At the beginning of the Congress of Vienna of his key players had nearly quarreled among themselves over the division of the land in Europe, which they regarded as their rightful reward for his contribution to the victory over Napoleon.
Actively sought to satisfy its territorial claims of Russia, which played a crucial role in the final stages of the Napoleonic Wars. She demanded that other countries recognize the legality of accession to it in 1809 Finland and in 1812 - Bessarabia. The difficulty of the issue was the fact that all these acquisitions were made with the approval of Napoleonic France, with which Russia at that time was in union relations. But most importantly, Russia laid claim to the territory of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, established by Napoleon in 1807. Protested against this all the large states. Prussia and Austria - because in this case it was a question of the Polish lands that were ceded to these countries under contracts of XVIII century. The partition of Poland. Britain and France - because we believed that it would upset the balance of power in favor of Russia.
Sharp differences emerged between Austria and Prussia in connection with the intention to capture the last Saxony - a relatively small German state, whose only fault was that it was a staunch ally of Napoleon's France: Saxony continued to fight on her side, even if all its other allies have left.
In the end, Russia and Prussia were able to agree among themselves. Prussia, Russia has agreed to the transfer of the territory of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw in exchange for agreeing to support her claim of Saxony. But others have stubbornly refused to make any concessions.
The contradictions have reached such a pitch that seemed split between the former allies inevitable. January 3, 1815 Britain, France and the Austrian Empire concluded a secret military alliance, in fact directed against Russia and Prussia. In Europe, the smell of a new war.
Napoleon Bonaparte, who is closely following the political events, he decided to take advantage of a favorable moment to regain power in France. In March 1815 he escaped from the island of Elba, where he was sent after the abdication of the Allies, landed in France and tried to reclaim his throne. He was supported by the army and the general public, unhappy with the restoration of the Bourbons. Arriving in Paris, Napoleon took the Tuileries Palace, where just fled in panic Louis XVIII. Here he discovered accidentally left a copy of the secret treaty of the three powers. Delighted at his good fortune, Napoleon gave it to Alexander Ic hoping to drive a wedge between the countries of the former anti-French coalition. However, he underestimated the common sense of the Russian Emperor. Alexander by reading this document, limited ironic remark about the "weakness, frivolity and ambition" of the European monarchs. He did not relax his efforts to rebuild the anti-French coalition against Napoleon. According to him, rising from the ashes of Napoleon's Empire was far more dangerous for Russia than scheming allies.
13 (25) March 1815 UK, Austria, Russia and Prussia signed in Vienna a new union contract for the purpose of the war with Napoleon. Other European countries, including the government of Louis XVIII, were invited to join. In Europe, Russian troops were sent, but they did not have time to take part in the hostilities. The end came quickly: in the battle of June 18, 1815 at Waterloo in the Netherlands, Napoleon was defeated and re abdicated. At this time by agreement between the allies he was exiled to the ends of the earth, away from Europe - on the island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic, where he died in 1821.
Napoleon's attempt to regain the throne (known as the "Hundred Days") is very costly to France. 8 (20) November 1815 the Allies signed with her new peace treaty, in which it lost a number of forts on the eastern border, as well as Savoy and Nice, and has committed to pay 700 million francs. indemnity. In addition, for a period of 3 to 5 years subject to the occupation of France 150000th army of allies that she had and maintain.
These actions of Napoleon and the coverage of European courts fear of the "usurper" helped reduce conflicts between powers, have pushed them to the mutual concessions. As a result, Russia has received the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, Poznan remained as a part of Prussia, Galicia, Austria retained, and Krakow was declared a "free city". As a part of Russian Polish lands acquired the status of an autonomous Kingdom (kingdom) of Poland. In addition, the Congress of Vienna recognized the right of Russia to Finland and Bessarabia. In both cases, this was done in violation of the historical right. The territory of the Duchy of Warsaw had not belonged to Russia, and in the ethnically (language, religion), it had little to do with it. The same can be said of Finland, which has long had possession of the Swedish kings. As a part of Russia, it was an autonomous Grand Duchy (Duchy) of Finland.
In order to compensate for the loss of Finland, Sweden, as an active participant in the wars against Napoleonic France, won Norway. This country for several centuries was in union with Denmark. Than Denmark guilty to the Allies? The fact that until recently maintained an alliance with Napoleon, although the most ingenious European monarchs had with him in time to break up the relationship.
Was amicably settled the dispute between Prussia and Austria because of Saxony. Prussia eventually got part of Saxony, while counting on its entire territory. But against this strongly objected to Austria, which wanted to keep between themselves and Prussia small, as they said, a buffer state. According to the views of the time, the presence of small states along its borders was considered the major powers as the most important guarantee of their own security. Prussia was quite content with this decision controversial issue since received an additional large areas: Westphalia and the Rhineland in western Germany, part of the Polish lands, including Poznan and Thorn, and Swedish Pomerania and the island of Ruegen.
Austria did not stay in the offense. She brought back a part of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, as well as ownership of the Balkan Peninsula, previously selected by Napoleon. But the main reward for their contribution to the war against Napoleonic France, Austria has received in Northern Italy. There it since the beginning of the XVIII century. owned Lombardy (the capital of Milan). Now in addition to that it has received the territory of the Republic of Venice, including Dalmatia. Under the control of Austria were returned to the small states of central Italy - Tuscany, Parma, Modena, etc.
The small Kingdom of Sardinia (the capital of Turin), captured by the French back in the 90s of the XVIII century. Was restored as an independent state. He had been returned previously annexed by France, Savoy and Nice. In recognition of his services it received the territory of the Republic of Genoa, was abolished by the French at the time and had not recovered at the end of the Napoleonic wars.
The fate of the largest of the republics of the Middle Ages - the Genoese and Venetian - abolished by Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna restored at the end of the Napoleonic wars, and divided the Republic of the United Provinces (the Netherlands). Its territory, together with the Southern Netherlands, and Luxembourg joined the Kingdom of the Netherlands is quite large. This state did not exist before. Its territory in the XV century. belonged to the Duchy of Burgundy, in the XVI-XVIIIvv. - One by one Austrian, Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs again. Kingdom of the Netherlands was to serve as a buffer between France and the German states, who saw in it an additional guarantee of their security.
Common fate of these republics of the Middle Ages and early modern times only escaped the Swiss Confederation. Abolished the French Republic and restored by Napoleon as a protectorate, it was saved the Congress of Vienna and received the status of a neutral state.
The principle of legitimacy in its historical interpretation fully triumphed in Spain, where it was restored Bourbons, and in the south of Italy. In 1813, King of Naples, Murat, one of Napoleon's generals, who was married to his sister, broke with his father and joined the anti-French coalition, hoping to save the royal crown. The European powers for some time did not touch him. But when, during the "hundred days" Murat, Napoleon showed no eagerness in the fight against the "usurper", he was deposed, arrested and executed. And the kingdom of Naples was returned to the legitimate dynasty of the Bourbons (Spanish branch of the Bourbons), which ruled the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies with XVIIIveka.
European monarchs have decided not to restore the Holy Roman Empire of the German people. In fact, they made peace with many territorial changes that took place in Germany Napoleon. In particular, they do not meet the expectations of the rulers of hundreds abolished their small holdings. Most of them disappeared into between Austria, Prussia, or other larger German states.
At the Congress of Vienna was decided to form within the boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire a new confederation called the German Confederation. If the Holy Roman Empire of the relationship between the head (the emperor) and members of the Empire (individual states) were feudal in nature - the emperor was a lord, and the heads of individual states - his vassals - that the German alliance relationships between members of the confederation were built on the basis of the contract. It was signed by 34 of the monarchy and 4 free cities (Bremen, Hamburg, Lübeck and Frankfurt-am-Main). In accordance with that Treaty created the Diet (assembly), which is constantly met in Frankfurt. Each of the members of the German Confederation was represented in it by the delegates. Chairman of the Sejm was the Austrian representative. His decisions were taken unanimously. No executive agencies did not exist, as there was no independent budget. The members of the German Confederation retained the right to pursue an independent foreign policy and to sign any treaties with foreign countries, if they were not directed against members of the union.
German Federation inherited from the Holy Roman Empire a number of archaic features. Part of Prussia (East Prussia, Poznan) and the Austrian possessions (Hungary, Northern Italy, and others) were not part of the union. Meanwhile, participation in the union of Hanover (the hereditary possession of the kings of England), Holstein (German duchy was under the rule of Danish kings) and Luxembourg (owned by Dutch King) provided the opportunity for foreign countries to interfere in its affairs. As such, Germany existed until the mid XIXveka.
These solutions on territorial issues were mostly fixed in the Final Act of the Congress of Vienna. It also contained the Declaration on Freedom of river routes. As annexes adopted a Declaration on the prohibition of the slave trade and the position of ranks of diplomatic representatives.
But not all the issues of concern to states and discussed at the Congress, have been reflected in the Final Act. In particular, it did not mention the French and Dutch colonies seized during the war the United Kingdom. Eventually, she managed to retain the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea, the Cape Colony in southern Africa and the island of Ceylon.
Final (General) Act was signed on May 28 (June 9) in 1815 the representatives of Austria, Great Britain, Russia, France, Prussia, Sweden, Spain and Portugal. Later he was joined by all the other nations of Europe. His last signed in May 1820 Bavaria.
With regard to the political and ideological questions devices in Europe, the sovereigns assembled at the Congress of Vienna, have shown a certain willingness to take into account the spirit of the time and mood of people. Moreover, these qualities are demonstrated first Russian emperor. Alexander Ilichno let the desire of his "brothers", as it was customary to refer to one another among European monarchs to recover in Europe and in the countries absolutist order. It is strongly advised Louis XVIIIdat French people a liberal constitution, to keep that legislation under which the French have lived for the last quarter century. It must be said that Louis XVIIIposledoval this advice and "given" to his subjects a constitution - the Charter, which enshrines civil equality, the basic social, economic and political freedom. Up until the middle of the XIX century. Charter served as a model for liberal constitutions of many countries in Europe.
Even the King of Prussia at the Congress of Vienna has promised to introduce in the near future in the state constitution. However, the promise he did not fulfill. Only the Emperor of Austria and King of Spain stubbornly refused to be bound by such promises.
In the end, after the Congress of Vienna, the principle of constitutional government was more widespread than ever before. The monarchs of Europe were more liberal in their internal politics than Napoleon, this heir and executor of the revolution, which in the area of domestic policy proved to be a real tyrant. After the 1815 Constitution was in force not only in the UK (where previously there was still unwritten constitution, that is, a set of basic laws, policies procedures and practices that limit the power of the king), but also in France, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway. Shortly after the Congress of Vienna in the image and likeness of the Charter of the French Constitution have been introduced in a number of West African States (in Bavaria and Baden - in 1818, Wurttemberg - in 1819, Hesse-Darmstadt - in 1820, etc.). Alexander Idaroval constitution Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Finland, which enjoyed autonomy within the Russian Empire. The fight for the introduction of constitutions unfolded in Spain, Prussia, and the Italian states. However, it took another revolution of the early 20's in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, and the Revolution of 1830 and 1848-1849., That the principle of constitutional government was adopted by most European countries. However, after the Congress of Vienna, Europe was not an example of liberal, politically freer than before.