THEY NEED A BIGGER BANG TO GET THE SAME RESULTImages and videos of smoldering debris, dead bodies, gunshots, screaming victims and wounded people haunt our dreams after events like these.
It is all too easy to throw up our hands and feel like all we can do is either grieve their losses or just numb ourselves out and ignore the pain.
These events must get bigger and nastier over time in order to generate mass effects, such as fear and terror -- which is what the perpetrators want.
That's why this type of crime is called "terrorism."
If the perpetrators can trigger a full-scale war out of it -- or at least a "piecemeal World War III," as one of the links below says -- then they get what they want.

Top media headlines have a short attention span and only focus on one major event at a time. A new war or mass fatality serves as an excellent distraction.
These disasters are shocking reminders that we have not yet reached our goals of a peaceful, harmonious future.
By exposing the truth of what is going on, we can work towards a solution that will free the earth from terrorism once and for all.
We cannot stand by, do nothing and wait for the next catastrophe as innocent people continue to die at the hands of these criminals.
It's easy enough to "go back to sleep" after events like this -- only to be triggered into fear once again when the next big news story comes along.
By exposing the truth of what is going on, we can work towards a solution that will free the earth from terrorism once and for all.
Whether we realize it or not, by learning and sharing the truth, we are helping an alliance that is diligently working to defeat the perpetrators of these attacks.
We will share detailed new information about this huge international alliance in this report, matching up insider data with provable facts.
The game is so deadly, and the villain so ruthless, that almost every Alliance move needs to be wrapped in a cloak of secrecy.
Once you become awakened to the truth of what is going on in our world, you will never see mass terror events like these in the same way.
Although there are genuine Muslim extremists working in a group like ISIS, the bigger question is who is financing them, and for what purpose.
There is a great abundance of evidence to suggest that groups like ISIS are "proxy armies" used by the Powers that Were to achieve their political goals.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 987