PHYSIOLOGIC AND FUNCTIONAL ANOMALIES. 13 page in the stomach, and continued vomiting, which he declared was ten times
as distressing as the symptoms caused by the ingestion of tartar
emetic. In about ten minutes after eating the flour the itching would
be greatly intensified, especially about the head, face, and eyes, but
tormenting all parts of the body, and not to be appeased. These
symptoms continued for two days with intolerable violence, and only
declined on the third day and ceased on the tenth. In the
convalescence, the lungs were affected, he coughed, and in
expectoration raised great quantities of phlegm, and really resembled a
phthisical patient. At this time he was confined to his room with
great weakness, similar to that of a person recovering from an
asthmatic attack. The mere smell of wheat produced distressing
symptoms in a minor degree, and for this reason he could not, without
suffering, go into a mill or house where the smallest quantity of wheat
flour was kept. His condition was the same from the earliest times, and
he was laid out for dead when an infant at the breast, after being fed
with "pap" thickened with wheat flour. Overton remarks that a case of
constitutional peculiarity so little in harmony with the condition of
other men could not be received upon vague or feeble evidence, and it
is therefore stated that Waller was known to the society in which he
lived as an honest and truthful man. One of his female neighbors, not
believing in his infirmity, but considering it only a whim, put a small
quantity of flour in the soup which she gave him to eat at her table,
stating that it contained no flour, and as a consequence of the
deception he was bed-ridden for ten days with his usual symptoms. It
was also stated that Waller was never subjected to militia duty because
it was found on full examination of his infirmity that he could not
live upon the rations of a soldier, into which wheat flour enters as a
necessary ingredient. In explanation of this strange departure from the
condition of other men, Waller himself gave a reason which was deemed
equivalent in value to any of the others offered. It was as follows:
His father being a man in humble circumstances in life, at the time of
his birth had no wheat with which to make flour, although his mother
during gestation "longed" for wheat-bread. The father, being a kind
husband and responsive to the duty imposed by the condition of his
wife, procured from one of his opulent neighbors a bag of wheat and
sent it to the mill to be ground. The mother was given much uneasiness
by an unexpected delay at the mill, and by the time the flour arrived
her strong appetite for wheat-bread had in a great degree subsided.
Notwithstanding this, she caused some flour to be immediately baked
into bread and ate it, but not so freely as she had expected The bread
thus taken caused intense vomiting and made her violently and painfully
ill, after which for a considerable time she loathed bread. These facts
have been ascribed as the cause of the lamentable infirmity under which
the man labored, as no other peculiarity or impression in her gestation
was noticed. In addition it may be stated that for the purpose of
avoiding the smell of flour Waller was in the habit of carrying camphor
in his pocket and using snuff, for if he did not smell the flour,
however much might be near him, it was as harmless to him as to other
The authors know of a case in which the eating of any raw fruit would
produce in a lady symptoms of asthma; cooked fruit had no such effect.
Food-Superstitions.--The superstitious abhorrence and antipathy to
various articles of food that have been prevalent from time to time in
the history of the human race are of considerable interest and well
deserve some mention here. A writer in a prominent journal has studied
this subject with the following result:--
"From the days of Adam and Eve to the present time there has been not
only forbidden fruit, but forbidden meats and vegetables. For one
reason or another people have resolutely refused to eat any and all
kinds of flesh, fish, fowl, fruits, and plants. Thus, the apple, the
pear, the strawberry, the quince, the bean, the onion, the leek, the
asparagus, the woodpecker, the pigeon, the goose, the deer, the bear,
the turtle, and the eel--these, to name only a few eatables, have been
avoided as if unwholesome or positively injurious to health and
"As we all know, the Jews have long had an hereditary antipathy to
pork. On the other hand, swine's flesh was highly esteemed by the
ancient Greeks and Romans. This fact is revealed by the many references
to pig as a dainty bit of food. At the great festival held annually in
honor of Demeter, roast pig was the piece de resistance in the bill of
fare, because the pig was the sacred animal of Demeter. Aristophanes in
'The Frogs' makes one of the characters hint that some of the others
'smell of roast pig.' These people undoubtedly had been at the festival
(known as the Thesmophoria) and had eaten freely of roast pig, Those
who took part in another Greek mystery or festival (known as the
Eleusinia) abstained from certain food, and above all from beans.
"Again, as we all know, mice are esteemed in China and in some parts of
India. But the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Jews abhorred mice and
would not touch mouse-meat. Rats and field-mice were sacred in Old
Egypt, and were not to be eaten on this account. So, too, in some parts
of Greece, the mouse was the sacred animal of Apollo, and mice were fed
in his temples. The chosen people were forbidden to eat 'the weasel,
and the mouse, and the tortoise after his kind.' These came under the
designation of unclean animals, which were to be avoided.
"But people have abstained from eating kinds of flesh which could not
be called unclean. For example, the people of Thebes, as Herodotus
tells us, abstained from sheep. Then, the ancients used to abstain from
certain vegetables. In his 'Roman Questions' Plutarch asks: 'Why do the
Latins abstain strictly from the flesh of the woodpecker?' In order to
answer Plutarch's question correctly it is necessary to have some idea
of the peculiar custom and belief called 'totemism.' There is a stage
of society in which people claim descent from and kinship with beasts,
birds, vegetables, and other objects. This object, which is a 'totem,'
or family mark, they religiously abstain from eating. The members of
the tribe are divided into clans or stocks, each of which takes the
name of some animal, plant, or object, as the bear, the buffalo, the
woodpecker, the asparagus, and so forth. No member of the bear family
would dare to eat bear-meat, but he has no objection to eating buffalo
steak. Even the marriage law is based on this belief, and no man whose
family name is Wolf may marry a woman whose family name is also Wolf.
"In a general way it may be said that almost all our food prohibitions
spring from the extraordinary custom generally called totemism. Mr.
Swan, who was missionary for many years in the Congo Free State, thus
describes the custom: 'If I were to ask the Yeke people why they do not
eat zebra flesh, they would reply, 'Chijila,' i.e., 'It is a thing to
which we have an antipathy;' or better, 'It is one of the things which
our fathers taught us not to eat.' So it seems the word 'Bashilang'
means 'the people who have an antipathy to the leopard;' the
'Bashilamba,' 'those who have an antipathy to the dog,' and the
'Bashilanzefu,' 'those who have an antipathy to the elephant.' In other
words, the members of these stocks refuse to eat their totems, the
zebra, the leopard, or the elephant, from which they take their names.
"The survival of antipathy to certain foods was found among people as
highly civilized as the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the Romans. Quite a
list of animals whose flesh was forbidden might be drawn up. For
example, in Old Egypt the sheep could not be eaten in Thebes, nor the
goat in Mendes, nor the cat in Bubastis, nor the crocodile at Ombos,
nor the rat, which was sacred to Ra, the sun-god. However, the people
of one place had no scruples about eating the forbidden food of another
place. And this often led to religious disputes.
"Among the vegetables avoided as food by the Egyptians may be mentioned
the onion, the garlic, and the leek. Lucian says that the inhabitants
of Pelusium adored the onion. According to Pliny the Egyptians relished
the leek and the onion. Juvenal exclaims: 'Surely a very religious
nation, and a blessed place, where every garden is overrun with gods!'
The survivals of totemism among the ancient Greeks are very
interesting. Families named after animals and plants were not uncommon.
One Athenian gens, the Ioxidae, had for its ancestral plant the
asparagus. One Roman gens, the Piceni, took a woodpecker for its totem,
and every member of this family refused, of course, to eat the flesh of
the woodpecker. In the same way as the nations of the Congo Free State,
the Latins had an antipathy to certain kinds of food. However, an
animal or plant forbidden in one place was eaten without any
compunction in another place. 'These local rites in Roman times,' says
Mr. Lang, 'caused civil brawls, for the customs of one town naturally
seemed blasphemous to neighbors with a different sacred animal. Thus
when the people of dog-town were feeding on the fish called
oxyrrhyncus, the citizens of the town which revered the oxyrrhyncus
began to eat dogs. Hence arose a riot.' The antipathy of the Jews to
pork has given rise to quite different explanations. The custom is
probably a relic of totemistic belief. That the unclean
animals--animals not to be eaten--such as the pig, the mouse, and the
weasel, were originally totems of the children of Israel, Professor
Robertson Smith believes is shown by various passages in the Old
"When animals and plants ceased to be held sacred they were endowed
with sundry magical or mystic properties. The apple has been supposed
to possess peculiar virtues, especially in the way of health. 'The
relation of the apple to health,' says Mr. Conway, 'is traceable to
Arabia. Sometimes it is regarded as a bane. In Hessia it is said an
apple must not be eaten on New Year's Day, as it will produce an
abscess. But generally it is curative. In Pomerania it is eaten on
Easter morning against fevers; in Westphalia (mixed with saffron)
against jaundice; while in Silesia an apple is scraped from top to
stalk to cure diarrhea, and upward to cure costiveness.' According to
an old English fancy, if any one who is suffering from a wound in the
head should eat strawberries it will lead to fatal results. In the
South of England the folk say that the devil puts his cloven foot upon
the blackberries on Michaelmas Day, and hence none should be gathered
or eaten after that day. On the other hand, in Scotland the peasants
say that the devil throws his cloak over the blackberries and makes
them unwholesome after that day, while in Ireland he is said to stamp
on the berries. Even that humble plant, the cabbage, has been invested
with some mystery. It was said that the fairies were fond of its
leaves, and rode to their midnight dances on cabbage-stalks. The German
women used to say that 'Babies come out of the cabbage-heads.' The
Irish peasant ties a cabbage-leaf around the neck for sore throat.
According to Gerarde, the Spartans ate watercress with their bread,
firmly believing that it increased their wit and wisdom. The old
proverb is, 'Eat cress to learn more wit.'
"There is another phase to food-superstitions, and that is the theory
that the qualities of the eaten pass into the eater. Mr. Tylor refers
to the habit of the Dyak young men in abstaining from deer-meat lest it
should make them timid, while the warriors of some South American
tribes eat the meat of tigers, stags, and boars for courage and speed.
He mentions the story of an English gentleman at Shanghai who at the
time of the Taeping attack met his Chinese servant carrying home the
heart of a rebel, which he intended to eat to make him brave. There is
a certain amount of truth in the theory that the quality of food does
affect the mind and body. Buckle in his 'History of Civilization' took
this view, and tried to prove that the character of a people depends on
their diet."
Idiosyncrasies to Drugs.--In the absorption and the assimilation of
drugs idiosyncrasies are often noted; in fact, they are so common that
we can almost say that no one drug acts in the same degree or manner on
different individuals. In some instances the untoward action assumes
such a serious aspect as to render extreme caution necessary in the
administration of the most inert substances. A medicine ordinarily so
bland as cod-liver oil may give rise to disagreeable eruptions.
Christison speaks of a boy ten years old who was said to have been
killed by the ingestion of two ounces of Epsom salts without inducing
purgation; yet this common purge is universally used without the
slightest fear or caution. On the other hand, the extreme tolerance
exhibited by certain individuals to certain drugs offers a new phase of
this subject. There are well-authenticated cases on record in which
death has been caused in children by the ingestion of a small fraction
of a grain of opium. While exhibiting especial tolerance from peculiar
disposition and long habit, Thomas De Quincey, the celebrated English
litterateur, makes a statement in his "Confessions" that with impunity
he took as much as 320 grains of opium a day, and was accustomed at one
period of his life to call every day for "a glass of laudanum negus,
warm, and without sugar," to use his own expression, after the manner a
toper would call for a "hot-Scotch."
The individuality noted in the assimilation and the ingestion of drugs
is functional as well as anatomic. Numerous cases have been seen by all
physicians. The severe toxic symptoms from a whiff of cocain-spray, the
acute distress from the tenth of a grain of morphin, the gastric crises
and profuse urticarial eruptions following a single dose of
quinin,--all are proofs of it. The "personal equation" is one of the
most important factors in therapeutics, reminding us of the old rule,
"Treat the patient, not the disease."
The idiosyncrasy may be either temporary or permanent, and there are
many conditions that influence it. The time and place of
administration; the degree of pathologic lesion in the subject; the
difference in the physiologic capability of individual organs of
similar nature in the same body; the degree of human vitality
influencing absorption and resistance; the peculiar epochs of life; the
element of habituation, and the grade and strength of the drug,
influencing its virtue,--all have an important bearing on untoward
action and tolerance of poisons.
It is not in the province of this work to discuss at length the
explanations offered for these individual idiosyncrasies. Many authors
have done so, and Lewin has devoted a whole volume to this subject, of
which, fortunately, an English translation has been made by Mulheron,
and to these the interested reader is referred for further information.
In the following lines examples of idiosyncrasy to the most common
remedial substances will be cited, taking the drugs up alphabetically.
Acids.--Ordinarily speaking, the effect of boric acid in medicinal
doses on the human system is nil, an exceptionally large quantity
causing diuresis. Binswanger, according to Lewin, took eight gm. in two
doses within an hour, which was followed by nausea, vomiting, and a
feeling of pressure and fulness of the stomach which continued several
hours. Molodenkow mentions two fatal cases from the external employment
of boric acid as an antiseptic. In one case the pleural cavity was
washed out with a five per cent solution of boric acid and was followed
by distressing symptoms, vomiting, weak pulse, erythema, and death on
the third day. In the second case, in a youth of sixteen, death
occurred after washing out a deep abscess of the nates with the same
solution. The autopsy revealed no change or signs indicative of the
cause of death. Hogner mentions two instances of death from the
employment of 2 1/2 per cent solution of boric acid in washing out a
dilated stomach The symptoms were quite similar to those mentioned by
In recent years the medical profession has become well aware that in
its application to wounds it is possible for carbolic acid or phenol to
exercise exceedingly deleterious and even fatal consequences. In the
earlier days of antisepsis, when operators and patients were exposed
for some time to an atmosphere saturated with carbolic spray, toxic
symptoms were occasionally noticed. Von Langenbeck spoke of severe
carbolic-acid intoxication in a boy in whom carbolic paste had been
used in the treatment of abscesses. The same author reports two
instances of death following the employment of dry carbolized dressings
after slight operations. Kohler mentions the death of a man suffering
from scabies who had applied externally a solution containing about a
half ounce of phenol. Rose spoke of gangrene of the finger after the
application of carbolized cotton to a wound thereon. In some cases
phenol acts with a rapidity equal to any poison. Taylor speaks of a man
who fell unconscious ten seconds after an ounce of phenol had been
ingested, and in three minutes was dead. There is recorded an account
of a man of sixty-four who was killed by a solution containing slightly
over a dram of phenol. A half ounce has frequently caused death;
smaller quantities have been followed by distressing symptoms, such as
intoxication (which Olshausen has noticed to follow irrigation of the
uterus), delirium, singultus, nausea, rigors, cephalalgia, tinnitus
aurium, and anasarca. Hind mentions recovery after the ingestion of
nearly six ounces of crude phenol of 14 per cent strength. There was a
case at the Liverpool Northern Hospital in which recovery took place
after the ingestion with suicidal intent of four ounces of crude
carbolic acid. Quoted by Lewin, Busch accurately describes a case which
may be mentioned as characteristic of the symptoms of carbolism. A boy,
suffering from abscess under the trochanter, was operated on for its
relief. During the few minutes occupied by the operation he was kept
under a two per cent carbolic spray, and the wound was afterward
dressed with carbolic gauze. The day following the operation he was
seized with vomiting, which was attributed to the chloroform used as an
anesthetic. On the following morning the bandages were removed under
the carbolic spray; during the day there was nausea, in the evening
there was collapse, and carbolic acid was detected in the urine. The
pulse became small and frequent and the temperature sank to 35.5
degrees C. The frequent vomiting made it impossible to administer
remedies by the stomach, and, in spite of hypodermic injections and
external application of analeptics, the boy died fifty hours after
Recovery has followed the ingestion of an ounce of officinal
hydrochloric acid. Black mentions a man of thirty-nine who recovered
after swallowing 1 1/2 ounces of commercial hydrochloric acid. Johnson
reports a case of poisoning from a dram of hydrochloric acid.
Tracheotomy was performed, but death resulted.
Burman mentions recovery after the ingestion of a dram of dilute
hydrocyanic acid of Scheele's strength (2.4 am. of the acid). In this
instance insensibility did not ensue until two minutes after taking the
poison, the retarded digestion being the means of saving life.
Quoting Taafe, in 1862 Taylor speaks of the case of a man who swallowed
the greater part of a solution containing an ounce of potassium cyanid.
In a few minutes the man was found insensible in the street, breathing
stertorously, and in ten minutes after the ingestion of the drug the
stomach-pump was applied. In two hours vomiting began, and thereafter
recovery was rapid.
Mitscherlich speaks of erosion of the gums and tongue with hemorrhage
at the slightest provocation, following the long administration of
dilute nitric acid. This was possibly due to the local action.
According to Taylor, the smallest quantity of oxalic acid causing death
is one dram. Ellis describes a woman of fifty who swallowed an ounce of
oxalic acid in beer. In thirty minutes she complained of a burning pain
in the stomach and was rolling about in agony. Chalk and water was
immediately given to her and she recovered. Woodman reports recovery
after taking 1/2 ounce of oxalic acid.
Salicylic acid in medicinal doses frequently causes untoward symptoms,
such as dizziness, transient delirium, diminution of vision, headache,
and profuse perspiration; petechial eruptions and intense gastric
symptoms have also been noticed.
Sulphuric acid causes death from its corrosive action, and when taken
in excessive quantities it produces great gastric disturbance; however,
there are persons addicted to taking oil of vitriol without any
apparent untoward effect. There is mentioned a boot-maker who
constantly took 1/2 ounce of the strong acid in a tumbler of water,
saying that it relieved his dyspepsia and kept his bowels open.
Antimony.--It is recorded that 3/4 grain of tartar emetic has caused
death in a child and two grains in an adult. Falot reports three cases
in which after small doses of tartar emetic there occurred vomiting,
delirium, spasms, and such depression of vitality that only the
energetic use of stimulants saved life. Beau mentions death following
the administration of two doses of 1 1/2 gr. of tartar emetic.
Preparations of antimony in an ointment applied locally have caused
necrosis, particularly of the cranium, and Hebra has long since
denounced the use of tartar emetic ointment in affections of the scalp.
Carpenter mentions recovery after ingestion of two drams of tartar
emetic. Behrends describes a case of catalepsy with mania, in which a
dose of 40 gr. of tartar emetic was tolerated, and Morgagni speaks of a
man who swallowed two drams, immediately vomited, and recovered.
Instances like the last, in which an excessive amount of a poison by
its sudden emetic action induces vomiting before there is absorption of
a sufficient quantity to cause death, are sometimes noticed. McCreery
mentions a case of accidental poisoning with half an ounce of tartar
emetic successfully treated with green tea and tannin. Mason reports
recovery after taking 80 gr. of tartar emetic.
Arsenic.--The sources of arsenical poisoning are so curious as to
deserve mention. Confectionery, wall-paper, dyes, and the like are
examples. In other cases we note money-counting, the colored candles of
a Christmas tree, paper collars, ball-wreaths of artificial flowers,
ball-dresses made of green tarlatan, playing cards, hat-lining, and
Bazin has reported a case in which erythematous pustules appeared after
the exhibition during fifteen days of the 5/6 gr. of arsenic. Macnal
speaks of an eruption similar to that of measles in a patient to whom
he had given but three drops of Fowler's solution for the short period
of three days. Pareira says that in a gouty patient for whom he
prescribed 1/6 gr. of potassium arseniate daily, on the third day there
appeared a bright red eruption of the face, neck, upper part of the
trunk and flexor surfaces of the joints, and an edematous condition of
the eyelids. The symptoms were preceded by restlessness, headache, and
heat of the skin, and subsided gradually after the second or third day,
desquamation continuing for nearly two months. After they had subsided
entirely, the exhibition of arsenic again aroused them, and this time
they were accompanied by salivation. Charcot and other French authors
have noticed the frequent occurrence of suspension of the sexual
instinct during the administration of Fowler's solution. Jackson speaks
of recovery after the ingestion of two ounces of arsenic by the early
employment of an emetic. Walsh reports a case in which 600 gr. of
arsenic were taken without injury. The remarkable tolerance of arsenic
eaters is well known. Taylor asserts that the smallest lethal dose of
arsenic has been two gr., but Tardieu mentions an instance in which ten
cgm. (1 1/2 gr.) has caused death. Mackenzie speaks of a man who
swallowed a large quantity of arsenic in lumps, and received no
treatment for sixteen hours, but recovered. It is added that from two
masses passed by the anus 105 gr. of arsenic were obtained.
In speaking of the tolerance of belladonna, in 1859 Fuller mentioned a
child of fourteen who in eighteen days took 37 grains of atropin; a
child of ten who took seven grains of extract of belladonna daily, or
more than two ounces in twenty-six days; and a man who took 64 grains
of the extract of belladonna daily, and from whose urine enough atropin
was extracted to kill two white mice and to narcotize two others. Bader
has observed grave symptoms following the employment of a vaginal
suppository containing three grains of the extract of belladonna. The
dermal manifestations, such as urticaria and eruptions resembling the
exanthem of scarlatina, are too well known to need mention here. An
enema containing 80 grains of belladonna root has been followed in five
hours by death, and Taylor has mentioned recovery after the ingestion
of three drams of belladonna. In 1864 Chambers reported to the Lancet
the recovery of a child of four years who took a solution containing
1/2 grain of the alkaloid. In some cases the idiosyncrasy to belladonna
is so marked that violent symptoms follow the application of the
ordinary belladonna plaster. Maddox describes a ease of poisoning in a
music teacher by the belladonna plaster of a reputable maker. She had
obscure eye-symptoms, and her color-sensations were abnormal. Locomotor
equilibration was also affected. Golden mentions two cases in which the
application of belladonna ointment to the breasts caused suppression of
the secretion of milk. Goodwin relates the history of a case in which
an infant was poisoned by a belladonna plaster applied to its mother's
breast and died within twenty-four hours after the first application of
the plaster. In 1881 Betancourt spoke of an instance of inherited
susceptibility to belladonna, in which the external application of the
ointment produced all the symptoms of belladonna poisoning. Cooper
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