the stone
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 774