1. Old English period covers
a) 450-1066AD b) 405 - 1475 AD c) 7th –2nd BC
d) 210 – 1474 AD
2. Arrange the dwellers of the British Isles due to the sequence of historical periods they lived in:
a) Roman colonists 1) 7st - 5th BC
b) the Germanic tribes 2) before the 7th BC
c) the Picts 3) 1st BC
d) the Celts 4) 449 AD
e) the Vikings 5) 1066 AD
f) the Norman conquest 6) 6th AD
g) Roman Christians 7) 8th AD
3. The informal confederation of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms from the 5th to the 9th century was called:
a) Heptagon b) Heptarchy c) Heptateuch
4. This confederation comprised (Tick those which made it up):
a) Northumbria b) Cumbria c) Mercia d) East Anglia
e) Kent f) West Wales g) Essex h) Sussex i) Wessex j) Ireland
5. Arrange the words into appropriate column due to their origin:
| Celtic
| Germanic
| Latin
| Scandinavian
| | | | | | a) down b) Tuesday c) mother d) wine e) egg f) earth g) whiskey h) eye i) skin j) take k) Birmingham l) moon m) street n) neck o) do
6. Arrange the words into appropriate column due to the period of their appearance in Old English:
Borrowing from Latin
| the 1st layer of loanwords (from the 1st AD)
| the 2nd layer of loanwords (from the 6th AD)
| | | a) Winchester b) pear c) master d) post
e) devil f) angel g) castle h) bishop
i) kitchen
7. Which of these are the Old English dialects:
a) Kentish b) South Saxon c) West Saxon d) East Saxon e) Mercian f) Northumbrian
8. Which of the letters did not belong to the Old English alphabet?
a) æ b) q c) z d) g e) j f) v
9. Among the diphthongs of Old English the original ones are:
a) ēā b) ēō c) ea d) iu e) ai
10. Name the mutation the early OE vowels underwent during their development. Choose the names from the pool below:
a) cæster → ceaster (city)f) lárian → læ:ran (teach) b) fullian → fyllan (fill)g) saru → searu) (device)
c) scacan → sceacan (shake) h) herte → heorte (heart)
d) ærm → earm (arm)i) mūs →mỹs (mouth)
e) jâr → gēar (year)j) swestar → sweostor (sister)
k) slahan → slēan) (strike)
1.i-mutation; 2. palatalization; 3. back (velar) mutation; 4. breaking; 5. contraction of vowels due to a dropped h
11. Establish the rules of reading OE consonants by matching the lines in columns:
I)a)3 is pronounced as Eng. [g] 1) preceding or following
any front vowel (e, i, y)
b) 3 is pronounced as Ukr. [γ]2)before back vowels - a, o, u
c) 3 is pronounced as Engl. [j] 3) after (between) back
vowels or after r, l
d) 3 is pronounced as Engl. [d3]4) in combination cg (c3)
I I) a)c is pronounced as [t⌡] 1) before original back vowel
b) c is pronounced as [⌡]2)in combination sc: scēap
(sheep), fisc (fisc)
c) c is pronounced as [k] 3) between or before front
vowels a, æ, e and y
12. Establish the rules of reading OE consonant [h] by matching the lines in the columns:
a)h is pronounced as Eng. [h] 1) afterfront vowels a, æ, e and y
b) h is pronounced as Rus. [ő]2)initially
c) h is pronounced as Engl. [ő’] 3)after back vowels - a, o, u
13. Which of the words below present the examples of geminates:
a) sticca b) Zān c) oððer d) offrian
14. Match the words with the consonants mutation they illustrate:
a) Gt broþar → Grm Bruder 1) doubling of consonants
b) OHGerm gans → OE gōs 2) metathesis
c) Gt raisjan→ OE ræ:ran 3) hardening
d) P.Gmc satjanan → O.E. settan 4) loss of nasal
e) OE rinnan – OE irnan 5) rhotacism
15. Strong verbs are the verbs that
a) form the past and participle by adding a dental suffix
b) form the past and participle through changing root vowel
c) their the past and participle forms coincide with the infinitive
16. Weak verbs made up the past forms
a) by adding -te
b) by adding -de
c) by adding - te, -de
d) through changing the root vowel
17. Tick the features of the OE noun:
a) three genders
b) eight cases
c) various stem-type declension
d) singular and plural
18.Tick the features of the OE adjective:
a) the genders depending on ones of the noun it modifies
b) five cases
c) independent strong or weak forms of declension
d) suffixes –er, -est in the comparative and superlative
e) ablaut in the root in some degrees of comparison
19. Old English pronouns have
a) dual number b) eight cases c) the 2nd person singular d) no gender
20. Tick the features inherent in the Old English numerals:
a) ordinal n. use the suffix -ta or -þa
b) ordinal n. use the suffix -te or -þe
c) 21 are pronounced - án and twentig
d) 21 are pronounced - twentig and án
21. Old English word formation types are:
a) determinative compounding
b) qualitative compounding
c) repetitive compounding
d) noun-adjective formation
e) adjective -noun formation
f) prefix and suffix formation
22. “Kenning” is the term meaning:
a) the unique official vocabulary of OE documents, especially referring to royal family
b) the borrowed vocabulary of OE literature taken from the Vikings
c) the unique poetic vocabulary of OE literature, especially in metaphorical constructions
23. Which of these features are inherent in the Old English syntax?
a) free word order
b) direct word order
c) only one negative word within the sentence
d) several negative words within the sentence
e) synthetic word order
Middle English
1) to know the historical events that influenced changes of the language;
2) to know what languages were spoken on the territory of the British Isles within the period; to know some of their peculiarities;
3) to describe the major differences between Old English and Middle English;
4) to know the main phonetic, grammatical, syntactic and lexical peculiarities of development of the language within the Middle English period;
5) to develop understanding the rules of reading Middle English texts.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1278