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· Can you tell me about acceptance and how to learn to accept, because I feel a part in me that is so stupid. Is there a way to make that part of me more clear to myself?


The first thing is to understand what acceptance means. You say: CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT ACCEPTANCE AND HOW TO LEARN TO ACCEPT, BECAUSE I FEEL A PART IN ME THAT DOESN'T WANT TO ACCEPT. Accept that part also, otherwise you have not understood. A part in you goes on rejecting -- accept that rejecting part also, otherwise you have not understood. Don't try to reject that part, accept it, that is what total acceptance is. You have to accept that also which rejects.

You say you would like to know who that part of you is that is so stupid. The moment you call it stupid you have rejected it. Why do you call it stupid? Who are you to call it stupid? It is your part. Why are you dividing yourself into two? You are a whole. All these tricks that you have learned about division have to be dropped. You have learned to divide yourself into the godly part and the devilish part, the good and the bad, the high and the low. Drop all divisions -- that is what acceptance means. If you have something, you have something -- why call it stupid? Who are you to call it stupid?

No, in the very calling it stupid you have rejected it, you have condemned it. Acceptance means that there is no question of condemnation, whatsoever is the case you accept it -- and suddenly there comes a transformation in your being. Don't call it stupid, don't call it names, don't divide yourself, because this is how the ego exists. It is ego which is saying the other part is stupid. The ego is always intelligent, understanding, great -- and it goes on rejecting. It teaches you to reject the body because the body is material and you are spiritual; it teaches you to reject this and that. All this has been done for centuries; religious people have been doing this continuously and they have not reached anywhere. In fact they have made the whole of humanity schizophrenic; they have divided everybody completely into parts. You have compartments within you: this is good and that is bad, love is good and hate is bad, compassion is good and anger is bad.

When I say accept, I say accept all and drop all these compartments. You become one. Everything is good: anger also has its part to play and hate is also needed. In fact whatsoever you have got, everything is needed -- maybe in a different arrangement, that's all. But nothing is to be denied, rejected; don't call anything stupid in yourself.

And then you ask: IS THERE A WAY TO MAKE THAT PART OF ME MORE CLEAR TO MYSELF? Why? Can't you accept something hidden within you? Can't you accept something dark within you? You are also like day and night; something is in the light, something is in the dark. It has to be so, otherwise you will just be on the surface, you will not have any depth. The depth has to be in darkness. If a tree says: I would like to bring my roots to my knowledge, then the tree will die because roots can exist only in deep darkness, hidden in the earth. There is no need to bring them up. If you bring them up, the tree will be dead. You need a dark part as much as you need a light part.

But religious people have been doing dangerous things: they have taught you that god is light. I tell you that god is both, light and darkness, because a god who is simply light will not be very rich. He will be a tree without roots; he will be only a porch, not the interior of a house; a house needs the porch and it needs the interior also.

A house needs one place hidden completely -- because your deepest part lives there. So understanding doesn't mean that you bring everything into the light; understanding means that you become so understanding that you allow everything to be as it is. Understanding is not an effort to change anything, no. Understanding is the understanding of the whole as it is and through that understanding of things as they are there is transformation, there is revolution, there is mutation -- you change completely. Once you understand that everything has a reason for being there you don't bother to interfere with nature, you start floating with it.

You don't push the river; you simply float with it; that is what Tao is. The whole teaching of Lao Tzu is that there is not a single need to do anything on your part, everything has already been done for you, you simply accept it and float. Let things be as they are. Don't make any effort for any change whatsoever, because the very effort to change brings tension into the mind; the very effort to change brings the future into the mind; the very effort to change is a denial of god because then you say: We are wiser than you, we are trying to improve upon you. There is no need -- just be in a deep let-go and float.

It will be difficult because the ego will say: What are you doing? In this way you will never reach anywhere. But where do you want to reach? You are already there. The ego will say: In this way you will never grow. But what is the point of growing? Every moment is perfect. Where do you want to go and grow, and for what? The ego goes on pushing you into the future, into desire, do this, do that -- it never allows you to rest a little. And the whole of Tao, the attitude, the vision of Tao, is to relax and enjoy and through enjoyment things start settling on their own. If the whole existence goes on living in such a beautiful way why is only man in trouble? Because no dog is trying to become anything else; no rose is trying to become a lotus; no lotus is trying to become anything else -- everything is as it is, content, celebrating. Only man is mad. He wants to become something, he wants to prove something.

Can't you see the celebration that goes on silently all around? You only are not part of it because you can think. Thinking brings the division.

Don't say 'stupid' to any part of you. You are calling god names. Don't condemn, because every condemnation is a condemnation of god. You have come out of the whole, the whole knows better than you; allow the wisdom of the whole to work. Don't you bring your tiny mind in to fight. There is no need to go upstream, you will not reach anywhere, you will simply be tired. Don't fight, allow things. That's what acceptance is -- it is let-go. [….]

Why can't you just be? Try for a few days -- just be. Once you have the taste it will not be difficult. Once a small window of being opens you will laugh about the whole effort you have always been doing. 'Just be' is the message.

Date: 2014-12-29; view: 1056

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