PHYSIOLOGIC AND FUNCTIONAL ANOMALIES. 6 page reported by the older writers. Bartholinus mentions an instance after
the person had drunk too much wine. Fouquet mentions a person ignited
by lightning. Schrader speaks of a person from whose mouth and fauces
after a debauch issued fire. Schurig tells of flames issuing from the
vulva, and Moscati records the same occurrence in parturition,
Sinibaldust, Borellus, and Bierling have also written on this subject,
and the Ephemerides contains a number of instances.
In 1763 Bianchini, Prebendary of Verona, published an account of the
death of Countess Cornelia Bandi of Cesena, who in her sixty-second
year was consumed by a fire kindled in her own body. In explanation
Bianchini said that the fire was caused in the entrails by the inflamed
effluvia of the blood, by the juices and fermentation in the stomach,
and, lastly, by fiery evaporations which exhaled from the spirits of
wine, brandy, etc. In the Gentleman's Magazine, 1763, there is recorded
an account of three noblemen who, in emulation, drank great quantities
of strong liquor, and two of them died scorched and suffocated by a
flame forcing itself from the stomach. There is an account of a poor
woman in Paris in the last century who drank plentifully of spirits,
for three years taking virtually nothing else. Her body became so
combustible that one night while lying on a straw couch she was
spontaneously burned to ashes and smoke. The evident cause of this
combustion is too plain to be commented on. In the Lancet, 1845, there
are two cases reported in which shortly before death luminous breath
has been seen to issue from the mouth.
There is an instance reported of a professor of mathematics of
thirty-five years of age and temperate, who, feeling a pain in his left
leg, discovered a pale flame about the size of a ten-cent piece issuing
therefrom. As recent as March, 1850, in a Court of Assizes in Darmstadt
during the trial of John Stauff, accused of the murder of the Countess
Goerlitz, the counsel for the defense advanced the theory of
spontaneous human combustion, and such eminent doctors as von Siebold,
Graff, von Liebig, and other prominent members of the Hessian medical
fraternity were called to comment on its possibility; principally on
their testimony a conviction and life-imprisonment was secured. In 1870
there was a woman of thirty-seven, addicted to alcoholic liquors, who
was found in her room with her viscera and part of her limbs consumed
by fire, but the hair and clothes intact. According to Walford, in the
Scientific American for 1870, there was a case reported by Flowers of
Louisiana of a man a hard drinker, who was sitting by a fire surrounded
by his Christmas guests, when suddenly flames of a bluish tint burst
from his mouth and nostrils and he was soon a corpse. Flowers states
that the body remained extremely warm for a much longer period than
Statistics.--From an examination of 28 cases of spontaneous combustion,
Jacobs makes the following summary:--
(1) It has always occurred in the human living body.
(2) The subjects were generally old persons.
(3) It was noticed more frequently in women than in men.
(4) All the persons were alone at the time of occurrence.
(5) They all led an idle life.
(6) They were all corpulent or intemperate.
(7) Most frequently at the time of occurrence there was a light and
some ignitible substance in the room.
(8) The combustion was rapid and was finished in from one to seven
(9) The room where the combustion took place was generally filled with
a thick vapor and the walls covered with a thick, carbonaceous
(10) The trunk was usually the part most frequently destroyed; some
part of the head and extremities remained.
(11) With but two exceptions, the combustion occurred in winter and in
the northern regions.
Magnetic, Phosphorescent, and Electric Anomalies.--There have been
certain persons who have appeared before the public under such names as
the "human magnet," the "electric lady," etc. There is no doubt that
some persons are supercharged with magnetism and electricity. For
instance, it is quite possible for many persons by drawing a rubber
comb through the hair to produce a crackling noise, and even produce
sparks in the dark. Some exhibitionists have been genuine curiosities
of this sort, while others by skilfully arranged electric apparatus are
enabled to perform their feats. A curious case was reported in this
country many years ago, which apparently emanates from an authoritative
source. On the 25th of January, 1837, a certain lady became suddenly
and unconsciously charged with electricity. Her newly acquired power
was first exhibited when passing her hand over the face of her brother;
to the astonishment of both, vivid electric sparks passed from the ends
of each finger. This power continued with augmented force from the 25th
of January to the last of February, but finally became extinct about
the middle of May of the same year.
Schneider mentions a strong, healthy, dark-haired Capuchin monk, the
removal of whose head-dress always induced a number of shining,
crackling sparks from his hair or scalp. Bartholinus observed a similar
peculiarity in Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua. In another case luminous sparks
were given out whenever the patient passed urine. Marsh relates two
cases of phthisis in which the heads of the patients were surrounded by
phosphorescent lights. Kaster mentions an instance in which light was
seen in the perspiration and on the body linen after violent exertion.
After exertion Jurine, Guyton, and Driessen observed luminous urine
passed by healthy persons, and Nasse mentions the same phenomenon in a
phthisical patient. Percy and Stokes have observed phosphorescence in a
carcinomatous ulcer.
There is a description of a Zulu boy exhibited in Edinburgh in 1882
whose body was so charged with electricity that he could impart a shock
to any of his patrons. He was about six-and-a-half years of age,
bright, happy, and spoke English thoroughly well. From infancy he had
been distinguished for this faculty, variable with the state of the
atmosphere. As a rule, the act of shaking hands was generally attended
by a quivering sensation like that produced by an electric current, and
contact with his tongue gave a still sharper shock.
Sir Charles Bell has made extensive investigation of the subject of
human magnetism and is probably the best authority on the subject, but
many celebrated scientists have studied it thoroughly. In the Pittsburg
Medical Review there is a description of a girl of three and a half, a
blonde, and extremely womanly for her age, who possessed a wonderful
magnetic power. Metal spoons would adhere to her finger-tips, nose, or
chin. The child, however, could not pick up a steel needle, an article
generally very sensitive to the magnet; nor would a penny stick to any
portion of her body.
Only recently there was exhibited through this country a woman named
Annie May Abbott, who styled herself the "Georgia Electric Lady." This
person gave exhibitions of wonderful magnetic power, and invited the
inspection and discussion of medical men. Besides her chief
accomplishment she possessed wonderful strength and was a skilled
equilibrist. By placing her hands on the sides of a chair upon which a
heavy man was seated, she would raise it without apparent effort. She
defied the strongest person in the audience to take from her hand a
stick which she had once grasped. Recent reports say that Miss Abbott
is amusing herself now with the strong men of China and Japan. The
Japanese wrestlers, whose physical strength is celebrated the world
over, were unable to raise Miss Abbott from the floor, while with the
tips of her fingers she neutralized their most strenuous efforts to
lift even light objects, such as a cane, from a table. The
possibilities, in this advanced era of electric mechanism, make fraud
and deception so easy that it is extremely difficult to pronounce on
the genuineness of any of the modern exhibitions of human electricity.
The Effects of Cold.--Gmelin, the famous scientist and investigator of
this subject, says that man has lived where the temperature falls as
low as -157 degrees F. Habit is a marked factor in this endurance. In
Russia men and women work with their breasts and arms uncovered in a
temperature many degrees below zero and without attention to the fact.
In the most rigorous winter the inhabitants of the Alps work with bare
breasts and the children sport about in the snow. Wrapping himself in
his pelisse the Russian sleeps in the snow. This influence of habit is
seen in the inability of intruders in northern lands to endure the
cold, which has no effect on the indigenous people. On their way to
besiege a Norwegian stronghold in 1719, 7000 Swedes perished in the
snows and cold of their neighboring country. On the retreat from Prague
in 1742, the French army, under the rigorous sky of Bohemia, lost 4000
men in ten days. It is needless to speak of the thousands lost in
Napoleon's campaign in Russia in 1812.
Pinel has remarked that the insane are less liable to the effects of
cold than their normal fellows, and mentions the escape of a naked
maniac, who, without any visible after-effect, in January, even, when
the temperature was -4 degrees F., ran into the snow and gleefully
rubbed his body with ice. In the French journals in 1814 there is the
record of the rescue of a naked crazy woman who was found in the
Pyrenees, and who had apparently suffered none of the ordinary effects
of cold.
Psychologic Effects of Cold.--Lambert says that the mind acts more
quickly in cold weather, and that there has been a notion advanced that
the emotion of hatred is much stronger in cold weather, a theory
exemplified by the assassination of Paul of Russia, the execution of
Charles of England, and that of Louis of France. Emotions, such as
love, bravery, patriotism, etc., together with diverse forms of
excitement, seem to augment the ability of the human body to endure
Cold seems to have little effect on the generative function. In both
Sweden, Norway, and other Northern countries the families are as large,
if not larger, than in other countries. Cold undoubtedly imparts vigor,
and, according to DeThou, Henry III lost his effeminacy and love of
pleasure in winter and reacquired a spirit of progress and reformation.
Zimmerman has remarked that in a rigorous winter the lubberly Hollander
is like the gayest Frenchman. Cold increases appetite, and Plutarch
says Brutus experienced intense bulimia while in the mountains, barely
escaping perishing. With full rations the Greek soldiers under Xenophon
suffered intense hunger as they traversed the snow-clad mountains of
Beaupre remarks that those who have the misfortune to be buried under
the snow perish less quickly than those who are exposed to the open
air, his observations having been made during the retreat of the French
army from Moscow. In Russia it is curious to see fish frozen stiff,
which, after transportation for great distances, return to life when
plunged into cold water.
Sudden death from cold baths and cold drinks has been known for many
centuries. Mauriceau mentions death from cold baptism on the head, and
Graseccus, Scaliger, Rush, Schenck, and Velschius mention deaths from
cold drinks. Aventii, Fabricius Hildanus, the Ephemerides, and Curry
relate instances of a fatal issue following the ingestion of cold water
by an individual in a superheated condition. Cridland describes a case
of sudden insensibility following the drinking of a cold fluid. It is
said that Alexander the Great narrowly escaped death from a
constrictive spasm, due to the fact that while in a copious sweat he
plunged into the river Cydnus. Tissot gives an instance of a man dying
at a fountain after a long draught on a hot day. Hippocrates mentions
a similar fact, and there are many modern instances.
The ordinary effects of cold on the skin locally and the system
generally will not be mentioned here, except to add the remark of
Captain Wood that in Greenland, among his party, could be seen
ulcerations, blisters, and other painful lesions of the skin. In
Siberia the Russian soldiers cover their noses and ears with greased
paper to protect them against the cold. The Laplanders and Samoiedes,
to avoid the dermal lesions caused by cold (possibly augmented by the
friction of the wind and beating of snow), anoint their skins with
rancid fish oil, and are able to endure temperatures as low as -40
degrees F. In the retreat of the 10,000 Xenophon ordered all his
soldiers to grease the parts exposed to the air.
Effects of Working in Compressed Air.--According to a writer in
Cassier's Magazine, the highest working pressures recorded have been
close to 50 pounds per square inch, but with extreme care in the
selection of men, and corresponding care on the part of the men, it is
very probable that this limit may be considerably exceeded. Under
average conditions the top limit may be placed at about 45 pounds, the
time of working, according to conditions, varying from four to six
hours per shift. In the cases in which higher pressures might be used,
the shifts for the men should be restricted to two of two hours each,
separated by a considerable interval. As an example of heavy pressure
work under favorable conditions as to ventilation, without very bad
effects on the men, Messrs. Sooysmith & Company had an experience with
a work on which men were engaged in six-hour shifts, separated into two
parts by half-hour intervals for lunch. This work was excavation in
open, seamy rock, carried on for several weeks under about 45 pounds
pressure. The character of the material through which the caisson is
being sunk or upon which it may be resting at any time bears quite
largely upon the ability of the men to stand the pressure necessary to
hold back the water at that point. If the material be so porous as to
permit a considerable leakage of air through it, there will naturally
result a continuous change of air in the working chamber, and a
corresponding relief of the men from the deleterious effects which are
nearly always produced by over-used air.
From Strasburg in 1861 Bucuoy reports that during the building of a
bridge at Kehl laborers had to work in compressed air, and it was found
that the respirations lost their regularity; there were sometimes
intense pains in the ears, which after a while ceased. It required a
great effort to speak at 2 1/2 atmospheres, and it was impossible to
whistle. Perspiration was very profuse. Those who had to work a long
time lost their appetites, became emaciated, and congestion of the lung
and brain was observed. The movements of the limbs were easier than in
normal air, though afterward muscular and rheumatic pains were often
The peculiar and extraordinary development of the remaining special
senses when one of the number is lost has always been a matter of great
interest. Deaf people have always been remarkable for their acuteness
of vision, touch, and smell. Blind persons, again, almost invariably
have the sense of hearing, touch, and what might be called the senses
of location and temperature exquisitely developed. This substitution of
the senses is but; an example of the great law of compensation which we
find throughout nature.
Jonston quotes a case in the seventeenth century of a blind man who, it
is said, could tell black from white by touch alone; several other
instances are mentioned in a chapter entitled "De compensatione naturae
monstris facta." It must, however, be held impossible that blind people
can thus distinguish colors in any proper sense of the words. Different
colored yarns, for example, may have other differences of texture,
etc., that would be manifest to the sense of touch. We know of one case
in which the different colors were accurately distinguished by a blind
girl, but only when located in customary and definite positions. Le Cat
speaks of a blind organist, a native of Holland, who still played the
organ as well as ever. He could distinguish money by touch, and it is
also said that he made himself familiar with colors. He was fond of
playing cards, but became such a dangerous opponent, because in
shuffling he could tell what cards and hands had been dealt, that he
was never allowed to handle any but his own cards.
It is not only in those who are congenitally deficient in any of the
senses that the remarkable examples of compensation are seen, but
sometimes late in life these are developed. The celebrated sculptor,
Daniel de Volterre, became blind after he had obtained fame, and
notwithstanding the deprivation of his chief sense he could, by touch
alone, make a statue in clay after a model. Le Cat also mentions a
woman, perfectly deaf, who without any instruction had learned to
comprehend anything said to her by the movements of the lips alone. It
was not necessary to articulate any sound, but only to give the labial
movements. When tried in a foreign language she was at a loss to
understand a single word.
Since the establishment of the modern high standard of blind asylums
and deaf-and-dumb institutions, where so many ingenious methods have
been developed and are practiced in the education of their inmates,
feats which were formerly considered marvelous are within the reach of
all those under tuition To-day, those born deaf-mutes are taught to
speak and to understand by the movements of the lips alone, and the
blind read, become expert workmen, musicians, and even draughtsmen. D.
D. Wood of Philadelphia, although one of the finest organists in the
country, has been totally blind for years. It is said that he acquires
new compositions with almost as great facility as one not afflicted
with his infirmity. "Blind Tom," a semi-idiot and blind negro achieved
world-wide notoriety by his skill upon the piano.
In some extraordinary cases in which both sight and hearing, and
sometimes even taste and smell, are wanting, the individuals in a most
wonderful way have developed the sense of touch to such a degree that
it almost replaces the absent senses. The extent of this compensation
is most beautifully illustrated in the cases of Laura Bridgman and
Helen Keller. No better examples could be found of the compensatory
ability of differentiated organs to replace absent or disabled ones.
Laura Dewey Bridgman was born December 21, 1829, at Hanover, N.H. Her
parents were farmers and healthy people. They were of average height,
regular habits, slender build, and of rather nervous dispositions.
Laura inherited the physical characteristics of her mother. In her
infancy she was subject to convulsions, but at twenty months had
improved, and at this time had learned to speak several words. At the
age of two years, in common with two of the other children of the
family, she had an attack of severe scarlet fever. Her sisters died,
and she only recovered after both eyes and ears had suppurated; taste
and smell were also markedly impaired. Sight in the left eye was
entirely abolished, but she had some sensation for large, bright
objects in the right eye up to her eighth year; after that time she
became totally blind. After her recovery it was two years before she
could sit up all day, and not until she was five years old had she
entirely regained her strength. Hearing being lost, she naturally never
developed any speech; however, she was taught to sew, knit, braid, and
perform several other minor household duties. In 1837 Dr. S. W. Howe,
the Director of the Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind, took Laura in
charge, and with her commenced the ordinary deaf-mute education. At
this time she was seven years and ten months old. Two years later she
had made such wonderful progress and shown such ability to learn that,
notwithstanding her infirmities, she surpassed any of the pupils of her
class. Her advancement was particularly noticed immediately after her
realization that an idea could be expressed by a succession of raised
letters. In fact, so rapid was her progress, that it was deemed
advisable by the authorities to hold her back. By her peculiar
sensibility to vibration she could distinguish the difference between a
whole and a half note in music, and she struck the notes on the piano
quite correctly. During the first years of her education she could not
smell at all, but later she could locate the kitchen by this sense.
Taste had developed to such an extent that at this time she could
distinguish the different degrees of acidity. The sense of touch,
however, was exceedingly delicate and acute. As to her moral habits,
cleanliness was the most marked. The slightest dirt or rent in her
clothes caused her much embarrassment and shame, and her sense of
order, neatness, and propriety was remarkable. She seemed quite at home
and enjoyed the society of her own sex, but was uncomfortable and
distant in the society of males. She quickly comprehended the
intellectual capacity of those with whom she was associated, and soon
showed an affiliation for the more intelligent of her friends. She was
quite jealous of any extra attention shown to her fellow scholars,
possibly arising from the fact that she had always been a favorite. She
cried only from grief, and partially ameliorated bodily pain by jumping
and by other excessive muscular movements. Like most mutes, she
articulated a number of noises,--50 or more, all monosyllabic; she
laughed heartily, and was quite noisy in her play. At this time it was
thought that she had been heard to utter the words doctor, pin, ship,
and others. She attached great importance to orientation, and seemed
quite ill at ease in finding her way about when not absolutely sure of
directions. She was always timid in the presence of animals, and by no
persuasion could she be induced to caress a domestic animal. In common
with most maidens, at sixteen she became more sedate, reserved and
thoughtful; at twenty she had finished her education. In 1878 she was
seen by G. Stanley Hall, who found that she located the approach and
departure of people through sensation in her feet, and seemed to have
substituted the cutaneous sense of vibration for that of hearing. At
this time she could distinguish the odors of various fragrant flowers
and had greater susceptibility to taste, particularly to sweet and
salty substances. She had written a journal for ten years, and had also
composed three autobiographic sketches, was the authoress of several
poems, and some remarkably clever letters. She died at the Perkins
Institute, May 24, 1889, after a life of sixty years, burdened with
infirmities such as few ever endure, and which, by her superior
development of the remnants of the original senses left her, she had
overcome in a degree nothing less than marvelous. According to a
well-known observer, in speaking of her mental development, although
she was eccentric she was not defective. She necessarily lacked
certain data of thought, but even this feet was not very marked, and
was almost counterbalanced by her exceptional power of using what
In the present day there is a girl as remarkable as Laura Bridgman, and
who bids fair to attain even greater fame by her superior development.
This girl, Helen Keller, is both deaf and blind; she has been seen in
all the principal cities of the United States, has been examined by
thousands of persons, and is famous for her victories over infirmities.
On account of her wonderful power of comprehension special efforts have
been made to educate Helen Keller, and for this reason her mind is far
more finely developed than in most girls of her age. It is true that
she has the advantage over Laura Bridgman in having the senses of taste
and smell, both of which she has developed to a most marvelous degree
of acuteness. It is said that by odor alone she is always conscious of
the presence of another person, no matter how noiseless his entrance
into the room in which she may be. She cannot be persuaded to take food
which she dislikes, and is never deceived in the taste. It is, however,
by the means of what might be called "touch-sight" that the most
miraculous of her feats are performed. By placing her hands on the face
of a visitor she is able to detect shades of emotion which the normal
human eye fails to distinguish, or, in the words of one of her lay
observers, "her sense of touch is developed to such an exquisite extent
as to form a better eye for her than are yours or mine for us; and what
is more, she forms judgments of character by this sight." According to
a recent report of a conversation with one of the principals of the
school in which her education is being completed, it is said that since
the girl has been under his care he has been teaching her to sing with
great success. Placing the fingers of her hands on the throat of a
singer, she is able to follow notes covering two octaves with her own
voice, and sings synchronously with her instructor. The only difference
between her voice and that of a normal person is in its resonant
qualities. So acute has this sense become, that by placing her hand
upon the frame of a piano she can distinguish two notes not more than
half a tone apart. Helen is expected to enter the preparatory school
for Radcliffe College in the fall of 1896.
At a meeting of the American Association to Promote the Teaching of
Speech to the Deaf, in Philadelphia, July, 1896, this child appeared,
and in a well-chosen and distinct speech told the interesting story of
her own progress. Miss Sarah Fuller, principal of the Horace Mann
School for the Deaf, Boston, is credited with the history of Helen
Keller, as follows:--
"Helen Keller's home is in Tuscumbia, Ala. At the age of nineteen
months she became deaf, dumb, and blind after convulsions lasting three
days. Up to the age of seven years she had received no instruction. Her
parents engaged Miss Sullivan of the Perkins Institute for the Blind,
South Boston, to go to Alabama as her teacher. She was familiar with
methods of teaching the blind, but knew nothing about instructing deaf
children. Miss Sullivan called upon Miss Fuller for some instruction on
the subject. Miss Fuller was at that time experimenting with two little
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