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Overview of systems

Cellular networks have been developed and deployed at various times and places in many countries across the world. In several cases, the local telecommunications authority or company was central to the specification and development of the standard with which the network complied. Since frequency allocations and other basic parameters (such as channel spacing) have often been set at national level and not coordinated between countries, these local factors resulted in different standards being adopted by different countries.

In addition, in cases where the development of a standard has started later, the opportunity has been taken to introduce new fea­tures made possible by advances in technology, further increasing the diversity between standards.

From this wide range of differing system standards, four have become largely dominant and have been adopted in many countries, albeit still with some variations. These four are AMPS, TACS, NMT (both NMT 450 and NMT 900)and C450, and their basic system parameters are shown in Table 47.2. Each of these is described in outline below, but in addition special mention must be made of the European designed GSM system which is set to become the domi­nant standard forEurope in the mid to late 1990's.


Table 47.2Comparison of system parameters



AMPS stands forAdvanced Mobile Phone System and was de­veloped in the USA primarily by Bell Laboratories as a successor for the heavily congested IMTS (Improved Mobile Telephone Sys­tem). Being designed forthe north American market, AMPS uses the 800MHz band allocated to mobile services in ITU Region 2 (the Americas), with 30kHz channel spacing in common with estab­lished PMR practice.

AMPS uses analogue FM for speech transmission, but with a wider frequency deviation (12kHz) than is the norm for a 30kHz channelling system. By adopting the wide deviation, the dynamic range of the speech channel is extended and protection against co-channel interference is increased. This, together with the use of speech compression/expansion (companders) yields a high quality voice circuit with the capability to maintain performance in a high capacity (poor interference ratio) configuration.

Signalling between mobile and base station is at l0kbit/s, with Manchester encoding applied taking the bit rate to 20kbit/s. The data is modulated onto the radio carrier by direct frequency shift keying (FSK). Error control is achieved by multiple repetition (5 or 11 times) of each signalling word, with majority voting applied at the receiver to correct errors. A BCH block code is also applied to detect any uncorrected errors.

Whilst a call is in progress, the base station transmits a low level supervisory audio tone (SAT) in the region of 6kHz. Three different SAT frequencies are used by the network, and are allocated to the base stations so that the nearest co-channel base stations (i.e. those most likely to cause interference) have a different SAT from the wanted base station. The mobile continuously monitors the received SAT and also transponds the signal back to the base station. If the mobile (or the base station) detects a difference between the re­ceived SAT and that expected, the audio path is muted to prevent the interfering signal from being overhead. If the condition persists, the call is aborted.

AMPS underwent a long development period, and an extended trial (technical and commercial) which not only fixed the system parameters but also contributed to the basic planning rules which hold true forall cellular systems. The system design was compre­hensively described in 1979 (Bell, 1979), but it was not until 1983 that operating licences were issued and true commercial exploita­tion ofthe system commenced.

AMPS is in operation extensively across the north American continent (USA and Canada). Due to the regulatory conditions in force in the USA, deployment has been in the form of a patchwork of largely independent standalone systems, with two competing systems operating in each licence area. Although commercial roam­ing agreements exist to allow customers of one operating company to obtain service from another when they are in a different part of the country, a seamless nationwide service is, as yet, not available to the customer.

AMPS is now also used in a number of a number ofcentral and south American countries, in Australia and some far east countries. World-wide it is the dominant standard in terms of installed cus­tomer base.

AMPS is being further developed to incorporate digital speech encoding, with TDMA techniques to give three digital voice chan­nels per one radio channel. Digital AMPS (DAMPS) has the same basic architecture and signalling protocol as AMPS and is therefore more evolutionary than revolutionary (as is GSM in Europe).


TACS stands for Total Access Communications System, and was adapted from the AMPS standard by the UK when cellular radio was licensed for operation from 1985. The adaptation was necessary to suit European frequency allocations which were at 900MHz, with 25kHz channel spacing. This meant a reduction in frequency devi­ation and signalling speed was necessary (BS, 1990).

The signalling scheme ofAMPS was retained largely unchanged, but some enhancements were introduced, particularly in the proce­dures for location registration, to make the standard more suitable for deployment in systems offering contiguous nationwide cover­age. The opportunity was also taken to introduce extra features, such as signalling of charge rate information (e.g. for payphones).

TACS was originally specified to use the full 1(X)O channels (2 x 25MHz) allocated to mobile services in Europe. However in the UK, only 600 channels (2 x 15MHz) were released by the licensing authority, the remainder being reserved for GSM. Subsequently an additional allocation of channels below the existing TACS channels was made, namely the Extended TACS (ETACS) channels, and the standard was modified accordingly.

TACS equipment availability and cost have both benefitted from the standard's similarity to AMPS, and TACS systems have been adopted by several European countries (UK, Eire, Spain, Italy, Austria and Malta), in the middle east (Kuwait, UAE and Bahrain) and the far east (Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and China). In Europe, TACS is on an equal footing with NMT in terms of installed customer base. A variant of TACS (called J-TACS) has also been adopted in Japan.


NMT stands for Nordic Mobile Telephone (system), and was de­veloped jointly by the PTTs of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland during the late 1970's/early 1980's.The system was de­signed to operate in the 450MHz band, and was later adapted to also use the 900MHz band. Although NMT was developed after AMPS, it saw commercial service before it, opening in late 1981.

NMT450 uses a channel spacing of 25kHz, speech modulation being analogue FM with a peak frequency deviation of 5kHz, the same as standard PMR practice. NMT900 also uses a frequency deviation of 5kHz, but with a 12.5kHz channel spacing to double the number of available channels, albeit with a degraded adjacent channel rejection performance which must be taken into account during frequency planning. Signalling is at 12(K) bit/s using audio fast frequency shift keying (FFSK). Error protection of the signall­ing information is by means of a Hagelbarger convolutional forward error correcting code.

NMT was designed from the outset to support international roam­ing and was first implemented with full four nation roaming in the four participating countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland and Den­mark). Since then NMT450 has been deployed in many other European countries (Austria, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxem­bourg, France, Iceland, Faroe Is., Turkey and Hungary) but due to differences in the frequency allocations in the 450MHz band be­tween countries, not all networks are fully compatible to allow roaming.

NMT900 was developed as a necessity as capacity became ex­hausted on the NMT450 networks, and has been deployed since 1987 as an overlay network in several countries, and in Switzerland as their main network.


C450 (also known as Netz-C) was developed by Siemens during the early 1980's under the direction of the (West) German PTT, Deut­sche Bundespost. Commercial service opened in 1985 following a trial period.

C450 has a channel spacing of 20kHz, in common with other mobile services in Germany at 450MHz and speech modulation is analogue FM with a frequency deviation of 4.0kHz. Signalling for call control is transmitted at 5.28kbit/s by direct FSK. Error protec­tion of the signalling is by bit interleaving with a BCH block code backed by an acknowledgement protocol.

In addition, C450 uses continuous signalling between base station and mobile during a call, achieved by time compressing the speech in bursts of 12.5ms, each burst being compressed into 11.4ms. This process opens up slots of 1.1msduration every 12.5ms and the signalling data is inserted into these slots and extracted by the receiver which also time expands the speech back to its original form.

This continuous signalling serves several purposes:

1. It allows the base station to send power control and handover messages to the mobile without disturbing the voice channel.

2. The data is checked for jitter, and thereby the quality of the channel can be determined in order to indicate the need for a handover.

3. The time delay between a base station transmitting a data burst and receiving the response from the mobile is measured at the base station and used to calculate the distance between them.
This distance is also taken into account in handover determina­tion.

4. The data is used as a timing reference by the mobile to lock its internal clocks.

C450 contains a number of advanced features made possible by the application of current developments in technology. Although speech transmission is analogue, it can be regarded as a hybrid technology system, and several of its characteristics such as time slotted signalling channels and continuous signalling during call have been carried through into the GSM system design.

Coming later to the European scene, C450 has chiefly only served the German market, although systems are also operating in Portugal and South Africa.


The GSM standard was developed as a joint initiative by the mem­bers of the Conference of European Posts and Telecommunications administrations (CEPT) with the eventual aim of building a unified pan-European network, giving the user a near uniform service throughout all European countries. An added bonus of a common standard should be lower terminal equipment prices through econ­omies of scale.

Work on the standard started in 1982, and by 1987 all the basic architectural features were decided. The full Phase 1 specification was completed in 1990, but work continues on further phases incorporating new features and services. In 1987, the majority of operators participating in GSM signed a Memorandum of Under­standing (MoU) committing them to make GSM a reality by install­ing networks and opening commercial service by 1991. Since that time further operators have signed the MoU, bringing the total to date to 25.

The GSM technical standard makes full use of currently available levels of technology, incorporating features such as low bit rate speech, convolutional channel coding with bit interleaving and frequency hopping. The standard is intended to endure for many years to come.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 896

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