I ______________________________________________________________________________ (mother \ father) of athlete___________________________________________________________________________________ born__________________allow my son\daughter to take part in the competitions on Modern Sword Fighting _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________held in______________________at the address________________________________________________________.
At the competitions I confide my child to the trainer ____________________________________(FULL NAME).
My child is briefed on safety rules and undertakesdisciplined behavior and safety rules at the competitions on Modern Sword Fighting, and will not neglect to use the obligatory protective equipment and strictly follow the trainer’s commands. ______________ (signature)
I am aware that my child is engaged in full contact kind of martial arts, where there is the possibility of accidental injury. I confirm that my child does not have any medical precautions to take part in Modern Sword Fighting activities. ________________ (signature)
I am aware of the need to insure the life and health of my child to participate in the competitions and confirm that the life and health of my child is covered by insurance. _______________ (signature)
I certify that the life and health of my child is not covered by insurance, and I consciously refuse to insure his/her life and health in case of an injury at the competitions. _____________ (signature)
Date ___________________________ 20___
Signature _____________________________
To the President of
Federation of Modern Sword Fighting of Russia
Davydova M.V.
From the Head of the Delegation
_________________________________ (region, city)
_________________________________ (sports club)
I ___________________________________________________________(full name), the undersigned, the head of the delegation _________________________________________________________(name) from city\cities ________________________________________________________________________________
sports club\several organizations______________________________________________________________ am aware of the importance to follow the rules of appropriate sports behavior and mutual respect of all participants, organizers, judges, spectators at the competitions on Modern Sword Fighting __________________________________________________________________, which take place in the city___________________________________, and I understand the importance of correct and appropriate oral utterances and publications on the Internet before and after the competitions.
I am familiar with the rules of MSF competitions of FMSF of Russia and agree to follow them __________________(signature), and I am aware that in the case of my violation of the RESPONSIBLE CONSENT I can be removed from the competitions or until the end of the season, if Judicial Commission of the competitions will decide it directly at the competitions. In this case, my delegation can also be disqualified before the end of the competitions until the end of the season, or if Judicial Commission of the competitions will decide it directly at the competitions.