8.1Decisions of the General Assembly, of the FEB and of the Board of Directors will be made byvoting. Only delegates of Member Societies that are in good standing, including payment in full their contribution can vote. All polls concerning persons will be secret.
8.1.1In the General Assembly, delegates represent a number of votes according to Article 7. Members of the Board of Directors and of the Board of a Continental Division have no additional voting rights. However in case of an equality in votes, the International President, after consulting the International Vice Presidents, shall break the tie.
8.1.2In the FEB the International President and the International Vice Presidents each represent 1 vote. A President of a Continental Division with a total number of votes according to Article 7 of
8.1.3In the Board of Directors the International President and the International Vice Presidents eachrepresent 1 vote.
8.2For delegates from one country, voting by proxy is authorized. Voting by proxy on behalf of a society from another country is limited to one society only. Voting by correspondence and voting by e-mail is authorized.
8.3Except for the alterations of the Statutes and the dissolution of the FISM, the General Assembly shall make its decisions by a simple majority of the votes cast.
8.4The Statutes can only be altered by decision of the General Assembly on demand of the Board ofDirectors, the FEB, a Continental President or on demand of at least three Member Societies of three different countries. In order to be adopted, the amendments to the Statutes must obtain both the majority of the votes cast and the majority of the voting Societies, each Society counting for one vote. 8.5The dissolution of the FISM can be arrived at by vote at a General Assembly, by a majority of75% of the maximum votes of the General Assembly. Should such a decision be adopted, the General Assembly will decide how to disburse the funds of the FISM.
ARTICLE 9 Finance
9.1The financial assets of the FISM will be
– contributions of the Member Societies, as approved by the General Assembly;
– admission fees from new Member Societies (See Article 10.4);
– (part of the) revenues of a FISM World Championship of Magic and of a FISM Continental Championship of Magic;
– sponsoring or gifts;
– benefits from any other legal income source.
F I S M P a g e 5-8
The assets shall be utilized to cover the expenses of the FISM and to form a fund to be able to contribute to the compensation of a possible financial deficit of a FISM
World Championship of Magic or of a FISM Continental Championship of Magic.
9.2The contribution, and the admission fee for new Member Societies will be endorsed by the General Assembly.
The contribution shall be in proportion to the number of members of a Member Society The contribution and the admission fee have to be paid within three months following the approval of the General Assembly.
9.3The FISM finances shall be subject to audit and verification by a Finance Committee of three persons, to be appointed by the General Assembly.