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Flight, Air Combat and Aerial Maneuvers

Characters with the ability to fly are capable of quickly moving across the battlefield at speeds much greater than most ponies forced to remain on the ground. Flight allows characters to move up to their flight movement speed (5’x their agility score, ± modifiers) per action spent, and they may choose to move in any dimension they wish (that isn’t blocked, obstructed, or otherwise already occupied).

Air combat is a tricky business, in no small part because of its inherently three-dimensional aspect. Performing a flight maneuver, such as a roll or a dive, requires a Flight skill roll, with modifiers depending on the difficulty of the maneuver and the weather conditions. Unless a character has practiced a maneuver enough times, performing it can be quite difficult. A list of flight maneuvers and their effects are included at the tail end of the magic section. Some of them are devoted to movement and evasive actions, while others are more aggressive and still others can prove very utilitarian. Any maneuver listed as an “Aerial Dodge” can be used in place of a dodge action to try and avoid damage. Aside from maneuvers and the addition of a third dimension, air combat and movement are resolved identically to ground combat.


Movement Penalties due to Weight

Characters carrying heavy loads move slower. If a pony is at or above their maximum weight capacity, they move 5’ slower per action spent. This affects their movement speed out of combat as well.

This movement speed penalty increases by 5’ for every 50 pounds over a pony’s weight limit they are, to a minimum speed of 0’ per action (stuck). Recalculate sneak speed accordingly.

For characters moving via alternate means, such as digging or flight, carrying too much weight affects their movement differently. Those normally capable of flight take a penalty to their flight roll equal to however much weight they’re carrying over 100 units as a straight-roll penalty. If they manage to exceed their weight limit, they’re grounded until they lighten their load. If they suddenly exceed their weight limit midflight (such as by having something dropped on them), they must roll flight MFD 1 at their current penalty due to weight to try to land safely.

Digging characters are slowed down by 10’ if at their maximum weight capacity. This penalty increases by 10’ for every 50 pounds that they’re over their weight limit.

Targeting -- with or without S.A.T.S.

So you want to hit things, right? I mean, most combat involves hitting stuff. On a basic attack, you will normally have to roll to hit. To do this, just you’re your skill against an MFD of 1, modified by how hard your target is to hit relative to a stationary ‘ideal’ target.

Target shooting is difficult when the target doesn’t want to be shot at. There’s a big difference between shooting at a stationary circle down range and actually killing somepony. The upshot of this (ha ha, get it? Upshot, target shooting? …Never mind…) there are a number of MFD changers, bonuses, and penalties that can be applied to any shooting roll depending on the conditions of the shooter. The biggest factors that affect a shot’s accuracy are related to cover or obstructions between the target and the gunpony, but there are also possible obstructions that can arise from weather, distance, obscuring effects (such as zebra smoke grenades), and personal injury on the part of the gunman. The base MFD for any skill roll to hit a stationary target that isn’t benefiting from cover is 1 – everything else modifies it from there.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1133

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