1. Write in detail about the Types of Press System in the Modern State. The oligopoly of the capitalist press system, The state controlled press system, People’s media.
Book (People and Power, pages 112-113)
2. Write an essay about the Modern Mass Media: Newspapers, Radio, News services, and wire services
Only facts in the books (no fairytales, please).
Book: (People and power, pages 115-120) and Intro to P.S. (Roskin), pages 154-157.
3. Write about “The Giant: Television”. Summarize shortly how TV affects News and Politics (nomination & apathy).
Intro to P.S. (Roskin), pages 157-165.
4. Please, explain how Media and Government are interrelated with each other. You can cover case studies: “Watergate and Iraq war”
Intro to P.S. (Roskin), pages 168-171.
5. Summarize please in detail the Roles foe the Media in a Democracy: Common carrier, watchdog, signaler, public representative.
Take a look at Slides
6. Is the Media Biased? What are the Types of the BIAS?
(slides 16 and 17, Media)
Chapter 9. Basic Institutions. Federal & Unitary
7. Explain in detail what the Unitary System means? Also explain the Cases of Decentralization in Unitary Systems? (Devolution in Britain, Decentralization in France, and Autonomy in Spain)
(Book PS, pages 241-243 and Slides 6-10, “the-basic-structures-of-government”)
8. Explain in detail what Federal System means? Pros and Cons of Federal Systems and Examples of them in the Book. (Ex-Soviet Federalism, Ex-Yugoslavia Federalism, and Canadian Federalism)
(Book PS, pages 244-248 and Slides 10-15, “the-basic-structures-of-government”)
9. What are the Six Principles of American Government? Explain six of them shortly, please.
10. What was Mark Twain’s story of “Burden shifting” about? Key Concepts.
(Book PS, pages 249)
Chapter 10. Branches of Government
11. What are the main Responsibilities (Roles) of the Executive? Explain them all in detail, please. (Head of State, Chief of government, Party chief, Commander in chief, Chief diplomat, Dispenser of appointments, Chief legislator.)
(Book PS, pages 279-281 and slide 6, “3 braches, Separation of power, & checks & balances”)
12. Briefly explain the Legislative Branch of US (responsibilities and both chambers)?
17. What is the Presidential System? What is the Parliamentary System?
(Slides 12-17 and Slides 19-26, “types of government, Presidential&Parlamentary”)
18. Explain some of the fundamental differences between Presidential and Parliamentary systems. (Head of State & Government, Length of term of Office of the executive, Cabinet, the Question period, Parliaments and Coalitions, Electoral Differences, Legislation)
(Book “People and Power”, pages 205-212)
19. What are the Disadvantages and Advantages of the Parliamentary System?
(Slides 25, “types of government, Presidential&Parlamentary”)
20. Presidents and Prime Ministers. Please, briefly, discuss some problems of theirs. (“Forming a government” in Britain, “Constructive no confidence” in Germany, “Cohabitation” in France, “Presidentialization” of prime ministers)