Guns, Explosives, Lasers and Knives (Fuck Yeah!) – Wasteland Weaponry
There are a whole lot of ways out there to kill somepony, but by far the most conventional one is to shoot them to death. Close seconds include disintegrating them, bludgeoning them to death, cutting them apart, or blowing them up. To that end, this section contains all the information your waster would need to acquire the means to do these things, listed alphabetically by the skill used (though explosives and area-of-effect big guns are close together for convenience).
Some clarifiers for how to read these tables – Listen up, children, this stuff’s important!
Weapons with a /# after the damage dice are not telling you to divide the damage dealt. That number means it fires that many bullets per trigger-pull (or button push, etc.). Weapons so marked are referred to as “burst fire” weapons (this designation is used to describe them in several perks, hindrances and traits), though they may actually be fully automatic or simply use more than one unit of ammunition at a time. If a weapon no longer has enough ammunition to fire an entire burst, its damage by a number of dice equal to the units of ammunition it lacks. If it lacks enough bullets to deal at least one die of damage, the gun simply doesn’t fire.
A weapon’s range increment isn’t the maximum range that weapon can be fired at! It is the maximum range it can be fired at without penalties to the shot from range. Up to the limit of a weapon’s range increment, there is no accuracy penalty incurred. For each range increment beyond that point, however, the weapon becomes 1 MFD step harder to aim. So firing a minigun at a target 120 ft away puts it in the third range increment, giving the wielder a 2-MFD step targeting penalty and making a shot at the target’s torso require an accuracy roll of ½ to succeed. At 100 feet, it’s still in the second increment, giving a 1 MFD step penalty instead.
Oh, and for those of you without fancy magic or battle saddles – weapons that can be easily mouth-wielded without magical or mechanical aid are marked with (mw) right after their name. Just because it’s possible to wield it that way doesn’t mean your character can ignore the strength requirements (2xSTR)!
For every 2 wt. above your maximum wielding strength (twice your STR attribute, unless modified by perks) you take a 1 MFD step accuracy penalty. In this case, round up if you’ve got a weapon with an odd-numbered weight requirement (so if you’re over by 1, take a 1 MFD step penalty!). For melee and unarmed weapons, you do not get to add strength damage to a weapon above your maximum wielding strength.
Explosives and other thrown projectiles are also strength limited- you can throw any item that is below ½ your strength score (rounded down) with a range increment of [(STR/4)*5] feet (Min. 5’).Items below ¼ your strength score can be thrown even further, with a range increment of [(STR/2)*5] feet (Min. 5’).
Finally, Magical Energy Weapons ignore 5 points of DT. This is why they’re special; after all, conventional slug-throwers are cheaper and easier to both build and maintain. Only weapons using MFC, ME-Cell, Gem Cell and similar ammunitions have this effect. Happy Hunting!