MISCELLANEOUS SURGICAL ANOMALIES. 5 page days later. He was placed in an Asylum at Astino where, though closely
watched, he took advantage of the first opportunity and cut off
two-thirds of his penis, when the delirium subsided. Camp describes a
stout German of thirty-five who, while suffering from delirium tremens,
fancied that his enemies were trying to steal his genitals, and seizing
a sharp knife he amputated his penis close to the pubes. He threw the
severed organ violently at his imaginary pursuers. The hemorrhage was
profuse, but ceased spontaneously by the formation of coagulum over the
mouth of the divided vessels. The wound was quite healed in six weeks,
and he was discharged from the hospital, rational and apparently
content with his surgical feat.
Richards reports the case of a Brahman boy of sixteen who had
contracted syphilis, and convinced, no doubt, that "nocit empta dolore
voluptus," he had taken effective means of avoiding injury in the
future by completely amputating his penis at the root. Some days after
his admission to the hospital he asked to be castrated, stating that he
intended to become an ascetic, and the loss of his testes as well as of
his penis appeared to him to be an imperative condition to the
attainment of that happy consummation. Chevers mentions a somewhat
similar case occurring in India.
Sands speaks of a single man of thirty who amputated his penis. He
gave an incomplete history of syphilis. After connection with a woman
he became a confirmed syphilophobe and greatly depressed. While
laboring under the hallucination that he was possessed of two bodies he
tied a string around the penis and amputated the organ one inch below
the glans. On loosening the string, three hours afterward, to enable
him to urinate, he lost three pints of blood, but he eventually
recovered. In the Pennsylvania Hospital Reports there is an account of
a married man who, after drinking several weeks, developed mania a
potu, and was found in his room covered with blood. His penis was
completely cut off near the pubes, and the skin of the scrotum was so
freely incised that the testicles were entirely denuded, but not
injured. A small silver cap was made to cover the sensitive urethra on
a line with the abdominal wall.
There is a record of a tall, powerfully-built Russian peasant of
twenty-nine, of morose disposition, who on April 3d, while reading his
favorite book, without uttering a cry, suddenly and with a single pull
tore away his scrotum together with his testes. He then arose from the
bank where he had been sitting, and quietly handed the avulsed parts to
his mother who was sitting near by, saying to her: "Take that; I do not
want it any more." To all questions from his relatives he asked pardon
and exemption from blame, but gave no reason for his act. This patient
made a good recovery at the hospital. Alexeef, another Russian, speaks
of a similar injury occurring during an attack of delirium tremens.
Black details the history of a young man of nineteen who went to his
bath-room and deliberately placing his scrotum on the edge of the tub
he cut it crossways down to the wood. He besought Black to remove his
testicle, and as the spermatic cord was cut and much injured, and
hemorrhage could only be arrested by ligature, the testicle was
removed. The reason assigned for this act of mutilation was that he had
so frequent nocturnal emissions that he became greatly disgusted and
depressed in spirit thereby. He had practiced self-abuse for two years
and ascribed his emissions to this cause. Although his act was that of
a maniac, the man was perfectly rational. Since the injury he had had
normal and frequent emissions and erections.
Orwin mentions the case of a laborer of forty who, in a fit of remorse
after being several days with a prostitute, atoned for his
unfaithfulness to his wife by opening his scrotum and cutting away his
left testicle with a pocket knife. The missing organ was found about
six yards away covered with dirt. At the time of infliction of this
injury the man was calm and perfectly rational. Warrington relates the
strange case of Isaac Brooks, an unmarried farmer of twenty-nine, who
was found December 5, 1879, with extensive mutilations of the scrotum;
he said that he had been attacked and injured by three men. He swore to
the identity of two out of the three, and these were transported to ten
years' penal servitude. On February 13, 1881, he was again found with
mutilation of the external genitals, and again said he had been set
upon by four men who had inflicted his injury, but as he wished it kept
quiet he asked that there be no prosecution. Just before his death on
December 31, 1881, he confessed that he had perjured himself, and that
the mutilations were self-performed. He was not aware of any morbid
ideas as to his sexual organs, and although he had an attack of
gonorrhea ten years before he seemed to worry very little over it.
There is an account of a Scotch boy who wished to lead a "holy life,"
and on two occasions sought the late Mr. Liston's skilful aid in
pursuance of this idea. He returned for a third time, having himself
unsuccessfully performed castration.
A case of self-mutilation by a soldier who was confined in the
guard-house for drunkenness is related by Beck. The man borrowed a
knife from a comrade and cut off the whole external genital apparatus,
remarking as he flung the parts into a corner: "Any----fool can cut his
throat, but it takes a soldier to cut his privates off!" Under
treatment he recovered, and then he regretted his action.
Sinclair describes an Irishman of twenty-five who, maniacal from
intemperance, first cut off one testicle with a wire nail, and then the
second with a trouser-buckle. Not satisfied with the extent of his
injuries he drove a nail into his temple, first through the skin by
striking it with his hand, and then by butting it against the
wall,--the latter maneuver causing his death.
There is on record the history of an insane medical student in Dublin
who extirpated both eyes and threw them on the grass. He was in a state
of acute mania, and the explanation offered was that as a "grinder"
before examination he had been diligently studying the surgery of the
eye, and particularly that relating to enucleation. Another Dublin case
quoted by the same authority was that of a young girl who, upon being
arrested and committed to a police-cell in a state of furious
drunkenness, tore out both her eyes. In such cases, as a rule, the
finger-nails are the only instrument used. There is a French case also
quoted of a woman of thirty-nine who had borne children in rapid
succession. While suckling a child three months old she became much
excited, and even fanatical, in reading the Bible. Coming to the
passage, "If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, etc.," she was so
impressed with the necessity of obeying the divine injunction that she
enucleated her eye with a meat-hook. There is mentioned the case of a
young woman who cut off her right hand and cast it into the fire, and
attempted to enucleate her eyes, and also to hold her remaining hand in
the fire. Haslam reports the history of a female who mutilated herself
by grinding glass between her teeth.
Channing gives an account of the case of Helen Miller, a German Jewess
of thirty, who was admitted to the Asylum for Insane Criminals at
Auburn, N.Y., in October, 1872, and readmitted in June, 1875, suffering
from simulation of hematemesis. On September 25th she cut her left
wrist and right hand; in three weeks she became again "discouraged"
because she was refused opium, and again cut her arms below the elbows,
cleanly severing the skin and fascia, and completely hacking the
muscles in every direction. Six weeks later she repeated the latter
feat over the seat of the recently healed cicatrices. The right arm
healed, but the left showed erysipelatous inflammation, culminating in
edema, which affected the glottis to such an extent that tracheotomy
was performed to save her life. Five weeks after convalescence, during
which her conduct was exemplary, she again cut her arms in the same
place. In the following April, for the merest trifle, she again
repeated the mutilation, but this time leaving pieces of glass in the
wounds. Six months later she inflicted a wound seven inches in length,
in which she inserted 30 pieces of glass, seven long splinters, and
five shoe-nails. In June, 1877, she cut herself for the last time. The
following articles were taken from her arms and preserved: Ninety-four
pieces of glass, 34 splinters, two tacks, five shoe-nails, one pin, and
one needle, besides other things which were lost,--making altogether
about 150 articles.
"Needle-girls," etc.--A peculiar type of self-mutilation is the habit
sometimes seen in hysteric persons of piercing their flesh with
numerous needles or pins. Herbolt of Copenhagen tells of a young Jewess
from whose body, in the course of eighteen months, were extracted 217
needles. Sometime after 100 more came from a tumor on the shoulder. As
all the symptoms in this case were abdominal, it was supposed that
during an epileptic seizure this girl had swallowed the needles; but as
she was of an hysteric nature it seems more likely they had entered the
body through the skin. There is an instance in which 132 needles were
extracted from a young lady's person. Caen describes a woman of
twenty-six, while in prison awaiting trial, succeeding in committing
suicide by introducing about 30 pins and needles in the chest region,
over the heart. Her method was to gently introduce them, and then to
press them deeper with a prayer-book. An autopsy showed that some of
the pins had reached the lungs, some were in the mediastinum, on the
back part of the right auricle; the descending vena cave was
perforated, the anterior portion of the left ventricle was transfixed
by a needle, and several of the articles were found in the liver.
Andrews removed 300 needles from the body of an insane female. The
Lancet records an account of a suicide by the penetration of a
darning-needle in the epigastrium. There were nine punctures in this
region, and in the last the needle was left in situ and fixed by
worsted. In 1851 the same journal spoke of an instance in which 30 pins
were removed from the limbs of a servant girl. It was said that while
hanging clothes, with her mouth full of pins, she was slapped on the
shoulder, causing her to start and swallow the pins. There is another
report of a woman who swallowed great numbers of pins. On her death one
pound and nine ounces of pins were found in her stomach and duodenum.
There are individuals known as "human pin-cushions," who publicly
introduce pins and needles into their bodies for gain's sake.
The wanderings of pins and needles in the body are quite well known.
Schenck records the finding of a swallowed pin in the liver. Haller
mentions one that made its way to the hand. Silvy speaks of a case in
which a quantity of swallowed pins escaped through the muscles, the
bladder, and vagina; there is another record in which the pins escaped
many years afterward from the thigh. The Philosophical Transactions
contain a record of the escape of a pin from the skin of the arm after
it had entered by the mouth. Gooch, Ruysch, Purmann, and Hoffman speak
of needle-wanderings. Stephenson gives an account of a pin which was
finally voided by the bladder after forty-two years' sojourn in a
lady's body. On November 15, 1802, the celebrated Dr. Lettsom spoke of
an old lady who sat on a needle while riding in a hackney coach; it
passed from the injured leg to the other one, whence it was extracted.
Deckers tells of a gentleman who was wounded in the right
hypochondrium, the ball being taken thirty years afterward from the
knee. Borellus gives an account of a thorn entering the digit and
passing out of the body by the anus.
Strange as it may seem, a prick of a pin not entering a vital center or
organ has been the indirect cause of death. Augenius writes of a tailor
who died in consequence of a prick of a needle between the nail and
flesh of the end of the thumb. Amatus Lusitanus mentions a similar
instance in an old woman, although, from the symptoms given, the direct
cause was probably tetanus. In modern times Cunninghame, Boring, and
Hobart mention instances in which death has followed the prick of a
pin: in Boring's case the death occurred on the fifth day.
Manufacture of Crippled Beggars.--Knowing the sympathy of the world in
general for a cripple, in some countries low in the moral scale,
voluntary mutilation is sometimes practiced by those who prefer begging
to toiling. In the same manner artificial monstrosities have been
manufactured solely for gain's sake. We quite often read of these
instances in lay-journals, but it is seldom that a case comes under the
immediate observation of a thoroughly scientific mind. There is,
however, on record a remarkable instance accredited to Jamieson of
Shanghai who presented to the Royal College of Surgeons a pair of feet
with the following history: Some months previously a Chinese beggar had
excited much pity and made a good business by showing the mutilated
stumps of his legs, and the feet that had belonged to them slung about
his neck. While one day scrambling out of the way of a constable who
had forbidden this gruesome spectacle, he was knocked down by a
carriage in the streets of Shanghai, and was taken to the hospital,
where he was questioned about the accident which deprived him of his
feet. After selling the medical attendant his feet he admitted that he
had purposely performed the amputations himself, starting about a year
previously. He had fastened cords about his ankles, drawing them as
tightly as he could bear them, and increasing the pressure every two or
three days. For a fortnight his pain was extreme, but when the bones
were bared his pains ceased. At the end of a month and a half he was
able to entirely remove his feet by partly snapping and partly cutting
the dry bone. Such cases appear to be quite common in China, and by
investigation many parallels could elsewhere be found.
The Chinese custom of foot-binding is a curious instance of
self-mutilation. In a paper quoted in the Philadelphia Medical Times,
January 31, 1880, a most minute account of the modus operandi, the
duration, and the suffering attendant on this process are given.
Strapping of the foot by means of tight bandages requires a period of
two or three years' continuance before the desired effect is produced.
There is a varying degree of pain, which is most severe during the
first year and gradually diminishes after the binding of all the joints
is completed. During the binding the girl at night lies across the
bed, putting her legs on the edge of the bed-stead in such a manner as
to make pressure under the knees, thus benumbing the parts below and
avoiding the major degree of pain. In this position, swinging their
legs backward and forward, the poor Chinese girls pass many a weary
night. During this period the feet are unbound once a month only. The
operation is begun by placing the end of a long, narrow bandage on the
inside of the instep and carrying it over the four smaller toes,
securing them under the foot. After several turns the bandage is
reversed so as to compress the foot longitudinally. The young girl is
then left for a month, and when the bandage is removed the foot is
often found gangrenous and ulcerated, one or two toes not infrequently
being lost. If the foot is thus bound for two years it becomes
virtually dead and painless. By this time the calf disappears from lack
of exercise, the bones are attenuated, and all the parts are dry and
shrivelled. In after-life the leg frequently regains its muscles and
adipose tissue, but the foot always remains small. The binding process
is said to exert a markedly depressing influence upon the emotional
character of the subject, which lasts through life, and is very
To show how minute some of the feet of the Chinese women are, Figure I
of the accompanying plate, taken from a paper by Kenthughes on the
"Feet of Chinese Ladies" is from a photograph of a shoe that measured
only 3 1/4 inches anteroposteriorly. The foot which it was intended to
fill must have been smaller still, for the bandage would take up a
certain amount of space. Figure II is a reproduction of a photograph of
a foot measuring 5 1/2 inches anteroposteriorly, the wrinkled
appearance of the skin being due to prolonged immersion in spirit. This
photograph shows well the characteristics of the Chinese foot--the
prominent and vertically placed heel, which is raised generally about
an inch from the level of the great toe; the sharp artificial cavus,
produced by the altered position of the os calcis, and the downward
deflection of the foot in front of the mediotarsal joint; the straight
and downward pointing great toe, and the infolding of the smaller toes
underneath the great toe. In Figure III we have a photograph of the
skeleton of a Chinese lady's foot about five inches in anteroposterior
diameter. The mesial axis of the os calcis is almost directly vertical,
with a slight forward inclination, forming a right angle with the bones
in front of the mediotarsal joint. The upper three-quarters of the
anterior articular surface of the calcis is not in contact with the
cuboid, the latter being depressed obliquely forward and downward, the
lower portion of the posterior facet on the cuboid articulating with a
new surface on the under portion of the bone. The general shape of the
bone closely resembles that of a normal one--a marked contrast to its
wasted condition and tapering extremity in paralytic calcaneus.
Extension and flexion at the ankle are only limited by the shortness of
the ligaments; there is no opposition from the conformation of the
bones. The astragalus is almost of normal shape; the trochlea is
slightly prolonged anteriorly, especially on the inner side, from
contact with the tibial articular surface. The cartilage on the exposed
posterior portion of the trochlea seems healthy. The head of the
astragalus is very prominent on the outer side, the scaphoid being
depressed downward and inward away from it. The anterior articular
surface is prolonged in the direction of the displaced scaphoid. The
scaphoid, in addition to its displacement, is much compressed on the
planter surface, being little more than one-half the width of the
dorsal surface. The cuboid is displaced obliquely downward and forward,
so that the upper part of the posterior articular surface is not in
contact with the calcis.
A professional leg-breaker is described in the Weekly Medical Review of
St. Louis, April, 1890. This person's name was E. L. Landers, and he
was accredited with earning his living by breaking or pretending to
break his leg in order to collect damages for the supposed injury.
Moreover, this individual had but one leg, and was compelled to use
crutches. At the time of report he had succeeded in obtaining damages
in Wichita, Kansas, for a supposed fracture. The Review quotes a
newspaper account of this operation as follows.--
"According to the Wichita Dispatch he represented himself as a
telegraph operator who was to have charge of the postal telegraph
office in that city as soon as the line reached there. He remained
about town for a month until he found an inviting piece of defective
sidewalk, suitable for his purpose, when he stuck his crutch through
the hole and fell screaming to the ground, declaring that he had broken
his leg. He was carried to a hospital, and after a week's time, during
which he negotiated a compromise with the city authorities and
collected $1000 damages, a confederate, claiming to be his nephew,
appeared and took the wounded man away on a stretcher, saying that he
was going to St. Louis. Before the train was fairly out of Wichita,
Landers was laughing and boasting over his successful scheme to beat
the town. The Wichita story is in exact accord with the artistic
methods of a one-legged sharper who about 1878 stuck his crutch through
a coal-hole here, and, falling heels over head, claimed to have
sustained injuries for which he succeeded in collecting something like
$1500 from the city. He is described as a fine-looking fellow, well
dressed, and wearing a silk hat. He lost one leg in a railroad
accident, and having collected a good round sum in damages for it,
adopted the profession of leg-breaking in order to earn a livelihood.
He probably argued that as he had made more money in that line than in
any other he was especially fitted by natural talents to achieve
distinction in this direction. But as it would be rather awkward to
lose his remaining leg altogether he modified the idea and contents
himself with collecting the smaller amounts which ordinary fractures of
the hip-joint entitle such an expert 'fine worker' to receive.
"He first appeared here in 1874 and succeeded, it is alleged, in
beating the Life Association of America. After remaining for some time
in the hospital he was removed on a stretcher to an Illinois village,
from which point the negotiations for damages were conducted by
correspondence, until finally a point of agreement was reached and an
agent of the company was sent to pay him the money. This being
accomplished the agent returned to the depot to take the train back to
St. Louis when he was surprised to see the supposed sufferer stumping
around on his crutches on the depot platform, laughing and jesting over
the ease with which he had beaten the corporation.
"He afterward fell off a Wabash train at Edwardsville and claimed to
have sustained serious injuries, but in this case the company's
attorneys beat him and proved him to be an impostor. In 1879 he
stumbled into the telegraph office at the Union Depot here, when Henry
C. Mahoney, the superintendent, catching sight of him, put him out,
with the curt remark that he didn't want him to stick that crutch into
a cuspidor and fall down, as it was too expensive a performance for the
company to stand. He beat the Missouri Pacific and several other
railroads and municipalities at different times, it is claimed, and
manages to get enough at each successful venture to carry him along for
a year or eighteen months, by which time the memory of his trick fades
out of the public mind, when he again bobs up serenely."
Anomalous Suicides.--The literature on suicide affords many instances
of self-mutilations and ingenious modes of producing death. In the
Dublin Medical Press for 1854 there is an extraordinary case of
suicide, in which the patient thrust a red-hot poker into his abdomen
and subsequently pulled it out, detaching portions of the omentum and
32 inches of the colon. Another suicide in Great Britain swallowed a
red-hot poker. In commenting on suicides, in 1835, Arntzenius speaks of
an ambitious Frenchman who was desirous of leaving the world in a
distinguished manner, and who attached himself to a rocket of enormous
size which he had built for the purpose, and setting fire to it, ended
his life. On September 28, 1895, according to the Gaulois and the New
York Herald (Paris edition) of that date, there was admitted to the
Hopital St. Louis a clerk, aged twenty-five, whom family troubles had
rendered desperate and who had determined to seek death as a relief
from his misery. Reviewing the various methods of committing suicide
he found none to his taste, and resolved on something new. Being
familiar with the constituents of explosives, he resolved to convert
his body into a bomb, load it with explosives, and thus blow himself to
pieces. He procured some powdered sulphur and potassium chlorate, and
placing each in a separate wafer he swallowed both with the aid of
water. He then lay down on his bed, dressed in his best clothes,
expecting that as soon as the two explosive materials came into contact
he would burst like a bomb and his troubles would be over. Instead of
the anticipated result the most violent collicky pains ensued, which
finally became so great that he had to summon his neighbors, who took
him to the hospital, where, after vigorous application with the
stomach-pump, it was hoped that his life would be saved. Sankey
mentions an epileptic who was found dead in his bed in the Oxford
County Asylum; the man had accomplished his end by placing a round
pebble in each nostril, and thoroughly impacting in his throat a strip
of flannel done up in a roll. In his "Institutes of Surgery" Sir
Charles Bell remarks that his predecessor at the Middlesex Hospital
entered into a conversation with his barber over an attempt at suicide
in the neighborhood, during which the surgeon called the "would-be
suicide" a fool, explaining to the barber how clumsy his attempts had
been at the same time giving him an extempore lecture on the anatomic
construction of the neck, and showing him how a successful suicide in
this region should be performed. At the close of the conversation the
unfortunate barber retired into the back area of his shop, and
following minutely the surgeon's directions, cut his throat in such a
manner that there was no hope of saving him. It is supposed that one
could commit suicide by completely gilding or varnishing the body, thus
eliminating the excretory functions of the skin. There is an old story
of an infant who was gilded to appear at a Papal ceremony who died
shortly afterward from the suppression of the skin-function. The fact
is one well established among animals, but after a full series of
actual experiments, Tecontjeff of St. Petersburg concludes that in
this respect man differs from animals. This authority states that in
man no tangible risk is entailed by this process, at least for any
length of time required for therapeutic purposes. "Tarred and
feathered" persons rarely die of the coating of tar they receive. For
other instances of peculiar forms of suicide reference may be made to
numerous volumes on this subject, prominent among which is that by
Brierre de Boismont, which, though somewhat old, has always been found
trustworthy, and also to the chapters on this subject written by
various authors on medical jurisprudence.
Religious and Ceremonial Mutilations.--Turning now to the subject of
self-mutilation and self-destruction from the peculiar customs or
religious beliefs of people, we find pages of information at our
disposal. It is not only among the savage or uncivilized tribes that
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