We are not religious organizationThe human is formed by surrounding it lives in.
''If you live with wolves you will howl like the wolves'' (popular proverb)
It is impossible to rear morality, kindness and other positive qualities in the frames of current social system.
If you bind a dog to a chain and don't give it a food during a week, it will bite, bark and behave aggressive independently from its moral values and behavior it had before. The human will behave the same way.
If the competition, exploitation, scarcity, starvation, slavery, deficit, hated and other negative factors dominate in our society, it is obvious we will have only a bad and declined type of human with only negative features. The religious doctrines will never have effect on people if they live in such conditions.
We are not religious movement, but at the same time we are not antireligious movement. Everyone has a right to believe any religions he wants. But it is not allowed to obtrude some religion or atheism to others.
Leaderlessness and absence of dictatorship
Most movements which existed before were broken down after lose of the leader. Besides, such method is usually leads to blind agreement and following the leader by other members. People stop thinking and just worship to their idols.
The Zeitgeist Movement doesn't accept any leaders. Though it is accepted that Peter Joseph is a founder of The Zeitgeist Movement, most members treat him like just one of the activists. He is not a final institution in the process of taking decisions or disputes. The global administration has the same status, which has the same authority as other members. The only difference of administrators and coordinators of all levels is amount of experience and responsibilities in some spheres of activity of the movement.
Our goal is every member understands the ideas and can make an activism by himself. Such members will be able to attract other people to the activism also.
It is not important where an idea came from. Only its content has a worth
There is no statement more absurd than ''this is my idea''. Every idea is a result of symbiosis of many different knowledge the person received during his life. When you use a telephone, is it important who invented it? The person, who invented the telephone, received the knowledge of physic, mathematic, electronic and other subjects which are achievement of many different scientists who worked many time before he came to this world. Is it reasonable to say that invention of the telephone is a merit of only one person?
We are not juridical confirmed organization
Resource-based economy has nothing in common with communism
Communism has the money system, prisons, class division, human government and many other factors which contradict ideas of resource-based economy.
Action plan
(You can find more detailed plan in section ''Action'' of our official web-site www.thezeitgeistmovement.org.ua)
The work of activists of Ukrainian chapter consists of the following grades:
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 866