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Chapter Twenty-three 12 page

"Do they do this all the time? Call you and tell you to be somewhere yesterday?"

"I don't usually move around this much. The last few months have been hectic, and then after what happened this week..." Valerie shrugged ruefully. Her identity had very nearly been exposed when the escort service she'd employed as a cover in DC had been the object of a clandestine investigation. She'd expected to remain on the West Coast until a new identity could be established, but she'd been ordered to Manhattan almost immediately for the gallery opening. "Most of the time, we aren't given explanations. I'm given a job to do, and that's what I do."

"I know you can't tell me those things, and I'm not going to ask." Diane grasped the free edge of the towel and pulled slowly until it fell away, watching Valerie's pupils flicker and dance. Surprise and desire. Warning and welcome.

"Diane," Valerie murmured, setting the coffee cup down blindly.

Diane pressed into her quickly, jerking open the tie on her own robe so that their bodies collided, skin to skin. "Just tell me that you're coming back." She worked her fingers into the tangled curls at Valerie's neck and bruised her lips over Valerie's mouth. "Tell me it wasn't just one night."

"One night? Oh no." Valerie angled her hips and spun Diane to the counter, caressing her breasts as she rocked against her. "No. So much more than that."

"God, I want you." Diane arched into Valerie's hands as she circled her tongue over Valerie's lips, tasting her heat. "I want to believe you."

"Believe me." Valerie lowered her head to pull a swollen nipple into her mouth. She licked and bit, then pressed her cheek over Diane's thundering heart. "Oh God, I have to go. I can't do this. I'm so sorry."

Gasping, Diane dragged Valerie's mouth away from her flesh. "I want you to go." At the devastation that flashed across Valerie's face, she shook her head vehemently. "No, darling. Just for now." She laughed weakly. "I can't imagine what they might do to you if you don't show up wherever it is you're going."

Valerie traced the curve of Diane's lower lip with her fingertips. "It's not quite as bad as you think. But I do have to go."

"All right." Diane kissed her softly and pushed her carefully away. "I'll be expecting you."

Wednesday, September 19

Stark shifted her shoulders and eased Savard's head onto her chest.

"Sorry," Savard mumbled. "Fell asleep."

When Savard started to move away, Stark tightened her arm around her. "No. Go back to sleep." Even though it seemed that her lover's sleep was far from restful, if the small twitches and moans that accompanied it were any indication, Stark figured if the commander had ordered them both to take time off, it was because she thought it was necessary. And she had to agree that the haunted expression in Renee's eyes and the dark circles beneath them warranted attention.

"Where are we?" Savard asked, closing her eyes and tucking her head beneath Stark's chin. She curled an arm around her waist as well, wanting her as close as possible. The nightmare separation in the hospital had nearly snapped the last strands of her control.

"About an hour from the Jacksonville airport." Stark tilted her cheek against the top of Savard's head.

"You have all your medicine, right?"

"Yep. All three vials," Stark assured her yet again. Savard had fretted about her ever since she'd left the hospital early that morning. Even though Stark was beyond the mandatory observation period, Savard remained agitated and hyper vigilant, as if she was afraid Stark would suddenly fall ill—or worse—if she let her guard down for a moment. "I'm not going to get sick, honey."

"I know that," Savard said quickly. "I know."

"You really think it's okay to spring me on your family?"

Eyes closed, comforted by Stark's steady heartbeat, Savard smiled and nodded drowsily. "They're going to love you, because they're going to be able to tell that I do."

"Is it okay if they can tell that I love you too?" Stark kissed the top of Savard's head, "Cause I sorta can't look at you without it showing."

Savard squeezed her eyes shut around sudden tears. Don't leave me. Please, I need you so much.

"Honey?" Stark rubbed her hand up and down Savard's back. When she got no response, she whispered, "It's okay. You just sleep."

Savard feigned sleep as she immersed herself in the scent and sense of her lover's body. Deep inside, a small corner of the void that had threatened to consume her from the inside out slowly filled with the certainty of love. Long moments later, as the pain and terror of her waking dreams relinquished a fraction of its paralyzing hold on her, she finally slept.

"Tanner's here already," Blair said excitedly, leaning across Cam to look out the side window of the Suburban.

Cam rubbed her hand along the center of Blair's spine, not yet believing that they were actually able to touch. They'd left the hospital and flown directly into Boston, where Felicia and Valerie awaited them with a Suburban borrowed from the local FBI field office. Hara was behind the wheel now with Wozinski riding shotgun. Felicia and Valerie sat across from them. Cam ducked her head to follow Blair's line of sight and brushed her lips over the rim of Blair's ear in passing.

"Careful," Blair murmured, squeezing Cam's leg just above her knee. "We have company."

"Missed you," Cam whispered, but she dutifully postponed the next kiss until they were alone. Even as part of her mind was absorbed with the feel of Blair against her body and the hint of honey that lingered from her shampoo, she scanned the large homes set well back from the narrow road on expansive, wooded lots, assessing the security of then-new base of operations. "She chose well."

"Last house on a cul-de-sac," Blair noted. "Situated on the high ground with the ocean behind. Limits the approach points and gives us a three hundred and sixty degree view."

"Very good. You'd make an excellent agent, Ms. Powell." When Blair snorted, Cam laughed and took her hand. "And according to the layout Tanner faxed us, the guesthouse where Felicia and Valerie will be staying is between the main house and the beach. We can secure the perimeter with our ordinary complement of agents."

"I'm so glad you approve, Commander." Blair quickly kissed Cam's cheek and jumped from the car almost before the Suburban had come to a halt.

Cam swore at the security breach and vaulted after her with Felicia and Valerie close behind. By the time they caught up to their charge and stationed themselves in a triangle with her in the middle, Blair had her arms wrapped around a black-haired, tightly muscled woman in a white T-shirt and khakis and was spinning her in a mad circle. Cam met Tanner Whitley's laughing dark eyes when Blair finally set her down. "Place looks good, Tanner."

Tanner, the heir to a corporate dynasty and the owner of Whitley Point, slung an arm around Blair's shoulder and grinned. "I had a feeling this would be the kind of place you needed. All the other houses on this lane are vacation homes, and this time of year they're unoccupied. You should have this corner of the island to yourselves."

"I appreciate it," Cam replied. Were it not for the gold wedding band on Tanner's left hand, her sensuous good looks and confident manner would have suggested she was still the playgirl she had long been reputed to be. Cam, however, had met her partner, Navy Captain Adrienne Pierce, and knew otherwise. While they talked, the other agents parked the vehicle beneath the carport on the side of the two-story cecfar beach house and moved off into the scrub to survey the surrounding dunes.

"I can have my team set up with yours, if you'd like," Tanner said, referring to the private security force she employed. The men and women on her personal detail had been with her company for many years, and each had passed a rigorous background check.

"I might take you up on that. For now, though, why don't you have them swing through the general area four or five times a day and report anything that appears unusual to me."

"Will do."

Blair squeezed Tanner's waist affectionately. "Thanks for doing this. I didn't expect to be gate-crashing again so soon." Barely a week before, she had fled the chaos in Manhattan to Whitley Point and the safety of her old school friend's private island. They had stayed less than twenty-four hours before a contingent of Marines had arrived by helicopter to transport her directly to the White House.

"It's no problem," Tanner said seriously. "I'm always glad to see you. And Adrienne will be happy to have a chance to talk to you this time too." Her angular features settled into a frown. "If things ease up at the base any time soon. They're still on high alert status. She hasn't been home much."

"This time we'll be staying for a while," Blair said with a sad smile. She was back, and—this time—homeless. Tanner had always been the kind of friend who never asked questions. She and Diane had been Blair's closest confidantes in prep school and had offered her their unconditional support ever since. When she had called Tanner and told her what she needed in terms of a place to stay, Tanner had simply said she'd take care of it. And she had. "You don't know how much this means to me."

"Hey. I'll take any excuse to get you out here." Tanner gave Blair's cheek a light kiss. "Come on. Let me show you around inside."

Cam watched the two women climb the stairs, arm in arm, and disappear inside after Tanner unlocked the door. Valerie joined her at the foot of the flagstone path that led to the house while Felicia left to unload gear from the Suburban.

"It looks like a good location," Valerie noted.

"I agree."

"Blair looks well. A little thin, perhaps."

"So far all the tests have been normal." Cam sighed. "Fazio has cutaneous lesions, though."

"Yes, I know." Valerie had read the update just that morning in the Central Intelligence Report—a summary of all pertinent intelligence data gathered by the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other agencies in the previous twenty-four hours. Of course, she had no way to determine just what data each organization volunteered—or held back—but any intel was better than nothing. "He had the most exposure, correct?"

"Yeah, and razor burns on his face, which was probably the route of infection. Captain Andrews says he'll probably make a full recovery. We got lucky."

"But you're still worried about Blair."

Cam said nothing.

"She's a very capable woman, Cameron. From what I hear, before you came along, she made eluding her security forces an art form. And nothing has ever happened to her."

"Someone almost gunned her down last week," Cam said, her eyes fixed on the door through which Blair had disappeared.

"But they didn't, and every other attempt has failed as well. You have a very good team here, and we're not going to let anything happen to her."

Cam looked away from the house and into Valerie's eyes. "Is that why you're here? To help protect Blair?"

Valerie smiled ruefully. "No, but since I am here, I intend to."

"Did you come straight up from Virginia?"

"Yes, why?" Valerie asked warily.

"I was wondering if you stopped in Manhattan."

"I'm afraid my schedule didn't leave room for side trips. And if it had, that would be personal." Valerie's voice held a distinct warning.

"Sorry, that was out of line." Cam puffed out a breath. "Everyone's just a little bit off balance, including me. Diane is Blair's best friend, and—"

"Cameron, I don't want to discuss Diane Bleeker."

Cam regarded Valerie thoughtfully, surprised at the faint tremor she'd heard in her voice, even though her beautiful face remained remote. "Okay. Like I said, I was out of line. Sorry."

"Apology accepted."

"As soon as I get Blair settled in, you, Felicia, and I need to debrief. I'll meet you in your quarters as soon as I can."

"We've got a lot of equipment to set up. I'm sure we'll have plenty to do." Valerie started along the narrow path that wound around the side of the house in the direction Felicia had taken to the guesthouse.


Valerie looked over her shoulder, a question in her eyes.

"Thanks for the assist with Blair's security."

"Don't mention it." With a soft smile, Valerie turned and walked away.

Cam watched until she disappeared, then climbed the wide wooden stairs to the house and went inside. "Blair?" She walked through the house to the kitchen. Hara stood on the rear deck. "All clear?"

"Tight and tidy," Hara replied. "It's a good site. Easy to cover."

"Good. Put Wozinski out front, and the second team can relieve you at eight."

"Already done, Commander."

"I know I'm not official at this point, but,.."

Hara shook her head. "We know who you are, Commander. Everyone in the Service does. We're happy to follow your orders."

Cam knew that Hara was referring to the fact that she'd taken a bullet meant for Blair, the ultimate act for a Secret Service agent. Others considered her a hero. She just considered herself damn lucky that Blair had not been hurt. "Thank you. I'll be with Ms. Powell."

"Yes, ma'am."

On her way upstairs, Cam passed Tanner coming down. "Thanks again."

Tanner grinned. "Don't mention it. Oh, and Blair told me to tell you to get your ass upstairs."

"Aha. Message received, then," Cam replied, taking the rest of the stairs two at a time. As she searched out her missing lover, she heard the front door close downstairs. She opened the only closed door on the ocean side of the house and stepped through into a spacious bedroom. Out of habit, she quickly swept the room, fixing the location of the windows and doors in her mind. The room was appointed with a king-sized bed, matching Mission oak dressers and bedside tables, and a reading chair and lamp. A wide cedar deck was visible through double sliding glass doors on the opposite side of the room. She redirected her survey to the bed. Blair reclined against the pillows, a crisp, snow-white sheet angled diagonally across her waist. She appeared to be naked. "I understand you were looking for me."

"I understand that you're a Secret Service agent."

Cam reached behind her and flipped the lock with one hand. Her eyes on Blair's, she shrugged out of her jacket as she crossed with slow, deliberate strides to the side of the bed. "That's right."

"And exactly what does service imply?"

"Well now," Cam whispered, setting her weapon harness on the bedside table and kicking off her shoes, "that would be a secret, wouldn't it?"

"I'll never tell." Blair flicked the sheet aside and slid to the edge of the bed, where she extended a hand and grasped Cam's belt. "Stand still."

Cam looked down, watching through heavy lids as Blair deftly unbuckled her belt and pulled it through her belt loops in one swift motion. She sucked in air as Blair's fingers curved inside her waistband and released the button, then pulled down her fly. When Blair tugged her shirt free and leaned forward to put her mouth against Cam's stomach, Cam tilted her head back and groaned. Eyes closed, she spread her fingers in Blair's hair. "Baby. I've missed you."

"Take off your shirt," Blair murmured against Cam's skin, licking her way upward. "And get rid of these pants."

With trembling hands, Cam hurried to comply, stumbling on quickly weakening legs when Blair circled her navel. She put her hand to the back of Blair's head, stopping her dangerous explorations. "Jesus. Give me a minute here, will you?"

"Oh, I don't think so. It's been days." The instant Cam was naked, Blair wrapped both arms around Cam's hips and jerked her down into her arms. She nipped at Cam's neck with her teeth while insinuating one calf tightly around the back of Cam's thighs. "I'm ready to come right now."

Groaning, Cam kissed her throat, her jaw, her mouth. Tasting her after so many days of fear and worry was like finding a crystal pool in the heart of the desert. She drank, feasting, her hands roaming Blair's body, brushing over the peaks of her breasts, smoothing down her abdomen to dance along the inside of her thighs. She lingered inside her mouth, breathing her in, filling the dark places inside with her light. She pushed up until she could look into Blair's eyes. "I love you."

"These last few days—I thought I would scream if you didn't touch me soon." Blair's eyes were already hazy beneath trembling lids. "Don't let me come yet,"

"Let me up then, baby," Cam murmured, pulling away.

"Nooo," Blair protested, both hands on Cam's hips, pressing her sex hard against Cam's rigid thigh. The pressure against her hot, hard center tore a cry from her.

"You're going to come if you keep doing that," Cam warned halfheartedly. She wanted her to come. She slid two fingers around one tight nipple and squeezed.

Blair shuddered and groped blindly for Cam's hand, dragging it down her body and pushing it between her thighs. "Fuck me. God, Cam, fuck me now."

Cam curled an arm behind Blair's shoulders and pulled her tight against her body as she pushed inside her, knowing what would follow. Blair jolted in the circle of her arms, her head snapping back as she crashed into orgasm.

"Oh God oh God oh God," Blair keened.

"That's it, baby. That's it." Cam gloried in her responsiveness, loving the sheer, pure beauty of her passion. She drove deep, pulled out, and drove again, wanting to feel her—alive and vital, screaming out her pleasure in the safety of Cam's arms. She pushed her to another orgasm and started again.

Blair groped for Cam's wrist. "I can't...come...one more time."

Instantly, Cam stilled, keeping her hand inside as she pressed her face to the top of Blair's head. She tried to hide the tears that streaked her cheeks, but Blair knew. She always knew.

"Don't cry, darling. Don't cry." Blair pulled Cam's head to her breast and rocked her.

"I just need a minute to get myself together," Cam gasped, burying her face against Blair's neck. "Christ, Christ. I was so damned scared."

Blair's heart twisted, and she held her even more tightly. "You can have all the time you need. I'm not ever letting go. Not ever."


Chapter Twenty-two

When Cam opened her eyes, the room was dark. She lay on her back, Blair's head on her shoulder and their limbs entwined. Blair's breath was warm against her breast, and her heartbeat steady and strong. It took her another few seconds to realize that the hard knot of anxiety in the pit of her stomach that had been her constant companion for five days was gone. She ran her fingertips along the plane of Blair's shoulder blade, then over the curve of her shoulder and down her muscled arm. When she reached her hand, she traced each strong finger, seeing them as they held a brush—applying paint to canvas with swift sure strokes—feeling them on her body, bringing her to orgasm with equal grace.

"I love you," she whispered.

Blair tightened her hold and pressed a kiss to the hollow beneath Cam's collarbone. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I am." Cam cupped the back of Blair's neck lightly and spread her fingers into her hair, teasing the strands over the back of her hand. "I can't believe I fell asleep."

"I think I can take credit for that," Blair said, laughing softly.

"Oh," Cam mused. "I remember now. That was you, was it?"

Blair bit Cam's shoulder hard enough to make her wince. "I'd better be the only one making you come hard enough to fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon."

Cam kissed Blair's forehead. "You're the only one anytime, anyplace."

"That too." Blair circled her tongue over the red mark she'd left on Cam's skin. "You know, we've never talked about that."

"Monogamy?" Cam felt the slightest stirring of unease, but pushed it aside. Listen first, then react. In her ordinary dealings that wasn't difficult, but where Blair was concerned her heart tended to rule her head more often than not. "Should we?"


"Talk about it."

"Okay." Blair lifted up on an elbow and peered intently into Cam's face. "If I find out that you've slept with anyone else, I'll kick your ass from here to China."

"That's it?" Cam asked as Blair settled back into the curve of her body.


"Okay. As long as it goes both ways."


Cam went back to stroking Blair's hair. "Does that mean we're engaged?"

"Well, two people usually only get engaged if they're planning on getting married."

"I know that." Cam felt Blair grow very still against her. "We're going to be here a few weeks, at least, until we get a clear fix on what happened at the Aerie. There's always the possibility that the FBI or one of the other agencies will break it, but I'm working under the assumption that their resources are spread pretty thin and ours are totally focused."

"Meaning you've got the better shot at getting some answers."


"I don't mind staying here, since I don't exactly have a home to go to at the moment."

"When it's time to leave," Cam said quietly, "I'd like us to find a place where we can live together."

"Is Manhattan okay?" Blair unconsciously cupped Cam's breast, needing the physical intimacy while they strayed into emotional waters that were unknown to her. "I like being near Diane, and it's good for my work."

"Sure. Anyplace works for me."

"So are you proposing, Commander?"

"Yes." Cam lifted Blair's hand and kissed her palm. "Are you accepting?"

Blair shifted on top of her, resting on her forearms so she could look into Cam's eyes. "The media will have a field day."

"That's nothing new."

"Lucinda will probably have a heart attack."

Cam grinned. "Nothing new there, either."

"I want a really, really big wedding with lots of Washington pundits and dignitaries."

"Uh, okay."

Even in the moonlight, Blair could see Cam pale. She couldn't hold back her laughter. "I'm sorry. Just a few friends, my father and Lucinda, and Marcea and whomever you want, of course."


Blair drew in a sharp breath. "Whoever would have guessed I would have fallen for such a traditionalist."

"You weren't looking when I snuck up on you."

"Oh, I was looking." Blair kissed her, hard and long and deep, then drew away, murmuring her pleasure. "Why now?"

"This week...was hard," Cam said quietly. "I never questioned loving you—I think that started the first time I saw you. But now I know what it would feel like without you—really know. I don't ever want that." She touched Blair's face with her fingertips, and her hand was shaking. "This just feels right."

"Oh," Blair murmured before she brought her mouth to Cam's again. She poured her passion into Cam's body, with her mouth, with her tongue, with her hands streaking over her and, ultimately, into her. She didn't stop until Cam bowed underneath her and shook beneath the force of her devotions. Blair kept her head up, her eyes open, watching through lust-clouded eyes as Cam surrendered every defense, marveling at the trust she was gifted. As Cam came, Blair whispered, "I love you. Always."

Cam fought for breath as her arms and legs lay limp against the mattress, her head still reeling. She swallowed and found her voice. "Did you just say yes?"

"Mmm," Blair answered as she shifted upward, straddling Cam's shoulders and easing down toward her mouth. "I did."

"What are you going to tell your father?" Cam asked as she rummaged in her suitcase for a clean shirt,

Blair ran a comb through her damp hair and leaned against the bedpost, enjoying the sight of Cam, still nude after their shower. "That I'm crazy in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Cam straightened, a pale blue shirt, still in its plastic wrap from the dry cleaners, in her right hand. "Just like that?"

"Yep. What are you going to tell Marcea?"

"That you're the only woman for me and I want everyone to know it."

Blair put out an arm as Cam started toward her. "Don't come near me right now."

Cam raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"Well, you can if it's your intention to go right back to bed. Otherwise, keep your distance, because I seem to be in that gotta have you every second state of mind."

"I think that's probably a result of you being locked up for five days."

Blair's expression grew serious. "Jesus, I hated that. Thank God Stark was with me, and you could visit the last few days."

"Yeah, I think you even started to enjoy the pinochle." Cam shrugged into her shirt and crossed to Blair as she buttoned it. She kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry I have to leave tonight."

"You're not going anywhere, are you?" Blair asked quickly, catching Cam's hand.

"No." Cam searched Blair's face with worried eyes. "Hey. I'm just going down to brief with Felicia and Valerie. You okay?"

Blair laughed shakily. "I hate feeling dependent almost as much as I hate being locked up. I just...I just need you around right now."

Cam cupped Blair's face between her palms and kissed her softly on the mouth. "I'm not going anywhere." She kissed her again. "And just in case you were wondering, I need you around right now too."

"If I could just feel like my life is at least heading back toward normal."

"I'm going to be spending a lot of time coordinating this search, working out of the command center we've set up in the guesthouse." Cam stepped into her trousers. "It will probably get intense."

"I know. I expected that. Hopefully, I'll be able to paint."

"And Tanner will be around, for company."

Blair nodded. "I love Tanner. And Adrienne. But I was wondering..."

"What?" Cam asked, pulling on her holster.

"There is one thing you can do for me before you leave tonight." Blair reached down and retrieved Cam's belt from the floor, then handed it to her.

"Thanks. What is it?"

Blair told her, and Cam nodded. It was going to cause complications. "Sure. If that's what you need, I'll take care of it."

"How's Mac doing?" Valerie asked as Felicia closed her cell phone.

The two women sat across from one another at a glass-and-chrome table in a makeshift office they had hastily assembled in the dining room of the spacious two-bedroom guesthouse. Through the patio doors the shoreline was visible one hundred yards away. A twisting path led from the wooden rear deck through low dunes to the sandy beach. Under other circumstances, it would be idyllic.

"They're feeding him, so that makes him happy." Felicia smiled softly. "He's been out of bed, but that's about it. It's going to take him a while to regain his strength, but he's young and in great shape."

"Your team took a battering."

Felicia pushed back from the table, stood, and walked to the far side of the room. She opened the patio doors and a brisk night breeze blew in. It was just after ten p.m. "Do you mind?"

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1147

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