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R.F. DELDERFIELD. To serve them all my days (1973).

There was that farcical incident the first day he took the Lower Fourth, that final refuge of extravagant hu­morists, who regarded any new tutor, especially an inex­perienced one, as legitimate prey, a blind and bumbling bear, to be baited and tested for sharpness of tooth and claw. (…).

The scale began in the Second Form, composed entirely of first and second termers, ticking off the days as they adjusted to the pangs of homesickness. One looked for no trouble at all with these. All that was necessary was to slip into the role of jovial uncle, or brother separated by a wide age gap, and jolly them along, spicing the lesson with a few old chestnuts and injecting the spice of romance into pages of the text-books where all the tedious mile­stones of British history were marked in heavy, marginal print, a row of cromlechs tracing a road across a waterless desert.

In the Lower, Middle and Upper Third sights had to be adjusted. Here were the thirteen- and fourteen-year-olds, who had played themselves in and were now in the process of separating into four streams, streams that he came to think of as the anxious-to-learners, the occasional-triers, the professional time-passers and the practical jokers, bent on making a reputation for themselves.

It was in the Fourth Forms that trouble really began. The Fourth Forms were the school watershed, boys of fifteen and above, with two or three years of rough and tumble behind them and no immediate responsibilities ahead, a majority of skrimshankers who reminded him of the crafty, time-serving men, whose experience earned them stripes one day that were taken away the next.

And of the three Fourth Forms the Lower Fourth was the toughest, perhaps because the Cambridge examinations would be that much nearer after removes to the Middle and Upper Fourth were achieved, and pressures were applied by parents reacting to end-of-term reports. At all events, his first crisis came on his second morning at Bamfylde, when he introduced himself to some thirty blank-faced fifteen-year-olds in Big School, used as a form-room for the Lower Fourth during the day and as a com­munal prep room for the whole of the Middle School in the evenings.

It was a difficult room to overlook. The space between the rostrum and the first row of desks was unusually wide, so that he had a sense of being detached from the class in a way that did not happen elsewhere. The ceiling was high and arched and the three Gothic windows gave a clear view of the forecourt and east drive, an open invita­tion to idlers to concentrate on comings and goings out there rather than on the blackboard or the rostrum.

Boyer, a well-grown, rather saturnine boy with dark hair and high cheekbones, occupied a desk in the back row and even before the incident David marked him down as a jester. He had humorous, heavy-lidded eyes, grey, watchful and mocking. From the moment of making his first appearance, however, David was struck by the unusual passivity of the class. They sat very sedately, at­tentively awaiting his opening gambits, so that he was well launched on a survey of Elizabeth's foreign policy when there was a sudden stir at the back of the room. A glance, centering on Boyer, warned him he was in trouble, serious trouble if he let it get out of hand, for Boyer had turned very pale, blinking his humorous eyes rapidly as his limbs twitched and jerked, setting all the inkpots in the com­munal desk leaping in their sockets. Before David could make even the briefest assessment of the situation the mouth began to twitch in sympathy so that one had the distinct impression that Boyer was in the grip of some form of palpitation or spasm that would bring him, in a matter of seconds, to a point of prostration. David stood up and made a single step towards the edge of the rostrum but at once a forest of hands shot up and reassuring ad­vice was shouted at him from all directions.

"It's all right, sir!" "Don't worry, sir!"

"Only one of Boyer's fits, sir ... !"

"Shall I take him to Matron, sir?" And then, calmly stated above the chorus by Dobson, Boyer's right-hand neighbor, "It happens about once a week, sir! Fresh air always brings him round, sir. Shall I open the window and loosen his collar, sir?"

It was Dobson's unceremonious handling of the boy that alerted him for, as he bent over Boyer to loosen his tie, he overplayed his hand by tightening it. Boyer, chok­ing on the knot, came to for a fleeting second, long enough to push his outstretched hand into Dobson's face with such force that Dobson reeled across the aisle until stopped by the water pipes. At the same time concern seemed to ebb from the boys crowding round and some of them began to titter, establishing beyond doubt that Boyer's performance was very much appreciated.

He took a chance then. He had nothing but instinct to tell him that Boyer's seizure was a well-rehearsed trick on the part of the Lower Fourth to relieve the tedium of an hour devoted to De Silva, Walsingham and the Dutch. He roared, at the top of his voice, “Silence! Places!” and the command at least had the effect of dispersing the crowd about Boyer's desk, giving him his first real chance to weigh the probabilities. Then Dobson rallied but again, a mere amateur alongside Boyer, he overplayed, saying, in an aggrieved voice, "I was only trying to help, sir … !” and that did it. Color returned to Boyer's face and he sat upright, blinking and looking confused, a traveler who has awakened in a train to discover he has passed his sta­tion. And in a sense he had, for David descending from the rostrum, and moving down the center aisle, scented victory in the hush that fell in the class as he said, quietly but menacingly, "Stand up Boyer! You too, Dobson!" and both boys raised themselves, looking, David thought, surprised and vaguely apprehensive. He said, in the same level tone, “Quite a performance! But it needs working on, Boyer! You're not bad but your partner is a terrible ham," and the astonished laugh, heavier and more sustained than the obligatory response to a master's quip, set the seal on his triumph. He paused then, savoring it and wondering if either Boyer or Dobson would have the nerve to carry the bluff a stage further. When they did not he said, mildly, "It's only fair to warn you I'm familiar with all forms of hysteria. In fact, I'm an expert, having spent the last seven months in shell-shock wards."

It was well below the belt. He was aware of that but he didn't care. It was a crossroads in his life, and victory was essential. In the uneasy silence that followed he weighed his words carefully, finally opting for a middle course, halfway between outrage and appeal, but choosing irony as the weapon best suited to the occasion.

"Well, now," he said, "Boyer being happily restored to full health, suppose I begin by being frank? This is my second day here but I'll add to that. It's also my second day in the teaching profession—teaching in school, that is, for I've been engaged, among other things, in teaching recruits how to deal with the Opposition. Think about that, because the Opposition, from here on, is you. Right, sit down, both of you, and let's have a show of hands. How many of you were in on Boyer's little relapse?"

Four hands were raised. Then eight and finally two more, near the front. Their readiness to admit complicity touched him. He said, easily, "Well, that's honest at all events. Boyer took the risks alone, so I don't really see why he should be expected to carry all the bacon home. Everyone concerned, including Boyer and his male nurse, can copy out the chapter we were doing and bring it to me at morning break tomorrow. You deserve far worse, of course, but they tell me every dog is allowed one bite."

The murmur told him all he wanted to know but Boyer still had a surprise for him. He stood up again, red in the face but resolute. "My . . . er . . . apologies, sir . . . It was only . . . a . . . well . . . sir . . . a . . ."

"A tryout?"

"Well, yes, sir. None of us knew, sir. About the hospital, I mean."

"No reason why you should." He lowered himself on the edge of the desk for a moment. At any minute he knew that his hands would begin to shake and the prospect ter­rified him. He said, carefully, "You've no exams this term, have you?" and Youings, a studious-looking boy in the front row, said, "No, sir, not this term," and made it sound as if he regretted it.

"Has anyone here ever tried teaching you more up-to-date history? The basic causes of the present war, for instance?"

"A little, sir," from Youings, who continued, "Ger­many's commercial jealousy, and need for overseas mar­kets, sir?" but then, to his surprise, Dobson's hand shot up and he said, in response to a nod, "Kaiser Bill's trying to rule the world, isn't he, sir?"

"According to the Daily Mail he is. Any other ideas?"

In their collective concentration he sensed a desperate eagerness to appease. Letherett, a red-headed boy, re­minded the class of the assassination of the Austrian Arch­duke at Sarajevo. Gibson seemed to think it was all a bid on the part of Germany for naval supremacy. Hoxton was more subtle, stating categorically that Germany had gone to war in the belief that Britain would stand aside and let her occupy France. They were still having their say when the bell went and they seemed genuinely interested in his assessments of their answers. He said, by way of valediction, "We'll continue the inquest on Friday if my reading of the timetable is correct. Class dismissed," and he gathered up his books and left without a backward glance.


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F.G. PATTON. Good Morning, Miss Dove (1955) | CHARLOTTE BRONTE. The Professor (1857). Chapter 7
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