VI. Practise phonetic reading and translate the sentences from English into Russian.
1. On this night, he needed fresh air, time to think. The Duffy trial had consumed his weekend. He had spent hours buried in the law books looking for an answer, one that still eluded him. Aheated argument raged within. Why should he disrupt a properly tried case? Why should he declare a mistrial when nothing had gone wrong? No rules had been broken. No ethics violated. Nothing. In fact, with two fine lawyers doing battle the trial had sailed smoothly along. His research had revealed no similar case. (242)
2.Judge Gantry walked to the library, where Mr. Boone, Ike, and Theo were waiting. The long table that dominated the room was covered with books, maps, notepads, and gave the impression that a lot of work was under way. Everyone shook hands, said their hellos. There was some small talk about the weather, but with important matters looming the chitchat didn't last long.
"Needless to say," Judge Gantry said after they were all seated, "this little meeting is off the record. We're doing nothing wrong, mind you, since you're not involved in the case. But, I can hear a lot of questions being asked if word got out. Understood?" (246)
3. For reasons that I will not explain at this moment, I am declaring a mistrial."
There were gasps, jolts, shocked expressions from all corners of the courtroom. Theo was watching Pete Duffy, whose jaw dropped to his chest as he turned to Clifford Nance. The lawyers on both sides appeared to have been hit between the eyes, all staggering as they tried to understand what they had just heard. On the front row, directly behind the defense table, Omar Cheepe turned and looked straight at Theo, two rows back. He didn't stare, didn't look particularly menacing, but his timing said it all-"You did this. Iknowit. AndI'mnotfinished." (255)
4. The jurors were thoroughly bewildered, but some were beginning to understand that their civic duty was over. A bailiff herded them through a side door. As they shuffled out, Theo watched and admired Judge Gantry. At that moment, he, Theo, decided that he wanted to be a great judge, just like his hero up there on the bench. A judge who knew the law inside and out and believed in fairness, but, more importantly, a judge who could make the tough decision.(256)
5."What was his BAC?" "What?" "His blood alcohol content." "Oh, that. Does point zero nine sound right?""Yes. The limit is point zero eight, so he's in trouble. Firstoffense?" (260)
6."Some of the cops like to scare people. Your brother will not get ten days. He'll pay a fine of six hundred dollars, lose his license for six months, go to driving school, and a year from now his record can be expunged. Didhespendtheentirenightinjail?" (261)
VII. Comprehension check. Speak on the following using your active vocabulary.
Chapter 21
1. A heated argument raged within Judge Gantry.
2. Omar Cheepe and Paco are worried about the situation.
3. Judge Gantry meets with Mr. Boone, Ike, and Theo.
4. Judge Gantry speaks with the witness.
5. Bobby identifies Duffy.
Chapter 22
1.Monday morning and the final drama.
2. Judge Gantryis declaring a mistrial.
3. People were stunned and wanted more information.
4. Questions, questions…What puzzled and excited Theo.
5.Another satisfied client.
1. Is it difficult to be a judge? Is this profession dangerous?