ANOMALOUS NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASES. 4 page susceptibility and the same fears. Sometimes she could tell the
approach of a storm by her nervous symptoms. Caligula, Augustus, Henry
III, and other celebrated personages, were overcome with fear during a
Mysophobia is a mild form of insanity characterized by a dread of the
contact of dirt. It was named by Hammond, whose patient washed her
hands innumerable times a day, so great was the fear of contamination.
These patients make the closest inspection of their toilet, their
eating and drinking utensils, and all their lives are intensely worried
by fear of dirt.
Hematophobia is a horror of blood, which seems to be an instinctive
sentiment in civilized man, but which is unknown among savages. When
the horror is aggravated to such an extent as to cause distressing
symptoms or unconsciousness, it takes the name of hematophobia. There
are many cases on record and nearly every physician has seen one or
more, possibly among his colleagues.
Necrophobia and thanatophobia are allied maladies, one being the fear
of dead bodies and the other the fear of death itself.
Anthropophobia is a symptom of mental disease consisting in fear of
society. Beard, Mitchell, Baillarger, and others have made observations
on this disease. The antithesis of this disease is called monophobia.
Patients are not able to remain by themselves for even the shortest
length of time. This morbid dread of being alone is sometimes so great
that even the presence of an infant is an alleviation. Gelineau cites
an instance in a man of forty-five which was complicated with
Bacillophobia is the result of abnormal pondering over bacteriology.
Huchard's case was in a woman of thirty-eight who, out of curiosity,
had secretly read the works of Pasteur, and who seemed to take
particular pleasure in conning over the causes of death in the
health-reports. Goyard mentions an instance in a Swiss veterinary
Kleptophobia, examples of which have been cited by Cullere, is the fear
of stealing objects in view, and is often the prelude of kleptomania.
The latter disease has gained notoriety in this country, and nearly
every large store has agents to watch the apparently growing number of
kleptomaniacs. These unfortunate persons, not seldom from the highest
classes of society, are unable to combat an intense desire to purloin
articles. Legal proceedings have been instituted against many, and
specialists have been called into court to speak on this question.
Relatives and friends have been known to notify the large stores of the
thieving propensities of such patients.
Le Grande du Saulle has given to the disease in which there is a morbid
doubt about everything done, the name folie de doute. Gray mentions a
case in a patient who would go out of a door, close it, and then come
back, uncertain as to whether he had closed it, close it again, go off
a little way, again feel uncertain as to whether he had closed it
properly, go back again, and so on for many times. Hammond relates the
history of a case in an intelligent man who in undressing for bed would
spend an hour or two determining whether he should first take off his
coat or his shoes. In the morning he would sit for an hour with his
stockings in his hands, unable to determine which he should put on
Syphilophobia is morbid fear of syphilis. Lyssophobia is a fear of
hydrophobia which sometimes assumes all the symptoms of the major
disease, and even produces death. Gelineau, Colin, Berillon, and others
have studied cases. In Berillon's case the patient was an artist, a
woman of brunet complexion, who for six years had been tormented with
the fear of becoming mad, and in whom the symptoms became so intense as
to constitute pseudobydrophobia. At their subsidence she was the victim
of numerous hallucinations which almost drove her to the point of
Spermatophobia has been noticed among the ignorant, caused or increased
by inspection of sensational literature, treatises on the subject of
spermatorrhea, etc. Ferre mentions a woman of thirty-six, of intense
religious scruples, who was married at eighteen, and lost her husband
six years afterward. She had a proposition of marriage which she
refused, and was prostrated by the humid touch of the proposer who had
kissed her hand, imagining that the humidity was due to semen. She was
several times overcome by contact with men in public conveyances, her
fear of contamination being so great. Zoophobia, or dread of certain
animals, has been mentioned under another chapter under the head of
idiosyncrasies. Pantophobia is a general state of fear of everything
and everybody. Phobophobia, the fear of being afraid, is another
coinage of the wordmakers. The minor 'phobias, such as pyrophobia, or
fear of fire; stasophobia, or inability to arise and walk, the victims
spending all their time in bed; toxicophobia or fear of poison, etc.,
will be left to the reader's inspection in special works on this
Demonomania is a form of madness in which a person imagines himself
possessed of the devil. Ancient records of this disease are frequent,
and in this century Lapointe reports the history of demonomania in
father, mother, three sons, and two daughters, the whole family, with
the exception of one son, who was a soldier, being attacked. They
imagined themselves poisoned by a sorceress, saw devils, and had all
sorts of hallucinations, which necessitated the confinement of the
whole family in an asylum for over a month. They continued free from
the hallucinations for two years, when first the mother, and then
gradually all the other members of the family, again became afflicted
with demonomania and were again sent to the asylum, when, after a
residence therein of five months, they were all sufficiently cured to
return home.
Particular aversions may be temporary only, that is, due to an existing
condition of the organism, which, though morbid, is of a transitory
character. Such, for instance, are those due to dentition, the
commencement or cessation of the menstrual function, pregnancy, etc.
These cases are frequently of a serious character, and may lead to
derangement of the mind. Millington relates the history of a lady who,
at the beginning of her first pregnancy, acquired an overpowering
aversion to a half-breed Indian woman who was employed in the house as
a servant. Whenever this woman came near her she was at once seized
with violent trembling; this ended in a few minutes with vomiting and
great mental and physical prostration lasting several hours. Her
husband would have sent the woman away, but Mrs. X insisted on her
remaining, as she was a good servant, in order that she might overcome
what she regarded as an unreasonable prejudice. The effort was,
however, too great, for upon one occasion when the woman entered Mrs.
X's apartment rather unexpectedly, the latter became greatly excited,
and, jumping from an open window in her fright, broke her arm, and
otherwise injured herself so severely that she was confined to her bed
for several weeks. During this period, and for some time afterward, she
was almost constantly subject to hallucinations, in which the Indian
woman played a prominent part. Even after her recovery the mere thought
of the woman would sometimes bring on a paroxysm of trembling, and it
was not till after her confinement that the antipathy disappeared.
Circular or periodic insanity is a rare psychosis. According to Drewry
reports of very few cases have appeared in the medical journals. "Some
systematic writers," says Drewry, "regard it as a mere subdivision of
periodic insanity (Spitzka). A distinguished alienist and author of
Scotland however has given us an admirable lecture on the subject. He
says: 'I have had under my care altogether about 40 cases of typical
folie circulaire.' In the asylum at Morningside there were, says Dr.
Clouston, in 800 patients 16 cases of this peculiar form of mental
disease. Dr. Spitzka, who was the first American to describe it, found
in 2300 cases of pauper insane four per cent to be periodic, and its
sub-group, circular, insanity. Dr. Stearns states that less than
one-fourth of one per cent of cases in the Hartford (Conn.) Retreat
classed as mania and melancholia have proved to be folie circulaire.
Upon examination of the annual reports of the superintendents of
hospitals for the insane in this country, in only a few are references
made to this as a distinct form of insanity. In the New York State
hospitals there is a regular uniform classification of mental diseases
in which 'circular (alternating) insanity' occupies a place. In the
report of the Buffalo Hospital for 1892, in statistical table No. 4,
'showing forms of insanity in those admitted, etc., since 1888,' out of
1428 cases, only one was 'alternating (circular) insanity.' In the St.
Lawrence Hospital only one case in 992 was credited to this special
class. In the institution in Philadelphia, of which Dr. Chapin is the
superintendent, 10,379 patients have been treated, only three of whom
were diagnosed cases of manie circulaire. Of the 900 cases of insanity
in the State Hospital at Danville, Pa., less than four per cent were
put in this special class. There are in the Central (Va.) State
Hospital (which is exclusively for the colored insane) 775 patients,
three of whom are genuine cases of circular insanity, but they are
included in 'periodic insanity.' This same custom evidently prevails in
many of the other hospitals for the insane."
Drewry reports three cases of circular insanity, one of which was as
"William F., a negro, thirty-six years old, of fair education, steady,
sober habits, was seized with gloomy depression a few weeks prior to
his admission to this hospital, in September, 1886. This condition came
on after a period of fever. He was a stranger in the vicinity and
scarcely any information could be obtained regarding his antecedents.
When admitted he was in a state of melancholic hypochondriasis; he was
the very picture of abject misery. Many imaginary ills troubled his
peace of mind. He spoke of committing suicide, but evidently for the
purpose of attracting attention and sympathy. On one occasion he said
he intended to kill himself, but when the means to do so were placed at
his command, he said he would do the deed at another time. The most
trivial physical disturbances were exaggerated into very serious
diseases. From this state of morbid depression he slowly emerged, grew
brighter, more energetic, neater in personal appearance, etc. During
this period of slow transition or partial sanity he was taken out on
the farm where he proved to be a careful and industrious laborer. He
escaped, and when brought back to the hospital a few weeks subsequently
he was in a condition of great excitement and hilarity. His expression
was animated, and he was, as it were, overflowing with superabundance
of spirit, very loquacious, and incessantly moving. He bore an air of
great importance and self-satisfaction; said he felt perfectly well and
happy, but abused the officers for keeping him 'confined unjustly in a
lunatic asylum.' It was his habit almost daily, if not interfered with,
to deliver a long harangue to his fellow-patients, during which he
would become very excited and noisy. He showed evidences of having a
remarkable memory, particularly regarding names and dates. (Unusual
memory is frequently observed in this type of insanity, says Stearns.)
He was sometimes disposed to be somewhat destructive to furniture,
etc., was neat in person, but would frequently dress rather
'gorgeously,' wearing feathers and the like in his hat, etc. He was not
often noisy and sleepless at night, and then only for a short time. His
physical health was good. This 'mental intoxication,' as it were,
lasted nearly a year. After this long exacerbation of excitement there
was a short remission and then depression again set in, which lasted
about fifteen months. At this time this patient is in the depressed
stage or period of the third circle. So, thus the cycles have
continuously repeated their weary rounds, and in all probability they
will keep this up 'until the final capitation in the battle of life has
taken place.'"
Katatonia, according to Gray, is a cerebral disease of cyclic symptoms,
ranging in succession from primary melancholia to mania, confusion, and
dementia, one or more of these stages being occasionally absent, while
convulsive and epileptoid symptoms accompany the mental changes.
It is manifestly impossible to enter into the manifold forms and
instances of insanity in this volume, but there is one case, seldom
quoted, which may be of interest. It appeared under the title, "A
Modern Pygmalion." It recorded a history of a man named Justin, who
died in the Bicetre Insane Asylum. He had been an exhibitor of wax
works at Montrouge, and became deeply impressed with the beautiful
proportions of the statue of a girl in his collection, and ultimately
became intensely enamored with her. He would spend hours in
contemplation of the inanimate object of his affections, and finally
had the illusion that the figure, by movements of features, actually
responded to his devotions. Nemesis as usual at last arrived, and the
wife of Justin, irritated by his long neglect, in a fit of jealousy
destroyed the wax figure, and this resulted in a murderous attack on
his wife by Justin who resented the demolition of his love. He was
finally secured and lodged in Bicetre, where he lived for five years
under the influence of his lost love.
An interesting condition, which has been studied more in France than
elsewhere, is double consciousness, dual personality, or, as it is
called by the Germans, Doppelwahrnehmungen. In these peculiar cases an
individual at different times seems to lead absolutely different
existences. The idea from a moralist's view is inculcated in
Stevenson's "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde." In an article on this subject
Weir Mitchell illustrated his paper by examples, two of which will be
quoted. The first was the case of Mary Reynolds who, when eighteen
years of age, became subject to hysteric attacks, and on one occasion
she continued blind and deaf for a period of five or six weeks. Her
hearing returned suddenly, and her sight gradually. About three months
afterward she was discovered in a profound sleep. Her memory had fled,
and she was apparently a new-born individual. When she awoke it became
apparent that she had totally forgotten her previous existence, her
parents, her country, and the house where she lived. She might be
compared to an immature child. It was necessary to recommence her
education. She was taught to write, and wrote from right to left, as in
the Semitic languages. She had only five or six words at her
command--mere reflexes of articulation which were to her devoid of
meaning. The labor of re-education, conducted methodically, lasted from
seven to eight weeks. Her character had experienced as great a change
as her memory; timid to excess in the first state, she became gay,
unreserved, boisterous, daring, even to rashness. She strolled through
the woods and the mountains, attracted by the dangers of the wild
country in which she lived. Then she had a fresh attack of sleep, and
returned to her first condition; she recalled all the memories and
again assumed a melancholy character, which seemed to be aggravated. No
conscious memory of the second state existed. A new attack brought back
the second state, with the phenomenon of consciousness which
accompanied it the first time. The patient passed successively a great
many times from one of these states to the other. These repeated
changes stretched over a period of sixteen years. At the end of that
time the variations ceased. The patient was then thirty-six years of
age; she lived in a mixed state, but more closely resembling the second
than the first; her character was neither sad nor boisterous, but more
reasonable. She died at the age of sixty-five years.
The second case was that of an itinerant Methodist minister named
Bourne, living in Rhode Island, who one day left his home and found
himself, or rather his second self, in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Having
a little money, he bought a small stock in trade, and instead of being
a minister of the gospel under the Methodist persuasion, he kept a
candy shop under the name of A. J. Brown, paid his rent regularly, and
acted like other people. At last, in the middle of the night, he awoke
to his former consciousness, and finding himself in a strange place,
supposed he had made a mistake and might be taken for a burglar. He was
found in a state of great alarm by his neighbors, to whom he stated
that he was a minister, and that his home was in Rhode Island. His
friends were sent for and recognized him, and he returned to his home
after an absence of two years of absolutely foreign existence. A most
careful investigation of the case was made on behalf of the London
Society for Psychical Research.
An exhaustive paper on this subject, written by Richard Hodgson in the
proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, states that Mr.
Bourne had in early life shown a tendency to abnormal psychic
conditions; but he had never before engaged in trade, and nothing could
be remembered which would explain why he had assumed the name A. J.
Brown, under which he did business. He had, however, been hypnotized
when young and made to assume various characters on the stage, and it
is possible that the name A. J. Brown was then suggested to him, the
name resting in his memory, to be revived and resumed when he again
went into a hypnotic trance.
Alfred Binet describes a case somewhat similar to that of Mary
Reynolds: "Felida, a seamstress, from 1858 up to the present time (she
is still living) has been under the care of a physician named Azam in
Bordeaux. Her normal, or at least her usual, disposition when he first
met her was one of melancholy and disinclination to talk, conjoined
with eagerness for work. Nevertheless her actions and her answers to
all questions were found to be perfectly rational. Almost every day she
passed into a second state. Suddenly and without the slightest
premonition save a violent pain in the temples she would fall into a
profound slumber-like languor, from which she would awake in a few
moments a totally different being. She was now as gay and cheery as she
had formerly been morose. Her imagination was over-excited. Instead of
being indifferent to everything, she had become alive to excess. In
this state she remembered everything that had happened in the other
similar states that had preceded it, and also during her normal life.
But when at the end of an hour or two the languor reappeared, and she
returned to her normal melancholy state, she could not recall anything
that had happened in her second, or joyous, stage. One day, just after
passing into the second stage, she attended the funeral of an
acquaintance. Returning in a cab she felt the period coming on which
she calls her crisis (normal state). She dozed several seconds, without
attracting the attention of the ladies who were in the cab, and awoke
in the other state, absolutely at a loss to know why she was in a
mourning carriage with people who, according to custom, were praising
the qualities of a deceased person whose name she did not even know.
Accustomed to such positions, she waited; by adroit questions she
managed to understand the situation, and no one suspected what had
happened. Once when in her abnormal condition she discovered that her
husband had a mistress, and was so overcome that she sought to commit
suicide. Yet in her normal mind she meets the woman with perfect
equilibrium and forgetfulness of any cause for quarrel. It is only in
her abnormal state that the jealousy recurs. As the years went on the
second state became her usual condition. That which was at first
accidental and abnormal now constitutes the regular center of her
psychic life. It is rather satisfactory to chronicle that as between
the two egos which alternately possess her, the more cheerful has
finally reached the ascendant."
Jackson reports the history of the case of a young dry-goods clerk who
was seized with convulsions of a violent nature during which he became
unconscious. In the course of twenty-four hours his convulsions abated,
and about the third day he imagined himself in New York paying court to
a lady, and having a rival for her favors; an imaginary quarrel and
duel ensued. For a half-hour on each of three days he would start
exactly where he had left off on the previous day. His eyes were open
and to all appearances he was awake during this peculiar delirium. When
asked what he had been doing he would assert that he had been asleep.
His language assumed a refinement above his ordinary discourse. In
proportion as his nervous system became composed, and his strength
improved, this unnatural manifestation of consciousness disappeared,
and he ultimately regained his health.
A further example of this psychologic phenomenon was furnished quite
meetly at a meeting of the Clinical Society of London, where a well
known physician exhibited a girl of twelve, belonging to a family of
good standing, who displayed in the most complete and indubitable form
this condition of dual existence. A description of the case is as
"Last year, after a severe illness which was diagnosed to be
meningitis, she became subject to temporary attacks of unconsciousness,
on awakening from which she appeared in an entirely different
character. In her normal condition she could read and write and speak
fluently, and with comparative correctness. In the altered mental
condition following the attack she loses all memory for ordinary
events, though she can recall things that have taken place during
previous attacks. So complete is this alteration of memory, that at
first she was unable to remember her own name or to identify herself or
her parents. By patient training in the abnormal condition she has been
enabled to give things their names, though she still preserves a
baby-fashion of pronouncing. She sometimes remains in the abnormal
condition for days together and the change to her real self takes place
suddenly, without exciting surprise or dismay, and she forthwith
resumes possession of her memory for events of her ordinary life.
During the last month or two she appears to have entered on a new
phase, for after a mental blank of a fortnight's duration she awakened
completely oblivious of all that had happened since June, 1895, and she
alludes to events that took place just anterior to that date as though
they were of recent occurrence; in fact she is living mentally in July,
1895. These cases, though rare, are of course not infrequently met
with, and they have been carefully studied, especially in France, where
women appear more prone to neurotic manifestations. The hypothesis that
finds most favor is that the two halves of the brain do not work in
unison; in other words, that there has been some interference with the
connections which in the ordinary normal being make of a wonderful
composite organ like the brain one organic whole."
Proust tells a story of a Parisian barrister of thirty-three. His
father was a heavy drinker, his mother subject to nervous attacks, his
younger brother mentally deficient, and the patient himself was very
impressionable. It was said that a judge in a court, by fixing his gaze
on him, could send him into an abnormal state. On one occasion, while
looking into a mirror in a cafe, he suddenly fell into a sleep, and was
taken to the Charite where he was awakened. He suffered occasional loss
of memory for considerable lengths of time, and underwent a change of
personality during these times. Though wide awake in such conditions he
could remember nothing of his past life, and when returned to his
original state he could remember nothing that occurred during his
secondary state, having virtually two distinct memories. On September
23, 1888, he quarreled with his stepfather in Paris and became his
second self for three weeks. He found himself in a village 100 miles
from Paris, remembering nothing about his journey thereto; but on
inquiry he found that he had paid a visit to the priest of the village
who thought his conduct odd, and he had previously stayed with an
uncle, a bishop, in whose house he had broken furniture, torn up
letters, and had even had sentence passed upon him by a police court
for misdemeanor. During these three weeks he had spent the equivalent
of $100, but he could not recall a single item of expenditure. Davies
cites a remarkable case of sudden loss of memory in a man who, while on
his way to Australia, was found by the police in an exhausted condition
and who was confined in the Kent County Insane Asylum. He suffered
absolute loss of all memory with the exception of the names of two men
not close acquaintances, both of whom failed to recognize him in his
changed condition in confinement. Four months later his memory returned
and his identity was established.
In the Revue Philosophique for 1885 there are the details of a case of
a young man who seemed able to assume six states of what might be
fairly called different personalities. The memories attached to each of
these states were very different, though only one was completely
exclusive of the others. The handwriting varied from complete
competence to complete incompetence. His character varied between
childish timidity, courteous reserve, and reckless arrogance; and to
four of his conditions there was a form of hysteric paralysis attached.
Mere suggestion would not only induce any one of these varied forms of
paralysis, but also the memories, capacities, and characters habitually
accompanying it.
A young man named Spencer, an inmate of the Philadelphia Hospital, was
exhibited before the American Neurological Society in June, 1896, as an
example of dual personality. At the time of writing he is and has been
in apparently perfect health, with no evidence of having been in any
other condition. His faculties seem perfect, his education manifests
itself in his intelligent performance of the cleric duties assigned to
him at the hospital, yet the thread of continuous recollection which
connects the present moment with its predecessors--consciousness and
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