Now that you know the history of books and publishing, make sure that you rememberSome important facts of their development.
A. Arrange the places and persons in the chronological order to illustrate the
development of printing and books. Number them as 1, 2, 3…… etc. Match
Them with approximate dates.
____the Egyptian papyrus roll
| 3000 BC
| ____Chinese books
| 2500 BC
| ____the clay tablets of Mesopotamia
| 1300 BC
| ____Roman books,
| 900 BC
| ____Greek books,
| 100 BC
| ____the medieval book ,
| 200 AD
| ____the codex
| 4th c. AD
| ____Frantsysk Skaryna of Polatsk
| 1450 – 1550
| ____William Caxton
| ____Johannes Guttenberg
| 1522–25
C. What materials had been used before paper was invented and distributed in Europe. Match the names with their definitions. Make sure you know their Russian equivalents.
| - writing material of ancient times and also the plant from which it was derived, also called paper plant.
| vapyrus
| - made from water-cleaned clay.
| the codex
| - made of wood or bamboo strips bound together with cords.
| Chinese books
| - texts written on papyrus rolls
| greek books
| - texts written on papyrus rolls and waxed woodent tablets
| Roman books
| - constructed from folded leaves bound together on one side
| vellum and parchment
| - a finer quality of parchment
| vellum
| - materials prepared from the skins of animals.
| The medieval book
| - a codex written on vellum or parchment
C. Answer the questions.
1 Which 3 major inventions facilitied the development of publishing and books?
2 What social change was vital for its implementation?
3 What linguistic pre-condition promoted the development of printing, broadly
4 Which country is believed to have pioneered the invention of printing?
5 How was the knowledge of paper passed on to Europe?
6 What did the invention of printing in Europe call into being?
7 Where were the first libraries established and why?
8 Why did the church and authorities try to exercise censhorship over written matter?
9 Over the history of their development, books have been repeatedly burnt and destroyed, Why, do you think?
10 How is a book defined by UNESCO?
11 How are the Greek words biblos and byblos related? What are their meanings?What does the Latin word vollumen mean? What is its modern English equivalent?
12 How would you interpret Fransisc Skaryna’s statement Reading is the mirror of our life,the balm for the afflicted.?
D. Look at the picture below and say what is described there.
²Listening comprehension
97 The recording you are going to hear is called “The Bible Hospital”. With a partner,
Work out what it might be about. To help you, there are words, which occur in the
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