| Describing methods applied. n.:
| method, technique, approach, procedure
| v.:
| apply, present, follow, employ, use, allow, permit
| adj.:
| general, main, additional, modern, appropriate, reliable, effective, improved, promising, adequate, up-to-date, conventional, unconventional
| Modern methods of scientific analysis have been applied
Unconventional approach to
has been presented in the paper.
Appropriate technique has been used
Reliable methods of analyzing facts of
The comparative method is useful in
Methods of empirical and systematic analysis were used
The approach is especially helpful when
The approach is more flexible and permits
The methods of synchronic and diachronic analysis used in the study allow/permit
The technique is best suited in evaluating
Comparison is made of the method generally adopted with that used in the investigation.
We have applied an alternative method which
Describing your findings.
| theory, hypothesis, correlation, discrepancy, assumption, findings, data, evidence, viewpoint, model, function, basis, dependence, influence, effect, interrelations
| v.:
| assume, present, provide, report, check, produce, verify, extend (to), find, establish, generate, produce, reveal
| adj.:
| primary, simple, complicated, accurate, satisfactory, certain, preliminary, convincing, contradictory, ambiguous, similar, general, complete, full, variable
| adv.:
| especially, particularly, specially
| It was found that
The data obtained enables us to determine the nature of
Our findings provide evidence for
Our findings make possible the application of
An analysis of
indicated that
, which made it possible
The principal advantage of the approach based on
Of special importance for
Of particular value for
The present observation supports the viewpoint
Obviously, its due to the fact that
The influence of
has been revealed.
Little dependence of
has been observed.
This phenomenon is closely connected with
The validity of the assumption was questioned
The study has revealed a better understanding of
These discrepancies are caused by
The findings are in agreement with
Certain correlation between
has been established.
From the analysis of the data it was determined that
Recommendations for further application and research.
| application, use
| v.:
| apply, use, suit, fit, enable, employ, permit, allow, serve
| adj.:
| helpful, applicable, wide, promising, limited, possible
| The findings may find practical application in
The present investigation enables us
This approach is applicable to
The method can be used in the studies on
The approach is best suited for the investigation of
The findings are especially helpful when
Another method of treating
is recommended.
The approach will make it possible to
Our observations can be particularly efficient when investigating
/for the study of
We make a suggestion as to how
can be used (can be of use) if we study
can be helpful to determine
It is suggested that
should be
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1094