Answer the questions on the text. Use the following expressions to begin your answer.1. What are the grades of American schooling?
2. When do children in the USA start nursery school?
3. Are there private schools in the USA?
4. Is there uniformity in the education system of different states in the USA?
5. Do students leave schools at the same age in different states?
6. Who can attend colleges and universities?
7. What do nonacademic courses include?
8. Why were nonacademic courses offered?
9. How did schools begin to answer a report called “A Nation at Risk”?
10. How did business organizations help realize school reforms in the 1980s?
11. Did these methods to improve education have great success?
12. Why do high school students take vocational courses?
13. What do advanced courses prepare students for?
Agree or disagree. Correct wrong statements.
I (quite) agree (with you). I don’t think so.
I think so too. I don’t agree.
Certainly! I think you are mistaken.
Just so. You are wrong.
1. Most of American students study six days a week.
2. Children in the USA start nursery school at age 4 or under.
3. After kindergarten students attend junior school.
4. Students may attend either public schools or private schools.
5. The age of leaving schools is the same in all states.
6. The states provide not only expensive private education but also a free public one.
7. Those who graduate from secondary schools can attend colleges and universities.
8. During the 1980s many schools offered a wide variety of nonacademic courses.
9. More demanding standards had to increase the level of students’ knowledge.
10. Realizing new educational business organizations offered jobs to students.
11. Methods to improve education didn’t show any results.
12. Students’ achievements in science, mathematics, reading and writing were great.
13. Vocational courses prepare students for university or college study.
14. Advanced courses prepare students to perform specific jobs.
Arrange the sentences according to the text.
1. Approximately 60% of the students who graduates from secondary schools attends colleges and universities.
2. Advanced courses prepare students for university or college study.
3. The quality of education declined in the early 1980s.
4. Students attend elementary schools, then junior high schools and at last secondary schools.
5. Corporations have given grants to universities to improve teacher education.
6. Children start nursery schools at age of four or under.
7. Many parents are involved in working for better quality education.
8. Students may attend either public schools or private schools.
9. The states spend money on private schools and provide free public education.
10. Most of public high schools have computers.
11. School attendance is required in all 50 states.
12. Most states passed new more demanding standards.
13. Vocational courses prepare students to perform specific jobs.
14. In different states students leave school at different age.
15. Business organizations, realizing that their future employees needed skills that could be learned in schools, pitched in to help.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1091