2. Reforms of higher and further education in the Republic of Belarus.
3. The main trends in the native higher and further education.
The Belarusian State University is one of the leading educational institutions in the Republic of Belarus. It ranks high among European Universities. Further there follows information about research activities at the BSU.
The BSU: Research and Development
The BSU which has recently celebrated its 90th anniversary is a top-ranked university in the national system of education. It is a large academic, scientific and manufacturing complex comprising 26 educational establishments, 4 research institutes, 9 research centres, 177 chairs, 23 research laboratories, 11 production sites. The University trains elite personnel in social, humanitarian and natural sciences, carries out fundamental and applied research in the main fields of science on a highly professional level. To a great extend it shapes the national image of the country.
Today the BSU is the Alma Mater for 30 thousand students studying at its 16 faculties: Faculty of History, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Biology, Military Faculty, Geography Faculty, Faculty of the Humanities, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Faculty of Radio Physics and Computer Technologies, Faculty of Pre-University Education, Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Philology, Faculty of International Relations, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry. Within recent years the University has initiated training specialists in the sphere of nuclear energy, logistics, management of innovation technologies, applied computer science, aerospace, radio-electronics, information technologies as well as in a number of humanities. The total number of specialities of higher education equals to 58.
890 students are doing Master’s course and 682 are engaged in postgraduate and doctoral studies. Master’s course students are trained in 47 specialities, while postgraduates – in 118. Doctoral studies are done in 75 fields of research. Annually dozens of Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctors of Sciences (ScD) defend their theses at 22 dissertation councils of the University.
Research activity at the BSU is conducted at numerous research institutes, laboratories and University departments. More than 3000 lecturers and university researchers are engaged in different scientific projects. About 1670 Candidates of Sciences and 400 Doctors of Sciences. 15 Academicians and 16 Corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences work at the BSU. Thousands of publications are issued and a great number of scientific and practical conferences, symposia and seminars are held annually.
The major areas of research comprise:
· alternative and renewable sources of energy, energy saving;
· physical, chemical, biological and genetic methods and technologies of obtaining new substances, materials, biologically-modified forms, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies;
· development of new technologies and appliances for medical treatment, diagnosis, prevention and rehabilitation;
· psychophysiology and psychology of labour; development of methods and procedures for determining professional eligibility;
· mathematical and physical modeling of systems, structures and processes in the environment and society, information technologies, modernization of information infrastructure;
· socio-economic and cultural development of the Republic of Belarus, interdisciplinary research in the field of history, culture, society and state; research in the area of history, material and spiritual heritage of Belarus; improvement of the national systems of law and government;
· study and development of the Belarusian language as a means of communication and preservation of the Belarusian cultural heritage.
High level of teaching and research facilitates the process of integration of the University into a broader educational environment. The BSU takes part in 80 international programmes, including INTAS, as well as those developing under the auspices of the UNO, NATO, CERN, etc.