Some points to remember at the end of the course:
· Reminder about the confidentiality (structure itself is not confidential)
· How to continue … follow-up evening, Satori process
· Auditorium meditations: what was different for you? Keep this quality expanding as you continue meditations, this is what you can take away with you and what these courses are for
· Stay open for direct experience
· Do not make major life decisions right now, wait and let yourself settle back into normal life
· Soft re-entry (traffic, food, etc.)
Organize a follow-up evening for participants to share and then do an integration exercise:
Integration Dyad
This communication structure can be used immediately after an Awareness Intensive to assist participants to integrate what they have learnt from the Intensive. When used more than a day after the Intensive, it can also assist participants to reconnect with their own experiences.
Tell me an experience you had during the Intensive
Thank you
Tell me how you can bring this into your daily life
Thank you
1. The experience referred to need not be a direct experience. It can be anything that you have learnt or understood about yourself, life or others.
2. Always start with the first instruction at the beginning of each 5 minutes.
3. When the communicating partner has finished the first instruction she or he should say ok; the listening partner than thanks them and delivers the second instruction.
4. When the communicating partner has finished the second instruction she or he should say OK and the listening partner then thanks them and delivers the first instruction again.
Steps 3 and 4 cycle for the full five minutes.
Make sure to tell people that they can continue to incorporate the process of the Awareness Intensive in their daily lives if they like, in a form that works for them.
· The same technique can be practiced alone at home with a mirror or the wall.
· Practice with a friend who also has done an Awareness Intensive.
· Continue with the Osho meditations to reconnect with the inner space.
· Sometimes it is good to set up a support system when the course is over, e.g. people exchanging telephone numbers and addresses; or providing the telephone number and name of the nearest Osho Meditation Center.
· Organize Awareness Intensive Evening Events for people who have done it.

Date: 2014-12-29; view: 1275