cover - the outer front or back part of a book.
His photo's on the cover of Newsweek again.
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binding- a book cover
Seven centuries of manuscripts, fine bindings and beautifully illustrated books, will be on display.
title - the name given to a particular book
I've read one of her books, but I can't remember the title.
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frontispiece - a picture or photograph at the beginning of a book, usually opposite the page with the title on it
The frontispiece of Sprat's History shows a spacious study lined with books and scientific instruments.
title page - the page at the front of a book which shows the book's name, the writer etc.
Opposite the title page was a picture of the kneeling King exchanging his royal crown for a crown of thorns.
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dedication- the words used at the beginning of a book, film, or piece of music, thanking someone or saying that book etc has been written to show respect for them
The book was dedicated to her husband.
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preface - an introduction at the beginning of a book or speech
This edition contains a new preface by the author.
acknowledgements- a short piece of writing at the beginning or end of a book in which the writer thanks all the people who have helped him or her
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Introduction - a written explanation at the beginning of a book
In the introduction he explains why he wrote the book.
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table of contents- a list at the beginning of a document that shows the different parts into which it is divided
The program automatically creates a table of contents
contents page/s – the page/s containing the table of contents
He cast his eye down the contents page .
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chapter (Part One, Part 2, etc.)- one of the parts that a book is divided into
'Have you finished "Lord of the Rings" yet?' 'I'm on the last chapter.'
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section - a separate part of a book
This issue will be discussed further in section 2.
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page- one side of a piece of paper in a book
For full details see page 99.
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extract/excerpt- a short piece of writing taken from a particular book
The book contains previously unpublished material, including extracts from diaries, letters and taped interviews.
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bit - British spoken a small part of a story or film
My favourite bit is when they try to escape.
Some bits of the book are actually quite funny.
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index- indexes- an alphabetical list of names, subjects etc at the back of a book, with the numbers of the pages where they can be found
Look under B in the index to see if biology is covered in the book.
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thumb index- a line of round cuts in the edge of a large book which have the letters of the alphabet on them and help you find the part of the book you want
Does this book a thumb index?
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glossary - a list of special words and explanations of their meanings, often at the end of a book
It is well illustrated and includes problems and a glossary but has a scanty index.
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bibliography- a list of all the books and articles used in preparing a piece of writing
Details of suggested further reading are given in the bibliography.
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appendix-appendices - a part at the end of a book containing additional information
Attached in appendix A are the questions which formed the basis of the interview.
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