Article 191. Illegal Banking Activity
1. The exercise of banking activity (banking transactions) without registration or without a special permit (license), in cases in which such a permit (license) is obligatory, or in violation of terms of licensing, if this act inflicted a considerable damage upon a citizen, organisation, or the state, or if this act is associated with the extraction of income in a large amount, -
shall be punished by a fine in an amount from five hundred up to eight hundred monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period from five to eight months, or by imprisonment for a period up to three years with a fine in an amount up to fifty monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period up to one month, or without it.
2. The same act:
a) committed by an organised group;
b) associated with the extraction of profit in an especially large amount;
c) committed by a person who was earlier convicted for illegal banking activity or illegal entrepreneurship, -
shall be punished by imprisonment for a period from two to six months with forfeiture of property, or without it.
Article 192. Fraudulent Entrepreneurship
Fraudulent entrepreneurship, that is creation of a commercial organisation without the intent to exercise entrepreneurial or banking activity, which has a purpose of receiving loans, exemption from taxes, extraction of other material profit, or concealing prohibited activity, if such entrepreneurship caused a considerable damage to a citizen, organisation, or the state, -
shall be punished by a fine in an amount from two hundred up to five hundred monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period from two to five months, or by detention under arrest for a period up to six months, or by imprisonment for a period up to three years with a fine in an amount of up to fifty monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period up to one month, or without it.
Date: 2014-12-21; view: 1416