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Vocabulary Practice

A. In pairs, find the adjectives the writer uses to describe the words in the list.

§ The islands

§ The sky

§ Wellington

§ The sea

§ The clouds

§ The mountains

§ The boats

§ The town

§ The people

The islands: remote, sister rocky, lofty

b. Explain the italic words the writer uses to refer to the senses. Which sense does each word refer to? Streamers murmur (hearing)


Active vocabulary


First (second) class cabin






Landing stage



quay [ki:]

To moor

To be sea-sick

To be (bad) good sailor

To weigh the anchor

captain’s bridge



Sailing ship


To cast the anchor

To raise the anchor

To be (lie) at the anchor


Exercise 1. With the words above make up dialogues on topic travelling by ship. Tell your group mates about your sea voyages, advantages and disadvantages. If you have never sailed, would you like to try?


Exercise 2. Put the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

The sinking of the Titanic is one of 1) the most famous (famous) shipwreck stories of all times. The Titanic was said to be 2) ______ (safe) ocean liner ____ the world. When it set sail, all the cabins were full, from _______ (expensive) to 4) ______ (cheap) ones on the lower deck. Some of 5) ______ (rich) people _____ the world set sail for America on one of 6) ______ (long) and 7) _________ (dangerous) crossings attempted by such a liner. The captain was one of 8) _____

(good) , but he made a big mistake which caused hundreds of deaths. As they sailed on, The going became 9) ________ (difficult). Suddenly the captain saw an iceberg ahead but, by then, it was too late to do anything. They sailed 10) _______ (close) until finally they hit it. Everyone rushed to the lifeboats. Some survived, but many died. The survivors said it was 11) _______ (frightening) experience ____ their lives and they felt like 12) ________ (lucky) people on earth to have survived.


SPEAKING: Do you consider travelling by ship or steamer dangerous means of transport? Take examples from history, the voyages of Titanic and Costa Concordia as sample. Watch 3 videos: Retracing Titanic, Titanic Memorial Cruise, Titanic Shipyard, they’ll help you to acquire some knowledge. Discuss these videos in small groups and make a summary.

Travelling on foot

Phrasal verbs with BE, COME, GET, GO, or TAKE


Exercise 1. Complete these sentences by adding the correct verb from the box. In some cases, you’ll need to change the tense or form of the verb.


Be about; be for; be like; come back; come from; come off; get back; get in; get up; go away; go on; go with; take back; take down; take off;


1. “There was a strange bird in the garden the other day.” “What wasit like?” “It was grey with long legs and a long beak.”

2. “Do you like my new green-and-white T-shirt?” “Well, it’s very nice, but it doesn’t really _________ your pink-and-orange trousers.”

3. I lost the key to my apartment, so I had to _________ through the window.

4. I bought a mobile phone, but it didn’t work, so I ________ it ____ to the shop and they gave me another one.

5. I asked my father where the babies __________, and he said “the Maternity Hospital”.

6. Leave my house at once, and never __________!”

7. As I was walking down the stairs, I met a man who wasn’t there. He wasn’t there again today: Oh, how I wish he’d _________!

8. “Right now, I am reading a book called Fermat’s Last Theorem.” “How interesting. What ______ it_______?” “I have no idea!”

9. If I invest in the Flat Earth Company, I’ll be lucky to _______my money ____, let alone make a profit.

10. We put up a poster to advertise our concert, but so many people complained about it that we had to ______ it_____.

11. There is the key on computer keyboards labeled ‘Alt Gr’, but nobody knows what it ___________!

12. They say a plane __________ from O’Hare Airport in Chicago every for seconds. It must be a very busy airport!

13. “I’d like to ask Michael for a date, but I am afraid he will say no.” “________, ask him. I know for a fact that he really likes you!”

14. I hit the stone while I was cycling, the wheel __________ and I went head over heels into the hedge!

15. I like to sleep late on Saturdays because I have to ________ so early during the week.


Listening: You will hear part of a radio feature on hiking across England on the Coast-to-Coast Walk. For questions 1-9, fill the gaps with a word or short phrase.

In order to shorten the walk, the speakers crossed some agricultural parts of the country by car, as they were 1)__________________. Whichever part of a map of England you look at, there will probably be a(n) 2)_______________ very nearby Wainwright felt that people enjoyed long-distance walks because of the 3)_____________ they offered. He thought the Coast-to-Coast Walk was better than the Pennine Way because of its 4)________________. In the mountains, visibility is sometimes excellent, but the scenery can very quickly become 5) ______________. Overnight accommodation is available at 6) ________________. Wainwright’s guide to the walk includes 7)_______________ and relevant parts of maps. When planning a route on this walk, detailed Ordnance Survey Maps are 8)______________. The majority of mountain ascent paths on the walk begin 9)_________________.


Exercise 2. The following words and definitions are given to you to expand your vocabulary and make your language diverse. Write short essay, describing one of your hiking experiences.


Ramble – to stroll about freely, as for relaxation, with no particular direction.

Proceed– to undertake and continue (something or to do something).

Roam– to travel or walk about with no fixed purpose or direction; wander.

Rove– 1) to wander about (a place) with no fixed direction; roam 2) (of the eyes) to look around; wander.

Trek – a long and often difficult journey.

Wander – 1) to move or travel about, in, or through (a place) without any definite purpose or destination; 2) to go astray, as from a path or course.

Stroll – to walk about in a leisurely manner.

Meander – 1) to follow a winding course 2) to wander without definite aim or direction.

Saunter – to walk in a casual manner; stroll.

Stray – 1) to wander away, as from the correct path or from a given area 2) to wander haphazardly.

Dawdle – to be slow or lag behind.

Arguments: Discuss the following statements in small groups. Are you for or against travelling on foot, why?


1. Even on holiday: cable railways, ski-lifts, roads to tops of mountains.

2. When travelling at high speeds present means nothing: life in future.

3. Traveller on foot: lives constantly in present

4. Typical twenty-first -century traveller: “I've been there.” Italy, Delhi, Paris; through at 100 miles an hour.



1. Foolish to climb a mountain when there's a railway or road up it

2. Travelling at high speeds is a pleasure in itself.

3. Travelling on foot: exhausting: you get nowhere fast

4. It's now possible to see many countries, meet people of all nationalities.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 2330

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