When handling Secrets of the Darkest Art.“Muggle-born Register!” she read aloud. “‘The Ministry of Magic is undertaking
a survey of so-called “Muggle-borns” the better to understand how they came to possess
Magical secrets.
“‘Recent research undertaken by the Department of Mysteries reveals that magic
Can only be passed from person to person when Wizards reproduce. Where no proven
Wizarding ancestry exists, therefore, the so-called Muggle-born is likely to have obtained
Magical power by theft or force.
“‘The Ministry is determined to root out such usurpers of magical power, and to
This end has issued an invitation to every so-called Muggle-born to present themselves for
interview by the newly appointed Muggle-born Registration Commission.’”
“People won’t let this happen,” said Ron.
“It is happening, Ron,” said Lupin. “Muggle-borns are being rounded up as we
“But how are they supposed to have ‘stolen’ magic?” said Ron. “It’s mental, if
you could steal magic there wouldn’t be any Squibs, would there?”
“I know,” said Lupin. “Nevertheless, unless you can prove that you have at least
One close Wizarding relative, you are now deemed to have obtained your magical power
illegally and must suffer the punishment.”
Ron glanced at Hermione, then said, “What if purebloods and halfbloods swear a
Muggle-born’s part of their family? I’ll tell everyone Hermione’s my cousin –”
Hermione covered Ron’s hand with hers and squeezed it.
“Thank you, Ron, but I couldn’t let you –”
“You won’t have a choice,” said Ron fiercely, gripping her hand back. “I’ll teach
you my family tree so you can answer questions on it.”
Hermione gave a shaky laugh.
“Ron, as we’re on the run with Harry Potter, the most wanted person in the
country, I don’t think it matters. If I was going back to school it would be different.
What’s Voldemort planning for Hogwarts?” she asked Lupin.
“Attendance is now compulsory for every young witch and wizard,” he replied.
“That was announced yesterday. It’s a change, because it was never obligatory before. Of
Course, nearly every witch and wizard in Britain has been educated at Hogwarts, but their
Parents had the right to teach them at home or send them abroad if they preferred. This
Way, Voldemort will have the whole Wizarding population under his eye from a young
age. And it’s also another way of weeding out Muggle-borns, because students must be
given Blood Status – meaning that they have proven to the Ministry that they are of
Wizard descent – before they are allowed to attend.”
Harry felt sickened and angry: At this moment, excited eleven-year-olds would be
Poring over stacks of newly purchased spell-books, unaware that they would never see
Hogwarts, perhaps never see their families again either.
“It’s . . . it’s . . .” he muttered, struggling to find words that did justice to the
Horror of his thoughts, but Lupin said quietly,
“I know.”
Lupin hesitated.
I’ll understand if you can’t confirm this, Harry, but the Order is under the
impression that Dumbledore left you a mission.”
“He did,” Harry replied, “and Ron and Hermione are in on it and they’re coming
with me.”
“Can you confide in me what the mission is?”
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 753