Assign it to oblivion.SPIRITUAL REALITY
Understanding Spiritual Reality,
Requires a new mentality,
A cosmic shift,
Fresh thinking, to stop the drift,
Humanity is poised upon Karma’s cliff.
Now proven Prophecy in Revelation,
Applies to every Nation;
Scripture’s Revelation Two verse Seventeen,
Released revealing Light, Truth now can be seen,
All awake wondering from a Dream.
Revelation speaks of a day of Reawakening,
None can deny the ground’s a shaking.
Spirit says unto man’s Kirk,
A place where devils, demons and red capped Deceivers lurk,
Be released be gone, free to leave the Earth,
In Education’s Truth is mankind’s Rebirth.
Spiritual Reality is!
Reality is, Duality is, be no loss of Self in process Death,
Life is before and beyond Mortal breath,
All of Humanity does awake,
Past death, as from sleep in another State.
No matter Ego’s Denial, No matter life’s Trial,
Regardless of Creed,
Consequences await Self, responsible Creator of every Deed,
All actions are answerable before
Impartial, Perfect Universal Nature’s Law!
Fact is fact! There is not an issue,
Individual consciousness does for a time continue,
Beyond the shedding of human tissue.
Religion and State,
Provide choices which swell Greed’s oily plate,
Nonsense great Grandparent was an Ape,
Ancestor forefather Man, from ape Physically did not ascend.
Nor man from Angel did descend,
Nor is life’s purpose simply to end.
Mankind’s hidden Ancient Past, revealed at last!
Far before the recent Martian’s Mast,
Forgotten Spirit Races into Form did Pass,
Prior Earth Man’s stolen, buried History,
Truth does not suit the Kirk you see!
A Basic Existence Truth lost to Earth’s Races deliberately!
By those who would control Destiny and Liberty,
Truth a Saviour can set you Free.
Science hides in Mystery?
Funded by the System’s sophistry,
So fearful to retain the Status Quo,
Government denies Light in Knowledge for all to Grow.
Government and Religion promote, glorify War,
The Debt ridden Economy’s bleeding Sore.
Religions created gods and messiahs,
Deliberate errors created the Terrors,
Spirit Truth disrobes emperors and liars,
Aware authority used the Real Fact of past Death survival,
To empower Error’s teachings in Scroll and Bible.
Common Sense does separate,
Fact from medieval fiction proved second rate,
Full of negative bias, burning hate.
Time to relocate religion and separate the State,
Until then, be no Freedom for the Race of Men.
Be no anthropomorphic god to ask a Favour,
Be no Devil, hence need no Saviour,
No Saviour to forgive behaviour,
Sole Soul Saviour is Right Behaviour!
In every beating human heart,
Spirit Spore seed planted knowledge from the start,
Blood remembers every part,
Of Right from Wrong, of what is Taboo,
All is known is not the Issue.
Fact insurmountable,
Inner Nature holds all and each accountable.
Love is not all you Need,
Love plus intelligence and will to plant the seed,
In Spiritual Reality, Spirit You does know,
Each tested in the flesh, harvest as do sow.
Freedom from religion,
Assign it to oblivion.
File away religion’s bible,
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 832