| I) A prevention of the technical development The progress of the civilization is constantly moving forward. Just recently, the mobile phones and computers were mystical wonders for us. But now, we have Internet almost in every house and mobile telephones are available even for pupil of the first from. Technologies are constantly developed and improved. As result, monotonous human labor is more and more replaced by robots. It is especially noticeable in industry. Those operations which were done by human are now fulfilled by robots and machines. Besides, they do this work much more efficient, productive and better. Human would never perform so fast and precise such operations like molding, soldering, painting, packing and others. The precision of performance of such operations is impressive. Besides, the robots don’t demand coffee brakes, the rest, holidays and so on.
If we consider the use of robotics from the point view of money profit, it is obvious that the robotics is more profitable than human labor. You don’t need to pay the salary to machine. It doesn’t ask a food and perform the work correctly and precisely. As the application of the machines brings the profit, their implication to the industry is obvious. But, we must not forget, when we apply the machine labor the human labor for monotonous work becomes inefficient and useless. Of course, we need some engineers to maintain these machines right now, but there is no doubt we will invent such robots which will be able to maintain, repair and reproduce another robots very soon. As result the need of human labor will disappear by itself.
When the machine replaces the human labor, people lose their jobs. When unemployment is rising, the payment ability of the population is going down. If the people are not able to receive a good salary they are not able to buy the products produced by machines. If nobody buys the products manufactured at the enterprises, these enterprises become the bankrupts and economy will collapse. As result we see the crisis in Spain and Greece. This crisis will spread around the planet. The mechanization level will rise. The unemployment level will rise also. Soon or later we will meet the collapse of the whole system that can be very painful for us.
When the machine replaces the human labor, people lose their jobs. When unemployment is rising, the payment ability of the population is going down. If the people are not able to receive a good salary they are not able to buy the products produced by machines. If nobody buys the products manufactured at the enterprises, these enterprises become the bankrupts and economy will collapse. As result we see the crisis in Spain and Greece. This crisis will spread around the planet. The mechanization level will rise. The unemployment level will rise also. Soon or later we will meet the collapse of the whole system that can be very painful for us.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1010